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RE: SLC-S21W2 | Mastering CPR | A Comprehensive Guide to Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Perform all steps of cpr on a mannequin (your productivity) and explain each and every step in detail. Teach CPR to only 3 people (may it be your family, friends, relatives, or fellow mates and attach pictures of you teaching them)

What about those that don’t have a mannequin? What’s another alternative?


Thank you for asking this! For those who don’t have a mannequin, that’s why I mentioned '(your productivity.)' You can use alternatives if needed.

If you don’t have a mannequin, you can use a firm pillow or even a stack of folded towels as an alternative. While it won’t be exactly like a mannequin, it allows you to practice hand placement, compression depth, and rhythm. When teaching others, you can also demonstrate on the pillow, emphasizing correct technique and explaining each step as you go