Vietnamese Food / Makanan Vietnam

in #food6 years ago

I was supposed to go to Tteokbokki Bar but I took the wrong way.
Saya seharusnya pergi ke Tteokbokki Bar tetapi saya mengambil jalan yang salah.

I came across this Vietnamese restaurant instead.
Saya menemukan restoran Vietnam ini sebagai gantinya.

Take a look at this rice noodle and beef egg roll.
Lihatlah mie nasi dan telur gulung sapi ini.

What I most like about this roll is fried rice paper.
Yang paling saya sukai dari gulungan ini adalah kertas nasi goreng.

It's crispy outside and tender inside.
Renyah di luar dan lembut di dalam.

I totally like this place.
Saya sangat suka tempat ini.




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Thanks for your help!

makanan viet nam lezat! (correct?)
but i believe the dish that CNN reported as the best dish in the world is rendang (makanan indonasia, tapi kamu tahu itu)

Google translator helped me with Indonesian language. I can't wait to try Rendang. Thanks for nice foodie information.

then why post about vietnamese food in indonesian if its not your language? whats your connection?

My last post was translated into Japanese and it's not my mother tongue as well. I just want to reach many people in world.