20 films that inspire

in #films7 years ago

There are such films, after watching which, you feel an incredible burst of strength and inspiration. They motivate, after them you want to develop, discover new things and move forward, to your dream, no matter what.

1. The Pursuit of happiness

Do not let anyone say that you can not do something ... You have a dream protect it.

The story of the future millionaire Chris Gardner begins with the decision to become a broker. He will have to undergo training for six months. At the same time for the work of the hero does not shine a penny. The nuance is that Chris does not have money, a lot of debts and a five-year-old son in his arms. The situation is aggravated when they are expelled from a rented apartment. They wander around in doss houses and sleep in the toilet at the metro station. Well, they say, many millionaires started this way.

2. The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty

Stop dreaming. Start to live.

How many times in our life did we think about what we would like to change this or that situation or in general to turn our lives by 180 degrees. It's a story about a little man who got together with the spirit and made a decision that changed his whole destiny. Ben Stiller managed to show us a real fairy tale - a fairy tale that miracles can be found right under your nose.

3.  Awakening

Opening his eyes to the world of one man, he opened his own.

A shy and already middle-aged doctor decides to find the cause of the strange state of several patients. All of them were victims of the epidemic and for several decades are in a lethargic sleep. He manages to find out what's wrong, and even for a while to bring them back to life. The film will remind you how valuable every moment we live is.

4.  There are dreams - there will be travel  More than anything, people need a plan.

 Life is a pretty crazy thing, if it's not there.  

The main characters of the film are the teenagers Ben and Cassie, who decided to escape from home and go on a trip to Baltimore, where Kessi's relatives live. She always has a plan, and he has it. The film is about how important it is to have a goal in life and to see the way to which this goal can be reached. After all, the main thing is to act. 

5.   Social network

  You can not have 500 million friends without gaining an enemy. 

 The prototype of the main character of the film was the creator of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg. From the very first scene it is clear how bad the hero is adapted to communicate with other people. To make friends, he had to come up with his own social network. Mark enthusiastically communicates with the virtual company, simultaneously winning countries and continents. He, perhaps, would not have noticed the loss of his only real friend, if he had not started a trial.  However, some say that with the real Zuckerberg, the character from the film has little in common. 

6.  Three idiots

 There is no limit to perfection. 

Improve yourself, and success will come to you.  Yes, this is an Indian film. But do not be scared: with standard movies about intricate family ties and song-dancing, it has little in common. Two students, Farhan and Raju, enter the engineering college. One - at the insistence of the father and contrary to his dream, the other - for the sake of earnings. Both with their problems and fears. And then the Ranch appears, which is completely different from other students. This film will teach you not to be afraid of being yourself and will tell you how important it is to follow your dream. And then everyone will dance cheerfully - well all the same as without it. 

7.   Warrior 

Fight for the family.

 Fight for the country. A smart sports drama that surpasses all expectations. This film is not about steep fighters who can hang everyone who gets in their way. Many important questions are touched upon here - questions of the relationship between fathers and children, about moral values and the place of a person in society. The film is about the second chance, about mistakes, forgiveness, work on oneself, understanding and accepting each other's people. 

8.   The man who changed everything

And what did you do in life?

Even if you can not stand baseball or just do not understand a damn thing in it, this film is still worth watching. Because the essence is not at all in baseball. This movie is not just about a man who could create a team that nobody could create. This movie is about the relationship of the hero with the family, the team, his personal victories and defeats. 

9.   Aviator 

 Imagine life without limits. 

 Howard Hughes, billionaire, test pilot and director. At his disposal is a very large inheritance of his father-inventor and successful entrepreneur. Each of his projects is more grandiose than the other — if the film is the most ambitious and technical, if the plane, then the fastest, the largest. A good bonus in the film are exciting scenes with flights. 

10.   Hawking

  The story of the search for the beginning of time.

  The film-biography tells about the events that happened more than 50 years ago. 21-year-old Stephen Hawking learns that he is seriously ill and must die in two years. A young scientist decides during this time to do something that another would not have had a lifetime. Day after day, his body increasingly refuses to obey him, but the brain continues to work on the discovery.  Now, after many years, it is not clear who was deceived whom - doctors of Hawking or Hawking doctors. 

11.   Servant

  Big changes start small.  

The history of the struggle against disrespect and hatred of the black race. The history of many fates and lives, afflicting insult and humiliation and desperately trying to change their lives and their children's lives for the better. But it is presented here so easily and interestingly that you will not be able to tear yourself away from the screen. This is a film about people who did not keep silent: they were afraid, but continued to talk.


12.  Man on the Moon

  You're crazy ... and maybe brilliant. 

 The real story about a real man - American comedian Andy Kaufman, who loved to dream and created his own world. It was a mystery man, a comic showman, who could not understand why people were laughing at him. "Man on the Moon" is a movie about man's striving for a dream, striving in spite of everything and everything. 

13.  Boyfriend from the future

  The inspirational story of love is timeless.

  How often we dreamed about the opportunity to return to the past and to act in a situation quite differently. But the main character has such an opportunity. And this is not just another cute-cheerful melodrama. A nice fantasy movie, a good team of actors and a very serious director's message. 

14.  Far and away

  It's time to forget what you were, but remember what you became.

  A terrible fairy tale about a little man with grandiose plans. The Irish farmer goes on a long trip to America, hearing that there is a lot of good and unoccupied land. In this adventure, he draws a rich young lady. She wanted to become an independent landowner, and not embroider napkins and play pianos. In a foreign country, the young lady is robbed, and new heroes begin their new lives equally poor. They pass through many trials, but in the end they achieve their own.

15.  Pirates of Silicon Valley

 Good artists copy. Huge artists are being stolen. 

A very interesting film about the most powerful copyright defenders of recent years - Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Interestingly, the creators of this movie ever sued video pirates? Why steal, if you can not steal? 

16.  Julie and Julia

  We prepare happiness according to the prescription.

  Julie is an unsuccessful writer and call center operator. On the threshold of the thirtieth birthday, she comes up with a daily mastering of one or two recipes from Julia Child's cookbook and decides to fulfill all recipes by the end of the year. She describes her miracles in the kitchen on the blog. Her blog is becoming very popular, and after the publication in the New York Times, one by one receives proposals from publishers. Carefully, watching this movie greatly increases appetite. 

17.   Temple Grandin

  Not like others, but not worse than others.

  The film describes the life of a person with a serious mental illness. At the same time, the creators of the film do not embellish anything and show it as it is - there is also the rejection of society, and rejection, and health problems, and much more. In general, to call the life of the main character easy and carefree does not work. But she does not give up. "It's just another damn door," says Temple and selflessly moving toward his goal. 

18.  The King says!

  I do not know what he says, but he says very convincingly.

  Albert was born into a royal family, and therefore everything he does, he must do flawlessly. Childhood and adolescence were spent in an extremely nervous atmosphere - the boy was tortured by education before stammering. And, as for trouble, the circumstances are not in favor of the duke - he is to become king. It is impossible for a stutterer to be a king - from time to time it is necessary to speak speeches. On the overcoming of this problem tells the movie "King says!".

19.  Jerry Maguire

 If you fail, believe that tomorrow you will have a new chance. 

The history of Jerry Maguire is what psychotherapy training call experience gained in life trials. The very case when thousands of times heard and seen things suddenly you understand and feel so sharply that it becomes difficult to breathe, and after the final credits you can not find the strength to rise from your chair. Look at him. Live it. And in something you will certainly become better and stronger. 

20.  Legend number 17

 You must live. Not for fame and rewards. Live and play. And make a choice every day. 

This is a success story not so much the Soviet hockey player Valery Kharlamov as the whole team and its coach Anatoly Tarasov. The coach keeps the promising hockey player on the bench until he stifles his stellar ambitions and learns how to play in the team. The result - the legendary victory of the national team in 1972 over the Canadians, who were previously considered invincible. Pride in Soviet hockey is increasing even among those who are not interested in hockey in principle. 

Write what else there are films that inspire you:)



Thank you very much for this post. I have upvoted, please do the same thing for me to help each other I love inspirational films

Thank you very much) I also supported you :)

I really loved "The secret life of Walter Mitty" an incredible adventure, that brings, the child that is in me, up and high.

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