Today I would like to share with you this amazing recipe. It is really easy to bake and delicious to eat. Recipe is suitable for Vegan also. I like it a lot, super moist and don't have this strong sweet after taste.
We need too bawls
200 g flour
50 g oil
90 g maple syrup (or any other)
160 g milk ( if you are vegan you can use soy milk)
70 g carrot
15 g cinnamon
1 tbsp baking powder
Mix all
200 g flour
50 g oil
90 g maple syrup
50 g brown sugar
160 g milk ( if you are vegan you can use soy milk)
10 g ginger powder
10 g paprica
1 tbsp baking powder
Mix all
After then two mixture will be ready don't mix the together. Just pour the mixture alternately into the cake pan and bake for 35 min, 180C.
And you will have this... to enjoy :)
Thanks for sharing, looks delicious!
Thank you :)
Looks really nice!
Thank you. I like your blog ;)