5 Tips Every New Wonder Woman Fan Should Know

in #film7 years ago

This June brought with it the release of Wonder Woman, a film starring Gal Gadot as the iconic Detective Comics character who's been capturing reader's hearts since 1941. The blockbuster hit broke records for films directed by women and had an overwhelmingly female audience for opening weekend! The movie, directed by Patty Jenkins, earned more than Thor, Iron Man and Doctor Strange. Take that, Marvel.

But with all the buzz comes the exciting flood of brand new fans who probably never read a comic book about the Amazon Princess before, but fear not, this guide will help you comb through the vast fields of comic book issues starring Diana Prince. Here are five simple tips to start reading comic books!

  • Don't Start at the Beginning.

Well, start at the first page and issue. But don't go googling Wonder Woman's first appearance on paper. As cool as the vintage comic designs are, reading the outdated issues will most likely confuse you. Confusion could lead to giving up on the books all together! The 1941 Wonder Woman is vastly different from the one on screen. The film is based off the recent released books, somewhere in the New 52 and Rebirth.

Hard to follow? I'll explain.

DC comics periodcally 'reinvents' itself to keep up with the changing times. The New 52, launched in 2011 when DC comics cancelled all current running titles to start over again with completely new plot lines, is where most characters in the cinematic universe are taken from. It had massive amounts of fans and of course, haters. DC Rebirth happened in 2016, even more aligned with the cineamatic universe. Complicated. I know.

  • Visit a Comic Book Store.

Daunting, isn't it? Suddenly finding yourself surrounded by racks of issues and people with more knowledge in it all than you. Take advange of that! Ask an employee what they'd recommend for a read. You might even find another huge, nerdy Wonder Woman fan like yourself. Most comic book fans don't make fun of newcomers, but welcome them!

  • Think about what you'd want to read.

You don't have to like every story. Remember that in the end, reading comic books is supposed to be fun and not a chore. If you aren't into reading about Diana Prince killing Nazis with Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy and Batwoman, you don't have to read the DC Bombshells line. But I suggest you do, because it's amazing.

  • Google is your friend.

There are hundreds of comic books. Not everyone can possibly know them all immediately. Check out the Wonder Woman Wiki page. Read some facts. Check out different comic book previews to find what is best for you. There isn't a set issue everyone starts on. Just find a story that interests you, and stick to it until the end.

You'll realize you want to read more, and suddenly binge read an entire series in two days. It happens, trust me.

  • Have fun!

Don't pressure yourself to study a character like a answer sheet for a math test! It's fine if you don't know Superman and Wonder Woman dated (They did!) or she was banned for awhile due to her lack of clothes in 1942. Wonder Woman has a fasinating history and you'll be dying to know it all. From how her creator invented the lie detector test and that's the reason behind her Lasso of Truth, to how she fights for the poor, hungry and abused. Diana Prince might be the most interesting Superhero out there, and I whole heartedly agree!

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