Do you think this user's voting pattern is good for Steem?

in #flagclub7 years ago (edited)

@greenman has been using his voting power to upvote every single comments on his posts to ~4-5$. The result is that over time there are hundreds of one line / meme pictures comments on his posts.

He then follows on by commenting. "Thx for resteem" or just "Thx" on all of them and upvoting them to 3-8$.


His point of view:

I believe this careless redistribution scheme will attract a higher percentage of people who are going to also try to game the system to get easy reward instead of contributing to Steem.

Discussion below ...


So on the second post linked above, he has given himself a $5.36 upvote while the Original Post is sitting at $0.38 and he has not voted on it. He admits that he is just upvoting himself using his stake to get an ROI. The statements he make there make it clear he either does not understand, or does not care about the reward pool and the potential harm to the long term value of Steem he is causing.

"It is your Stake, use it as you see fit" is clear here. He sees fit to upvote himself on every comment, @transisto sees fit to flag his comments underwater. I have no problem with the flags whatsoever. Protect the Reward Pool man!

His powering down and leaving is a decision he needs to make of his own accord taking all things into consideration. But weighing his statements, and the implication that he is only upvoting comments on his own posts rather than going out and curating make a clear case for someone who is out for Numero Uno, not the good of the platform, so "don't let the door hit you on the way out chief!"

I read and curate lots. I work my comment section to be entertaining.

You feed your shills pretty good. Upvoted most of @theguruasia's shitposts I see. His 5 min copypasta isn't worth a cent. Flagged the hell out of him.

Yes, this is really amazing. I'm posting wonderful cultural topics, trading, motivation, and a lot. When I see Upvote I find a cent, I do not know what is happening, but I feel weak. I need you all.
I hope you will help me and my family steemit my only hope is to realize my mother's dream
My greetings to all of you

Hi @greenman I know you do.. And I follow you for some time now.. but I guess the discussion is that a lot of people just send in a comment with a gif in the hope that they get some curation. Sometimes it is also good to curate posts made from your followers. But I guess you will be very busy when you want to do that..

What you are doing right now is called promoting shill culture. This is only going to attract useless people.

Personally I hate self upvote! But it's not banned in the system so far! We have upcoming hardfork, so we could give this as a suggestion, atleast put a limit on Self Upvotes! Otherwise this is the STACK of that investor and we can't ban or force him/her to not to use it!
Anyway this flag war should end now and @greenman, we all need you! You got a huge fan base and though this topic you made more huge fan base as well! Enjoy your trip and be back with STEEM ON!

(Someone please tell me where we could I add suggestions to next hardfork)


I found some other huge problem, the discussion is here and yes we need some suggestion TAG!

If the system allows its all fair. If you dont want to allow self voting ban it in the next hard fork and see how the steem users react to it.

"If the system allows its all fair"

The system is built to give the users the power to self correct. @transisto is allowed by the system to flag content that does not suit a particular view of what should be allowed on the system. This too is "allowed by the system".

When Transisto flags posts/comments that add no value to the platform my rewards go up. When other users upvote their "Thanks" comments that took no effort my rewards go down.

I know which side of that line I am going to be on.

If users want to upvote themselves, that's fine. I upvote myself one time a day, that's my personal rule. Other people don't feel that limiting themselves is an issue, and that is fine for them. I am a steward of Delegated Steem Power so I prefer not to take too much advantage of that, even though my delegators never told me not to upvote myself.

if those who are upvoting themselves don't want to get flagged there are two things they could do to avoid it. Upvote whatever they are responding to with at least the same VP as they are giving to themselves. And Write legitimate comments! You don't have to adhere to a word count or anything, but put in something more than two words when you are going to give yourself an upvote worth more than most users Top Level Posts are making! It really isn't that difficult to stay off of Transisto's radar.

Everything is fair upvote downvote. Its a free market. :p

Also I am pretty sure @greenman has given more votes to his followers and he writes some useful stuff about the finance world.

I agree with this, if all other platforms can contain entertainment stuffs, why this platform can't? I like gif also. Sometimes it's the best way to express our feeling than 1000 words!
People has different views, that's the human nature! Hope we all should respect what others think!


Totally agree with you ;)

Something good but according to my opinion not everyone is just hanging out for a bonus
Here are the people who follow you for example. Now I like your publications and there are many possibilities
The help of others also for the most beautiful thing psychologically feel comfortable
My last greetings to you from the heart

@ trulyalive


What 's there I've noticed your absence today about a steemit community I wish you would be okay

Just One thing I have to say all,Put respect on every people.every man/woman has personal choice and he/she knows everyone can put their comment freely.thanks to all

Mr president the truth is they haven't fan like your blog and they got jealous.

Remember one thing without people power steemit is useless. He pointed you beacause of he want more fan for his blog making famous.
There are lots of peoples blog have gif and if you goo funny tags you can find out more .

Please stay we love you mr president. If you dont upvote ,there will be no problem. We love you. Please come back. If your are stop writing blog then we lost a special person.
We need you sir .please stay

Pls if he continues on that what kind of damage will ir gv to the system

The reward pool is the same amount every day regardless of how voting takes place. So by upvoting his own effortless comments, he is actively REMOVING reward from someone else who worked hard on their post. By rewarding himself he is taking away from others.

This action if allowed to continue promotes such behavior in others. "If this guy can make a bunch of money upvoting his "Thx" comment, then why shouldn't I?" Once the rewards are being monopolized by people who are making money with little to no effort, then the genuine content creators will leave because they are not getting rewarded.

When genuine content creators leave, and investors come looking at Steem and see a pile of crap posts, meme's, and people getting big upvotes on effortless comments they will decide not to invest. Without people wanting to buy in to Steem the value of the Steem token goes down. This hurts across the board, whether you have 5 STEEM or 500,000 STEEM, if the value is Zero, your value is zero.

So long answer short, promoting GOOD content promotes a higher value of Steem, promoting crap content contributes to the downward pricing influence, and, in a complete doomsday scenario, kills the platform when Steem value drops to an effective Zero across the board.

Good Content - Good For Growth
Crap Content - Good for short term, get in and get out profits for people who don't care about the longevity of the platform.

I post twice a week with educated content. Those who resteem are the lazy ones. How I get return on investment is my business. It is like exercising a stock option. I curate lots of other work.

sometimes, the long answer is the most appropriate. This is one of those times. Thanks for your post bro!

Yes. This is true. It shouldn't be like that.

lolz half of this bitches below upvote their comments and still have the balls to even comment on this blog lolz...

I upvote 0.00% of everything I do, and nobody cares... So F this whole drama, I'm out of here.. lolz

that's good idea.

To be honest, He attracts people with that behaviour. I also reacted a couple of times and noticed that he values a normal reaction and with some depth more. I guess for beginners starting with 0 steem power this is a way of collecting some steem power. I started myself 6 months ago with 0. And now I am happy were I am. But now I am also trying to do steemit promotions to get more people on the platform. There are many other who just post a picture and never vote on quality replies they get. They only think about themselves. Many different people in this world.. I will keep contributing to the platform.

Free money always attract people, often not those of the best kind / or coming with an entitled mindset.

Here is the deal with that....

What is it that this place is after?

Is it quality content or is it people who come to the blockchain and participate?

If it is quality content you seek, which has been the case with steemit from what I can see, you are looking at a much smaller user base who are serious about blogging and posting.

On the other hand, if you are looking for massive growth, dopey memes and cat videos is the way to go. That is the stuff that goes viral.

In the end, you will probably have both...or some type of mixture. Eventually, the steem blockchain needs to evolve into a place where all kinds of content is here, even that which some object to on ethical grounds.

For example, original content is great for dtube but what will really make it grow is music videos, tv shows, and movies. Yes people complain about pirated content yet when something is more than 20 minutes old in this era, it is ancient.

We also need people posting news, legit news so that this place is a news source for people. It is a wonderful place to get crypto but mainstream basic news, not so much. Again you run into the copyright police on that one.

Sadly, I dont think there is anyway around gaming the system. There simply are going to be people who take short cuts and try to get around stuff. I write an article, takes me an hour, and of late I get maybe $15 give or take...does it upset me to see someone who is posting a silly meme get $7 or $8? Sure...makes me think I need to find a meme site.

In the end, I know people, whoever stops by my blog, do so because they value the content I create. That is what keeps me writing. As for the money aspect of things, I realize my monetary reward will be from the appreciation of the steem token and, as ETH showed with the stupid kitty stuff, goofy stuff can be very profitable (I am not sure what that says about society today).

Great discussion points @transisto.

I would expect content on Steem to be more beneficial to humanity than what you can see trending on the outdated attention whore advertisement industry. Most content monetization scheme are still about bating you by appealing to your most basic instinct and switching to deceptive mind controlling ads.

I hope Steem will find it's niche and won't be drowned with users and stake holder that think success is measured mainly by number of users, posts and comments. More total views would certainly help STEEM valuation but not at any cost, viewer's attention are not all worth the same.

Sounding like god over the fucking internet.

More 'beneficial to humanity'... give me a break! God - yup. Praise be to this man.

greenman you are right bro..........///////

Thank you for your answer
Praise be to Allaah and thank Him for His grace

viewer's attention are not all worth the same.

This is a very valid point...the question is what viewers attention is worthwhile? Is it the hard core liberals and conservatives (ideologues) who we find in the political section? Is it the mainstream news people? Or is it the people who spend 15 hours a day on Facebook doing whatever it is they do on Facebook?

I started writing, when I joined, about technology/futurism stuff....very little interest. Even now, I write about steem and the potential here...still, relatively speaking, not a lot of interest. I feel the commenting on this site is severely lacking...most of what I see is the "great post" garbage so I see where you are coming from with the upvoting meme and the tnx crap. That isnt dialogue and that is what I think is missing.

I guess there is a balance that needs to be navigated....growth is necessary but not without solid footing in terms of quality content. One way to become my space is to be a site with dopey content because then the next site that is a bit dopier ends up pilfering the masses.

I agree that Steemit should get viral , i agree it is hard to set boundaries and there will be always people who take shortcuts. However, i totally disagree that we can do nothing about, that's why we have forks , platform is evolving. Take as example reddit, they have many rules that don't suit casual users. They call it a platform for arrogant techies , but ot got viral and reddit found its own community that comply with those rules. Steemit should also be unique, fair and with its own laws. You want to earn ? Follow the rules.

Very interesting points. One question? What rules?

And steemit could establish a bunch of rules, as a centralized entity, yet people can just use which is a totally different site to access the same information. That is the beauty of the blockchain, and from the perspective you are bringing up, the negative.

Other than calling @greenman out, is there anything that can be done about that. We dont have moderators around here...there arent admin. Reddit has all that. In fact, is what he is doing "wrong"? Transisto brought up the point that he thinks it is careless redistribution and could attract others just looking to game the system. However, notice he didnt call for a ban, boycott, or any retribution. I sense he is bringing this point up for discussion and awareness.

Steemit is at a point where people need to decide what we want to make this place. There is a risk, since money is involved, that people are going to do things simply to profit without any thought of anyone or anything else. I guess those people will always exist. However, what does the average person on here want....what is he or she thinking about in terms of individual long term contribution?

That is what I sense is being raised by this article.

Not all rules are written :) If the system does not fine spammers, it does not mean society cannot. I have mentioned before, Steemit is evolving, maybe there will be content moderators in the future , who knows. And yes because it is decentralized users can raise issues and that might influence development of the platform in the future.

there are already a lot of people on steem purely for the purpose of trying to profit. And to be honest - when you earn 10€ per hour working in RL and you get on steem 30$ per single upvote - it's hard to say no. But I understand more and more that giving upvotes can be profitable too - because if you interact on steem and not only with yourself - you get much more back.

What's RL?

Real Life, often said as IRL In Real Life.

Now that is a very deep question :D

Nevermind the unfairness of reward pool distributions to meaningless comments holding no value like these, I'm more concerned that when you leave a tonne of comments with high payouts like these all over the place, it sends every wrong message to new users or curous investors considering STEEM. It already takes a fair amount of explaining and educating to convince newcomers that there is real value backing up the money they see being made on the platform. Encountering examples like this just make that job a lot harder.

Greenman, and others like him, would be better off considering how they can use their vote to incentivise behaviours that could help take increase the value of the token. Like supporting projects to encourage and help people give STEEM as a Christmas present to someone for the holidays (if I may ad some shameless self-promotion).

Yes, this is an important point to focus on. There are publications and comments that are not important and are not stimulating and we notice that they take a big commission while important comments and small commissions
Finally thank you in advance for my greetings

I just checked him out and found this comment of you:

Bildschirmfoto 2017-12-13 um 20.33.50.png

The second point on that is exactly the thing..
I can understand that he wants to profit from the current situation going on here on steem, who doesn't want to?
But unfortunately this is definitely a way to damage and to threaten the whole platform..
Especially if more 'whales' or users in generell with high Steem power start using this.
This can cause a chain reaction which definitely can be deadly..

Of course
Whales have a big role to play because they are learning about any currency as they wish

This is a very tricky situation, not so simple like spammers, over-bot abusers or friendly upvotes.
On one hand, @Greenman writes big posts about himself, his life and crypto experience, which sometimes is very interesting​ to read. He also upvotes quite a lot of users, who write comments on his posts. Usually, these are minnows with no money who are trying to get a big upvote.
The bad part in this situation is that it looks like he does not read comments at all or at least this is just my impression and there are lot of spammy comments like "hey nice post" , "well done follow me ", etc.
As results we see a shit tone of comments (some good and the rest shitty ones).
Now, on the other hand, he is replying to those comments and upvotes himself, which looks bad, but makes some sort of sense. He is compensating his upvotes to comments of others so it would look fair.
Now the question is , would it be the same situation when you write in someone other's post a comment and upvote yourself? Is self-upvoting allowed or not? Where is a line?
Personally, I think it looks a bit as overuse of your power. You can reply in your own post comments couple of times and selfupvote, but replying to every shitty comment and writing the same, well not so good. On the other hand nothing prohibits to do that. Self-upvoting your comments in others posts would be almost the same and would look ok to most people in Steemit.
My verdict - the amount of comments self-upvotes in your own post should be smaller. Quality of the comments should be higher. Then it will look better.

self voting was well thought of before the start of Steem. This tools helps minnows. And since this tool is available, everyone has a freewill.

But a person writes interesting posts, and of course he wants everyone to read and comment on them. And he gets a lot of comments.
And the fact that there are bots sometimes marked - well, what can you do, it's inevitable costs.

I hate people who upvote themselves comments. And i don't understand why to use the vote in this way, if you can upvote someone else. This is not the steemit spirit.
people come here only to do their "business projects" and not for the sense of what this community represents. Continue to flag abuse by users... TY

As per our last discussion, your point is correct! But for me @greenman did not post regularly and if he post he also upvoted people who interact with his posts and as you said he also upvoted his comments as well!
For me it's not an unfair one! He helped a lot of minnows by rewarding them, and once a week (probably) we can see his post in steemit! And he never made a simple post, if he post something, he made it very well! So, I hope you all should understand it's not a very unfair thing! (I also respect what you said)
Hope this flag thing and arguments will not lead a power down of him and for me, he is not draining the reward pool, he just blast his SP most probably once a week!

People might have different thoughts! But this is how I feel his work! And hope pretty smile on our face could fix this argument in a nice way!


must be removed the possibility to upvote our own posts. This destroy the community...

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