Refsvindinge is rather famous for its Ale no.16, which has received mainstream attention for years and still sells in many supermarkets.
Its lesser known cousin, Mors Stout, features a naked lady caricature on its label. Usually this would seem a cheap trick, but it is suffiecently decent to not throw me off early on. The word Mors, can both refer to an island by that name and "Mother´s" ... and since Refsvidinge is placed on Fyen, and Mors island is at the top end of Jutland and there is a woman on the label, i think the reference is Mother.
It is a top-fermented beer brewed on hops and malts, with added carbondioxide. Thats all we get from the label.
The Eye:
It pours slightly reddish, dark brown, with a small, carbonized head, that quickly settles.
The Nose:
Straight out of the fridge, it is a weak nose, with light hopsy and hay'ish notes. As it tempers, the hay notes turn into a stronger smell of new mown hay, mixed with fresh coffee and faint notes of dried fruits. Give it a good swirl before sniffin'
The Tongue:
At first most notably a serious carbonation, that stays with the beer for a long time. A thin body, even when warmed, that has a good deal of hopsy bitterness and acidity. The malts are quite weak in the palette and the promised notes from the nose, does not really materialize in the body of tastes. It feels like something is missing. It is a dry and dusty impression i get, with very little viscosity or fullness. The tastes are simply that of malts and hops, thats all.
The Verdict:
A simple beer, that does not wake my inner beer enthusiast but does not hurt me either. A decent companion for a decent meal. The carbonation is good, but kind of overwhelms the overall thin body. I like the dusty hay notes in the nose, but the body disappoints in not delivering any of the promised attributes. The aftertaste is nothing interesting either, just fading notes.
The Rating:
2.25 / 5.00