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RE: Debunking the Flat Earth Ice Wall. Part 1 of 4 of the The Flat Earth Antarctica Conspiracy.

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

your going way out of context with the reasoning behind why i posted the picture , thats nut an geb , an ancient egyptian representation of the cosmos , that image pre-exists your theories , so the flat earth doesnt need to be proven the knowledge was always there , the globe earth needs to be proven , bitcoin doesnt have to prove its bitcoin , but bitcoin cash does. punished by the gods?? you probably drunk of tinctures. you can predict btc mooning , doesnt make your statement logical , and you could be smoking crack and be right , i choose to live in reality on earth while you guys want to do ice figure skating on pluto , do take a couple pics , i'll upvote them


Exactly. Argument to antiquity. Another logical fallacy. Which is why I mentioned it. And the globe already has been proven, and the flat earth in any form debunked for over 2000 years. That you chose to ignore, deny, or remain ignorant of the hundreds of thousands of ways we know for 100% fact it's a globe, including a precise predictive model that explains every natural phenomenon we see, then you are illogical and irrational and no facts will change your silly cult beliefs.

But DO let me know when you have a model that can predict virtually every natural phenomenon we see in reality precisely. The globe already does that.

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