
This is the best thing I've read on Steem today. I wonder if so much food is thrown away here in the UK? I'd love to see some videos of you guys donating food and finding it.

Wow, thanks! I wouldn't be surprised, especially at any corporate chain stores. I just recently got a video camera donated to my work, and am going to work on that :-)

Keep up the good work my friend! It's people like you who make the world a better place.

I really appreciate that.

I am shocked at the level of waste especially in the meat markets. I really do need to just go visit my local butcher and produce shop instead of the big chain and get my mindset right on how I think about sustainable living. Thanks for this amazing info!

You're very welcome! Let me know if you have any questions.

I know here in Canada it can be as much as 30%... possibly more. I see good food thrown away all the time where I work. Funny because I barely make enough to eat well lol.

Kenny that is amazing - I would definitely go for a run with you!

Let's make it happen sometime. I'm a little scared to think what actually makes it into the dumpsters in Acapulco haha. We may need to meet up somewhere else.

I see you have not yet done an introduceyourself post. People here on Steemit would like to have some verification of your identity--generally a photo of yourself holding up a piece of paper that says "Steemit" and today's date. This is just to ensure that no one has stolen your pics/blogpost/identity. Thanks and welcome to Steemit!

I'll be doing that shortly. It's always easier to talk about something other than myself haha.

o m g mate ready for a nuclear bomb or what???

It all tends to get distributed pretty quick actually. I try to feed as many people as possible :-)

"Apparently one store had an item or 5 explode in their dairy cooler, and instead of cleaning off the products that got splattered (with what I believe was sour cream), threw it all in the dumpster."

That just blows my mind. It's frightening to think how common these kinds of practices are within the food industry! The U.S. in particular wastes an INSANE amount of food (40% !!!) which is a real tragedy. Anyway, I really admire the work that you're doing and it'd be terrific to see some video footage of it in the future.

Oh, and kudos for being a sensible vegan! As a vegan myself, I agree that it doesn't make much sense to let perfectly good meat go to waste, even if we're not going to consume it ourselves.

It's almost inconceivable that people would ever let that much food go to waste, and it's nice to know that I'm not the only one doing this, there are people all over the world helping to reclaim this abundance :-)

I just got a video camera in the last couple of weeks, and plan on making some footage of runs, along with many other forms of world-changing I take part in. Working on editing up a couple videos I filmed for We Are Change Colorado right now.

Thanks; I don't really consider myself a vegan so much as I practice mindful eating. I am very mindful of the things I put in my body, how they make me feel, what the energy put into them is, etc. My body doesn't like the feeling of meat, milk, or cheese. Not to mention the waste & pollution created through the livestock industry itself, methane from cows will have more of an effect on temperature than CO2. How much GM corn & soy is grown every year, just to feed animals that are later going to be eaten? (animals who would much rather be eating grass by the way).

That's awesome, man! :) Change starts from within and it's always great to see people who are not only talking the talk but walking the walk. I read some articles recently about a restaurant in India that placed a couple of refrigerators outside their establishment and filled them with paper bags of leftover food for the homeless to take. One of my goals is to open a plant-based restaurant in the future with an emphasis on solar cooking, and I'd like to adopt this same sort of practice. Sustainability doesn't end with where our food comes from but where it's going, too.

Yeah, animal agriculture is one of the worst (if not the worst) culprits of environmental degradation and destruction. Cowspiracy is a wonderful documentary film that highlighted this key point. The way I see it, if it weren't for the billions of dollars in government subsidies that are given to the meat, dairy, and egg industries in the U.S. (maybe in the UK and other countries, too, I'm not sure), this wouldn't be as big of a problem as it is today. It'd be great to have those subsidies abolished and watch the rise of entrepreneurial advancements in cultured meat (such as SuperMeat) become widely adopted in the marketplace.

Wonderful! We definitely need more places like that, just like we need more of the pay-what-you-can restaurants, more Food Not Bombs, etc. I feel like the biggest thing is what the intention behind the food is; the more it was created out of love, the better it's going to be.

I'm very much down for people shifting away from supporting those industries. I am, however, very wary of things like lab-grown meat.

Fantastic! I just saw it and upvoted! :)

Nice post..As kids in New Zealand we would wait for the right days and jump the fences behind a store that would throw out there expired chocolate bars. We would have enough for the next month until they did it again,lol...The expiry is by law it doesn't mean the food has gone bad. Although obviously with some foods you have to be more careful.

That's awesome! Ya, you definitely can't just eat any and every thing you find. A large part of what I have been doing is taking people out for their first runs and "showing them the ropes". Now that I have have a camera, I will definitely be making some videos breaking down the important details for people.

Nice score! We had a community of 20+ and everyone would be well fed on organic, mostly vegan food, from trader joes and sunflower market dumpsters... we were living large and would dehydrate bananas, zuchinnis and whatever else we'd find. Really great memories.

Its really fun to manifest with dumpsters... try visualizing and intending what you will find and you will find what you intend.. miracles unfold. I remember finding a case of maple syrup when one of the kids wanted maple.. like magic :-)

I am also vegan.. woohoo!

Sorry @allahhh, somehow I didn't see this post until just now. It's a great way to do things, I've seen dozens of avocadoes, gallons of coconut yogurt, cases of kombucha, and much more manifest when asked for :-)

Hey man! You are featured in the first ever issue of Golden Nuggets from Steemit! Check it out here!

Holy WOW! That's awesome :-)
I'm so stoked right now! I'm going to go share the hell out of Golden Nuggets :-)

This is an amazing post and story ! 💕🙌

Keep up the great work, would love to see some more posts or pics on the distribution to the hungry masses. :)

Good article - it always makes me "sick" to see so much food go to waste - I agree that countries/governments should make companies donate food that is jsut coming up to 'sell by date' - when they dont get rid of it that day by reduction. Old peoples homes, orphanges, homeless, foodbanks etc could all benefit from this

Thanks! I agree, and that's why I make a point of doing something about it everywhere I go :-) Not to mention I love to cook, so it's wonderful having tons of random food come my way to cook for a community of super-heroes.

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