Money Matters-Where does your money go?

in #finance7 years ago

The key to securing your financial future is having A PLAN and a plan needs disciple,consistency and time.

💰Money does matter. Where does it all go? Can it really ever be enough? How do we manage the money when and if it comes into our hands? Today many of us face a myriad of financial concerns, questions and burdens. Then we are bombarded with a maze 🏃 of financial information from a plethora of banks, stockbrokers,insurers,financial experts and media. It can all be so confusing .😕

In this column,we will embark on a journey that embraces an extensive and varied range of issues related to your personal finance.this article will cover a range of issues including strategies to monitor your spending, encourage regular saving and investing, your appetite for risk and market volatility, the setting of short term and long term goals such as planning for the education of children,your retirement and estate.

The key🔑 to financial independence is not necessarily about having a lot of money to invest(most people don't ):so don't so don't spend all your time looking to "get rich quick".it is generally not easy to get rich and it certainly doesn't happen overnight,unless you are extremely lucky and win the lottery or inherit a fortune. The key 🔑 to securing your financial future is about taking small discipline steps over a long period of is about having a plan and a plan needs discipline, consistency and time.

first of all,set up your financial filing system and organise your financial records

Do you often wonder what happens to your money and where it all goes? Many people regardless of their education, back-ground and income have no idea where the bulk of their money goes. They have never taken charge of their finances and so many are now suffering the consequences -debt, frustration and no savings.

The first step to getting your finances under control is to watch out what you spend on. Until you know exactly where your money is going, it's difficult to know if you even need to make changes in your spending habits.i am convinced that once you track your expenses,you will get a realistic picture of your current spending patterns and can then begin to deal with the areas that needs improvement.

Do remember that financial planning isn't designed to make you suffer! We all have those "can't do without "indulgences we need to feed from time to time... That super handbag👜 or pairs of shoes 👟 that keeps you awake at night.Its just about control of your financies.Just don't wait to find you are spending more than you receive before the red flag ⛳ goes up.

Changing your financial future is a matter of adjusting your mindset. Once you decide to make a change you are only a few steps away from beginning to create wealth. Let us resolve to start today to make one step towards securing our financial futures.start planning,start saving and start now. Your ability to cope with today's financial challenges and still secure your financial future may depend on it.

MAKE THE DIFFERENCE NOW!!!FB_IMG_1516127462426.jpgFB_IMG_1516127383821.jpg

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