You Are What You Eat. What I learned today..
If you eat healthy food, you will be healthy. If you eat "junk", your body will be filled with junk.

Hi there, it's Kuya again. My mommy always tells me this. "You are what you eat."
That is why, I try my best to eat only healthy food and if ever there are junk foods like chips and soda, I eat very little only.
My lesson in science today is also about the same topic. It talked about five food groups- grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy and protein. We also have to make sure to add healthy oils to our food. Oils are not a food group, but it is important to eat them to keep our bodies healthy.
Food under this group gives us energy. We should eat four or more servings of grains in a day. Some foods under this group are bread, cereals, spaghetti, macaroni and popcorn.

Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables help the heart and other muscles work right. We should eat three or more servings of vegetables, and two or more servings of fruits every day. Fruits also give our bodies vitamins and minerals so it can fight diseases like colds and flu.
I love to eat bananas, apples, and grapes. My baby brother Janjan loves to eat oranges and grapes! Gabbie, my sister, also loves apples and she eats vegetables like beans, carrots and broccoli.

Dairy are foods like milk, cheese and yogurt. They have nutrients that will help our bones and teeth grow strong.
We should drink three glasses of milk every day. We also love to eat yogurt and munch on cheese! Our mommy says we should eat the cheese with bread, but we can eat it on its own. Haha!
Proteins help our body grow. These foods also help to repair our body. We have to eat a lot of protein, around three or more servings per day.
Examples of proteins are fish, meat, eggs, nuts and seeds. I love to eat eggs and chicken too!

What foods should we avoid?
We should avoid to eat foods like chips, cake, cookies, candy and soda. They make us feel full but with empty calories. Empty calories are also called junk foods.
Other foods that we do not need are those that have "additives" in them. These are artificial food colorings, and those that make food taste better.
What else did I learn?
When my mommy told me long time ago that "You are what you eat", I believe her already. Because you see, why do we want to put bad things inside our body, right? The food that we eat when after it gets digested get into our blood stream and distributed to our whole body. So if we eat lots of sugars, then our body will have lots of sugar. If we eat vegetables our body will get the nutrients too.
I really enjoyed this topic. I love to eat and I am happy to learn more about the food groups. I hope you also enjoyed reading.
Love,Written and composed by @arrliinn for the @divinekids. We try to keep the posts as true to their words as possible. Kuya and Little Miss are well aware of steemit and are constantly suggesting topics and ideas to share.
Congratulations! Your post has been selected for the SteemPH UAE : Daily Featured Posts | 27 February 2018
Very good post You really are right to say that we are what we eat. I think we should learn to eat healthier. It also infuses a lot the culture where one lives because according to it a specific kind of gastronomy will be present. I believe that one as a parent should educate our children to eat well. I really like that culinary education is being implemented in your family. I am also doing it with my 18 month old son. Greetings and blessings.
Thank you @pantera81! We try our very best to eat only healthy food.