Pacific Rim: Uprising Reviewed

in #film7 years ago (edited)

Interested in seeing giant robots fight giant aliens? That's what I was interested when I went to see this movie. Unfortunately it lacked the vision of the first. After leaving the theater, what I really felt was disappointment, which surprised me. Literally all I wanted was a movie with Robots fighting Aliens, which happened, so why was I disappointed? As I thought on it, I realized. There were just so many plot holes handwaved for the sake of robots, which weren't even that cool this time around. The frequency of the fights was disppointing, the actual fights were disappointing. The only ones that were enjoyable were the beginning fights against Obsidian Fury, and it was all downhill from there. This movie featured disappointing fights, rushed unbelievable characters, and a weak story with a weak villain. It did still have cool robot fights, which raised the score a decent amount for me.

6.5/10, disappointing fights, few fights, weak plot and characters.


It is true. I just published a post with a videoreview that I uploaded yesterday to YouTube where we criticized the same points. Pacific Rim Uprising was an insult to Guillermo del Toro.

Check it: