L'Dopterra 1: Homecoming - Chapter eleven

in #fiction5 years ago



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On the stasis deck, Alexis, David, Douglas, and Levi were huddled up in a corner of a break room. From their position they had a clear view of the front of the stasis pod and the main control room. The control panels were all lit up and humming.

Unlike the multi-purpose nature of every other deck on the ship, this one had one job: to store the sleeping bodies of every living person on the ship for 500 years while they traversed the empty space between the two planetary systems.

"Understood. Thank you, Jennifer."

Alexis pulled the communicator away from her face and explained to her group everything she had just been told. David was checking the bandages on Alexis' hands and reacted with shock to the news that another guide, a member of the political elite, was at the heart of every horrible thing that had happened to him and the rest of the crew that day.

Douglas, on the other hand, was concerned for Alexis. He stared at her while she explained what they needed to do, unsure how she was finding the strength to cope with what had happened. She had been through so much today, and he didn't know whether to be amazed or frightened by her resilience. In his short time in the military, he had witnessed many men and women fall from far lesser stresses.

Alexis elaborated on Jennifer's plan to keep Palmer and his crew away from Stasis while they moved the rest of the crew down and began assigning jobs for each of them.

"Once the sleep sequence is activated, it can't be stopped. If Palmer's group gets there before we do, we are out of options."

"Couldn't we just detach one of the decks and land?" Levi asked. "I know how to work the controls."

The ship was not just a ship. Its modular design was meant to act as the beginning of a community and its infrastructure. Each section was created to be completely self-sufficient, with its own short-range flight and landing capabilities. It would be a fully functional work and living space once on the planet.

"The only decks capable of landing with people on board are Flight, Barracks, and Quarters, and they have all been destroyed or damaged beyond repair," Douglas interjected. "If we tried to do that on any other deck, the turbulence would kill everyone except the pilot."

"Oh," Levi said, deflated.

"Levi," Alexis chimed in, "you've given me an idea."

"We need weapons," Douglas announced. "We know they’ve armed themselves. It would be crazy not to do the same."

David and Levi both snapped their heads toward Douglas, shocked at the suggestion.

At the height of the civil unrest back home, not long after the entire world's population had been told of the irreparable damage that had been done, every nation state, colony, and municipality on the planet had agreed to ban the manufacturing, sales, and possession of weapons as they worked together to prep for the mission. There were still times of violence, and people always found ways to do harm to each other, but for nearly 200 years not a single death or injury had been reported involving an object actually designed to do harm. Aside from Douglas, no one in the group had ever seen a true weapon.

"He's right." Alexis got to her feet. "While we're out there, look for anything you can to protect yourself—work knife, pipe, anything."

The group got up from the floor and headed for the door. Douglas peeked out, and after deciding it was clear, waved everyone through. They quickly moved through the main room and began scavenging for weapons and anything else they could use.

Douglas strapped a portable plasma cutter and welding torch to his back, David and Levi each grabbed some tools and box cutters. Alexis stood near the center of the room, staring up at the cloudy blue colossus that would soon wrap her up and keep her safe for landing.

"I guess I’ll see you soon."

* * * *

"It will take us at least an hour to get everyone inside," Jennifer announced as she checked over the data once more on her computer console. "I created a batch file that will give the last person five minutes to get situated before the automated system takes over."

"Is that enough time?" Salazar asked.

"All they need to do is plug the tablet into the console and sync, the program will do the rest," she answered. "Once that five minutes is up, the sleep sequence will start and no one will be able to get in or out."

As Salazar nodded in agreement, she finally received the long overdue call from Palmer. "Salazar," she said.

"I apologize for my tardiness," the voice began. "We apparently have rats in the walls."

Salazar was not entirely sure what he meant by that, but her curiosity was stifled by her need to let him know that she was on to him.

"Hello, Palmer."

"Huh... I honestly hoped I would get to surprise you later." He chuckled. "Have you considered my offer?"

"I have. I'm preparing the civilians now."

"I'm glad to hear it. You have one hour to get all non-military personnel to Agriculture," he said. "You, and only you, are the only politician I want to see when they get here."

"Why do you want me down there?" she said, feigning disinterest and suspicion. In fact, there was no place she'd rather be.

"You and I have something to discuss," he said, sounding amused by her perceived fear. “My men are clearing the rubble from the main stairway on Q3 for you now. I trust you can find your way."

"We will be there."

She turned to Jennifer, but before she could speak Jennifer jumped into action, getting all of the group leaders ready to move their people.

Salazar turned away and pinged Alexis.


"We just heard from Palmer. How close are you?"

"We've finished welding the grates above and below Agriculture," Alexis responded. "And David is sure he's figured out how they're getting back and forth between Mechanical and Agriculture."

"We will be down there in exactly one hour. Have Douglas meet us at the main stairwell on Q3." Salazar pulled the com away from her face for a short moment and then brought it back up. "And Alexis. Be careful."
