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RE: Parasite & The Potential Decline in International Cinema

in #film4 years ago

I haven't seen parasite yet, but I think that you are wrong. From what I can tell, people are mostly shocked that it speaks of similar topics as the "Joker" movie and how is it possible that two films from different sides of the globe are addressing the same issues. I don't think that it will happen again. This sort of situation. I think we will just continue to get terrible American remakes of pretty good international film, parasite will become a TV show and train to boson will be remade in the U.S.A. even though there is no need whatsoever as it can stand internationally on itsown.


I struggle to find my own reasons to support the concept that this film speaks negatively about the rich and not also the poor. I've seen so many arguments online regarding the fact that the film has a negative meaning over the wealthy family and that it's a tale on capitalism in which the poor are the victims.

What I've managed to take from Parasite is far different: I see Parasite as a film about class. Both the rich and the poor don't see each other as people, but instead look at them for ways in which they can be manipulated. Neither see each other as fellow people.

For example, the wealthy father talks down on the poor father, even degrading him for his smell. The poor father is obviously upset about that, but at the same time is exploiting his entire family.

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