Split (film): Huge respect for James McAvoy

in #films6 years ago

I would imagine that it can be quite difficult for someone to be able to pull of a convincing character with one personality. James McAvoy pulls off something like 10 in this one, complete with different accents - all of which are convincing.


I don't know exactly how I managed to miss this when it was released in 2016 but I suspect the fact that it had M. Night Shyamalan's name attached to it is part of the reason why I chose to give it a miss. I wasn't terribly impressed with many of his releases in years past. However, this one is pretty dern good.

James McAvoy plays Kevin (although he has many other names as the film goes by and even plays a woman for a bit) and he has 23 different personalities. He has a condition called DID (dissociative identity disorder) which means at certain times he is unaware of what his other personalities actually do and takes on different physical capabilities depending on which one he happens to "be" at the time.


One of his personalities, a more dominant one, kidnaps three teenage girls from a parking lot following a birthday party and then transports them to a facility that appears to have been designed for precisely what he is using it for now - holding prisoners. His intentions for them are unclear and to be honest I still can't really say for sure what they are after having watched the entire movie (even if i did know i wouldn't say.)

I don't want to reveal much of the film but I can assure you, it is worth seeing.


The intensity and precision in which McAvoy plays what is essentially at least half a dozen completely different characters, sometimes switching from one to another mid-scene, is truly something else. I didn't think much of the guy as an actor before now, but now I can see he is truly talented.

This movie made a 2000% return on investment of a mere $9 million and has received mostly positive feedback from critics. The only downside i would say is that despite McAvoy's stellar performance, there isn't much of a story here... or at least not one they reveal before the last 10 minutes of the film... but i suppose that is what M. Night Shyamalan is known for. It's a good film but aside from McAvoy's performance it isn't fantastic and at times is even a bit boring.

7 / 10


Great interpretation of McAvoy. I must say that this movie is the sequel to Unbreakable (2000) and the prequel to Glass (2019). When I saw it, I did not know it, it's unexpected ending was what made me notice it.

Its a film thats more about the characters than the plot, but I loved it and I cant wait to see Glass.

I also highly recommend M Nights previous film, The Visit. After a decade of letdowns, hes back to his former glory. It feels like something he would have made 15 years ago in his prime.

I have not had the opportunity to see this movie it looks very interesting and I like the mystery. regards

Istrionic and mad interpretation for a splendid McAvoy.
Good post

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James McAvoy deserve recpect.This is very great movie.Very interesting story of this movie.Very wonderful trailor of this movie.Valuable performance of McAvoy.Kidnap tress girls.Very great seen.Thanks for sharing.

The only reason to watch this movie is to enjoy the amazing performance by James McAvoy, who is able to effectively and very convincingly portray wildly different characters almost effortlessly with minimal change in physical appearance and entirely through superb acting. One scene in particular has him cycling through three completely different personalities of his character at the drop of a hat, which is quite remarkable.

The twist at the end is so disappointing that it is almost non-existent, those who have not watched the movie Unbreakable won't even understand the twist. At least this movie will keep you entertained and is not as atrociously paced as most of M. Night Shymalan's movies.

Great Action / Comedy movie. Fun to watch.
this movie was amaizing! surprisingly well-diretced and also funny. this movie has a solid story with solid acting and solid action! this movies is very good! dont listen to the bad reviews, awesome movie! loved it!!

yeah, it was a great comedy movie.

Love ittttttttt this moveeeeeeee

It's been a rough few years, but M Night Shyamalan's latest film Split proved that this director still has it.

Firstly, James McAvoy's performance is the best part of this movie, his performance carried this film for me and kept me invested. McAvoy charms the audience with his brilliant (at times comedic) portray of the Hedwig personality, and does a good job making other personalities like Dennis, Ms Patricia and the beast frightening and creepy in their own ways. McAvoy does a good job separating the personalities from one another, making each seem like individual characters.

The other performances in this movie are also good, Anya Taylor-Joy played her character fairly well, especially during the more dramatic scenes, and i hope to see more dramatic work from her in the future. The other two girls did decent jobs but nothing really special about their performances. Betty Buckley's character was fairly well done as well.

Although this is a fairly well made film, i did have a few errors with pacing, the flashback scenes felt very shoehorned in and confusing at first. Shyamalan's camera-work and writing also seemed to be a bit messy at times, mainly during the first act of the movie, but was fine for the majority of the movie.

However, although this isn't a perfect film, it's definitely worth a watch, and it's a good sign for Mr Shyamalan's career. Fans of his earlier work will hopefully appreciate this film like i did, especially the obligatory plot twist. :)

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