BEST video on the Flat Earth Theory... Why do YOU believe the earth is round? - Anarchast

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

Be A Team & Re-Steem- Thanks! :)

Eric Dubay on @dollarvigilante 's Anarchast channel, a couple of years ago.

United Nations Flag is a depiction of the flat earth:

I've not yet been convinced completely that the earth is flat, but I'm not longer believing the earth is round either. My own experiences have yet to shed proof either way...however it's much easier to prove the earth is flat, using first-person tests.

Thanks Jeff Berwick...hoping to meet him here tomorrow for FreedomFest, after his talk- and if we're lucky I may be able to get an interview for Crypt0's News :D

Cheers friends. I'm very curious to know what you think, however I do ask that you take emotion and bias out of it, and approach this with an open and reasonable frame of mind.

-Crypt0 (Omar)


I think this is one the best flat earth documentaries ever and it has like 3 episodes. I watched all of them and they are very interesting.

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Why, because it's full of trailer park trash who can barely speak and have no teeth? Or because it uses "The Truman Show" as a logical example?

I agree, there are so many valid scientific arguments to the flat earth!
flat earth funny.jpg

Really digging this one- probably tops in this space. Cheers, Dominican brother!

Hi @crypt0 I've written an article about you, check it out if you can.

22 Best Steemit Bloggers Of The Week To Follow July 2017

ROFL. Step away from the computer for awhile.

Can you faggots pls remove pepe from your stupid disinformation videos. This is a CIA astroturfing campaign

I've looked at the flat earth theory from every angle, and I'm pretty sure I've heard every argument for it, but they all fail to pass basic logic tests. The evidence for a spherical earth are so numerous and unexplained properly under a flat earth model.

After everything I've heard I see no reason to dismiss the overwhelming conclusion of scientists and college students worldwide for the last at least 200 years. The earth is not flat, and openly stating you it is automatically discredits your very ability to reason correctly in most people's minds. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's the whole point.

As I've mentioned above, I'm not convinced that the earth is flat, but I'm continuing to approach it as everything else- with an open mind. Even if it turns out to be wrong, how much will I have learned along the way, about various subjects?

Just because thousands upon thousands of experiments rely on what's already cemented in the scientific literature, from one viewpoint which suggests gravity exists, doesn't make them a law. All images we have from space come from one organization, and no one has ever traveled across Antarctica. Until we have visible proof, from the PEOPLE I'll continue to remain skeptical either way,

If I lose credibility for having an open mind to learning, then that's credibility lost from those who I'd rather not have some from anyway. I'm not meaning you specifically, Garth. I've held your stance for a long time, but this video at least caused me to raise a brow and question everything- my creed for life.


Congratulations Omar on being able to openly question the fundamentals that we're given. I also haven't come to a conclusion on the earth model debate, but I can unquestionably state that we have been given loads of BS since childhood (including a lot of supposedly "scientific" theoretical models). We need to re-question everything we've been indoctrinated with. I applaud anyone that is able to that. It's actually a really big step to do so and most people never get up enough courage for it.

It's not just a single organisation, many organisations have satellites orbiting earth, you can watch a Space X launch live to see. It's simply an unreasonable conclusion to draw given the amount of assumptions required, and lack of evidence provided. Without even delving into the science, it is unreasonable to assume that every astrophysicist in the entire world is involved in some massive cover up, and that consequently, nearly all known science is completely false (all science explored by all scientists for the last few hundred years, including great minds such as Einstein). The proposed motive for this cover up is weak at best. Science isn't some unfounded weak code written by the elite, it is testable, provable, and has been done so by many independent sources globally for hundreds of years. To be fair, you haven't stated a firm opinion, so I'm not criticising; but I recommend you write out all of the evidence/motive for flat earth, then study the evidence for spherical earth and it becomes preeeetty feckin' obvious =)

you need to be careful who you choose for a teacher. if you are being taught by a member of a delusional paranoid cult, there's a good chance that the lessons you learn will just take you further from the truth, and damage your sanity...

Just lost a lotta respect for you here. Berwick is intermittently a nutjob and you just literally put yourself 500 years back in science. You're on the platform made by the son of a Nasa rocket scientist.

Haven't you noticed that all the "contributors" in these Flat Earth videos are near-toothless trailer park trash who can barely speak proper English?

What POSSIBLE reason is there for this conspiracy? WHERE IS THE MOTIVE?

Is this a joke? Why would anyone believe what you say in your videos now?

I mean, are you fucking insane? Have you never seen a picture of the earth? You actually think those are all faked?

Was your account hacked? How do you manage to sound so competent in crypto videos while hiding such insanity?

Jesus Christ, what's next, are you going to question if there's Oxygen in the air because you can't see it?

This is head has exploded.

Unfollowed. Unsubbed.

"On this day in 1633, chief inquisitor Father Vincenzo Maculano da Firenzuola, appointed by Pope Urban VIII,begins the inquisition of physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei. Galileo was ordered to turn himself in to the Holy Office to begin trial for holding the belief that the Earth revolves around the Sun, which was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church. "

LOL. You're an inquisitor now, but I was wrong, maybe you only set yourself back 384 years.

Mr Omar, I also had my doubts. This is BY FAR the best rational thoughts on the subject. Please watch this video. No emotion from me here, just common logic examples applied here. This is part one in a 3 part series, but part one explains it enough if you dont have tie to watch the other 2 parts. At the end of the day, one must use observable facts and apply logic to them in order to decide the truth for ones self. Hope this helps bro!

Sweet dude- I respect your thoughts, and will give this a look once I finish one I'm watching right now. I appreciate it, starkerz- thanks for sharing!

Hope it helps. first few minutes are a little wishy washy, but after about minute 2 it gets very very logical. The other two videos in the series are GREAT as well and really go into deeper details!

Additionally, would be great to hear your thoughts on this subject after hearing all the cool inputs from the people below in this thread and see what you end up deciding on the matter. Look forward to it ;))

CHL has a lot of great videos.

Nice post

I upvoted
Follow @dannolly

Hey Omar! Love your YouTube content. I've been watching for a while, so it's awesome to see you show interest in another giant subject that is blowing up! The point of flat earth isn't geography, but the brainwashing and lie system that has been implemented that allows us to be duped to the level that many of us are at today. Crypto and flat earth. Doesn't get much better. Much respect!

Actually it does get better. Crypto and no flat earth. The whole point of science is uncovering truths that are NOT obvious because the scale is either too big, too small, or too far away. As some one pointed out above, if we went by how things looked with our 5 senses, science would return to the stone ages.

I have given the flat earth stuff much research a couple years ago, and I ended up coming with an even better understanding of what is going on as a result. I agree that there are many secrets being held back about earth, but not because it is flat.
What I have come to embrace, is the expanding earth model, because it makes the most sense out of everything that has ever been suggested before that I know of. Smaller earth would have less gravity and lots of huge insects, plants, and dinosaurs (even various sizes of "giant" humans perhaps) that could not survive in the current stronger gravity of earth that we have today. Also the earth is probably some type of hollow toroidal shape , with a "hole" at Antarctica that goes into a warm "inner earth". All of this hole's edge is said to be tropical from the warm air coming out. Evidence suggests the nazi's may have escaped there with advanced weapons and crafts and have been holding control over the world covertly in order to keep us unaware of those technologies or control (this also explains the symbolism of the UN flag) . I know, it is pretty far out there, but so is "flat earth" I suppose, hahaha.
But anyhow, I was sold when I learned everything about the "expanding earth" facts, which proves "round" earth to me without a shadow of a doubt:

So, where does the extra mass come from? Gravity doesn't increase because of circumference, but due to mass. So the planet getting bigger on the outside without a corresponding increase in mass wouldn't cause an increase in gravity.

I think what you are describing is true with things on earth, in relation to earth. But when you are talking about a large body in outer space, I think it has to do more with its displacement of "space/time" , or what was once known as the "aether". You also have the earth spinning, so larger circumference could have an increase in angular momentum too perhaps. After all, round rotating space stations have been conceived for artificial gravity I believe, at least in scifi.
According to the "hollow earth" legends, they say at the center of earth is a "sun" shining on the inside crust layer, with gravity flipped other way . It could be that our gravity effects are also related to this inner "sun". All speculation, of course, but lots of legends about inner earth, and may even be the original location of a "Garden of Eden", or even "Shangri-La" perhaps

Hmm. Well, I don't think either relativity or quantum theory would fit with your idea, so you'd need to reinvent physics. I understand that's what the "aether" is all about, and I concede the possibility there is an aether, but I think you're left with electromagnetism with your primary force, and I don't see how an increase in size would equate to an increase in electromagnetic force without a corresponding increase in mass.

As for angular momentum, it seems like that would work for the people living inside this "hollow earth" provided the "gravity" is pulling them towards the outer layer of the crust. The people on the outside, like you and me, would be thrown into outer space. We still need some force pulling us in.

I get the fascination with all this; I share it. It's interesting to look into and the stories are fun, but in order to throw out good reasoning and science I need more than legends and stories.

I'm not saying there's nothing to the hollow earth, but I got to see more.

Fair enough, I was just throwing out there a bunch of possibilities I was thinking. I think the main "expanding earth" proponents have a better explanation than my understandings given here, I will have to go back and check on that.
I think part of the problem is, we don't really understand gravity enough to say if it is pushing OR pulling on us, or even a combination of the two, like a north pole and south pole magnetic force with a zero field at it's center(bloch wall). I think you are absolutely correct in thinking of gravity related to electromagnetism .A larger earth still gives more angular momentum for an electromagnetic "generator". There is also lots of interesting "electric universe" possibilities going on too. I am a long time student of Tom Bearden's work, and he says gravity is an electromagnet pulsing "scalar" wave, and Mass is an electromagnetic standing scalar wave .Think in terms of cymatics may be the best way to visualize the universe this way, check out starting at the 4min 16sec mark:

I don't think expanding earth people really talk about it being hollow though, I think it just made sense to me seeing it expand while familiar of hollow earth legends. It is all interesting dective story, and all the clues may be out there for us to find the truth...... Another thing I find interesting in all this too, is the ancient Gnostic story of the wisdom Goddess "Sophia" that turns into the earth :

I don't know about the Sophia thing, but the cymatics is interesting. I think I'm on the same page as you regarding how much we really understand about physics and gravity, though.

It always amazes me that otherwise brilliant people are blind to the fact that thousands of brilliant people have come before them thinking they had everything figured out only to be proven wrong later.

The hollow earth theory is more fascinating that the flat earth one. :) Also, it's completely nuts but, some say that some nazis (Vril) have escaped to Aldebaran. :)

Oooh- a completely different theory. Excellent stuff, man. This is the next one I check out...thank you very much for sharing this with everyone, davyoneness!

I wouldn't call it 'excellent'..

hahahaha never forget the nazi's!

I like to think that we live in a incubator in a closet somewhere. Some creatures 7th grade science project. At the end of the day, it's all about the human experience anyways.

Hahaha, you're somewhere there with Elon Musk, who open believes we live in a "Matrix-like" computer :D

I'm a 100% simulation theory. Also some say we are just consciousness in God's mind. Reality changes all the time or we just shift through realities. But hey where I come from, I used to put Tobasco and not Tabasco in my gumbo.

I've spent years researching this.. it's either flat or a series of planes/dimensions and we are only able to see a few... Look out the window extensively when you fly next time and study how the plane turns in relation to the ground... it's pretty obvious it's not a f'in ball lmao. Also i've climbed 14,000 ft mountains and shyt looks flat as a fkin pancake from up there lol

not you as well. ffs. i'm really getting sick of explaining this to people but i'm going to copy/paste/edit my response to another flatearther here on steemit.

get on a boat and sail towards a lighthouse from about 30miles away. you can determine the exact distance at which the light will become visible using an equation based on the pythagorean theorem, which takes into account the height of the light above sea level, the height of your eyes above sea level, and the curvature of the SPHERICAL earth. when you get to this calculated distance from the lighthouse the light will pop into view. before you get close enough you can often see the beam of light reflected from any mist/fog/clouds as it sweeps around. only when you get to the distance denoted by the equation will the light itself come into view. THE CURVATURE OF THE EARTH BLOCKS IT FROM YOUR SIGHT. you live on a ball.

you can experience the curvature first hand by getting out on the sea. it isn't a disc.

another proof is radio waves. radio waves travel in straight lines as does light, both being forms of EM radiation. a handheld 2way VHF radio used on a small yacht will not be able to communicate with another boat if it is more than 4 or 5 miles away because the horizon blocks the line of sight between the transmitting and receiving radios. no matter how much power you pump into the transmitter the other boat will remain out of range. UNLESS you raise the antenna to a higher position, thus increasing the distance to the visible horizon, and so bringing the receiving radio into a clear line of sight that is not blocked by the CURVED EARTH.

Nice Comment. Its hard to detect the curvature from your trailer park:)

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