
"Steem is open source software hosted on hundreds of servers across the world, i think we will be ok."

That maybe so! But at least some of Steemit's owners are located in New York, with physical addresses. While a Court Order to obtain access keys may not result is a total shutdown of all Steemit nodes, it would result in forcing a fork of the Steem Blockchain, which would essentially mean starting over from scratch...a rather difficult task to perform with no money and only a very few members. Sure it can be done, but I doubt very much that Steemit 2.0 would have any more success than did Steemit (1.0) primarily because those who now control Steemit are just not bright enough when it comes to having the right business savvy to succeed.

Keys only access accounts, github keys only control one copy of the code, many folks outside the reach of your thug morons, still not worried.

You do realize that forcing folks to do things they don't want to do shows a lack of class, right?

Join us, we want to hear what you have to say.

"You do realize that forcing folks to do things they don't want to do shows a lack of class, right?"

That is a totally ridiculous statement! Every single days of our lives, we are "all" forced to do things that we really do not "want" to do.

  1. Would you want to pay for Internet access if you were not forced to do so?

  2. Would you want to pay for license plates or insurance for your car if you were not forced to do so?

  3. Would a convicted criminal be willing to go to jail if he were not forced to do so?

  4. Would people obtain permits to buy or carry their guns if they were not forced to do so?

  5. How many people would obey (or disobey) traffic laws, hunting laws, fishing laws, drug laws, or in fact any other laws you can think of, if they were not forced to do so?

By your statement, implementation of any or all of the above "shows a lack of class". Really? I truly hope you were joking, and can see just how ridiculous your statement was.

"Join us"

Join Who? or What? Who or What is the "us"?

Every single days of our lives, we are "all" forced to do things that we really do not "want" to do.

Not by people with class, you aren't.

Would a convicted criminal be willing to go to jail if he were not forced to do so?

There wasn't much crime in the west.
What criminals there were knew the deal.
Likely execution, by rope, or bullet.

Crime is much more distributed today.
Far more widely available.
You calling more cops a bonus?
Because it looks to me like more cops, more crime.

Put your head back in your ass, statist.
You fail to entertain me, ATP.


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