Healthy living series # 1 “Once go homemade yogurt, you’ll never go back!” 零失败家庭制作酸奶

in #food8 years ago (edited)

I love yogurt not only for the great taste but also for the nutrition and health benefits.(中文在下面)

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I had my first yogurt in Beijing many years ago.

It was in a big ceramic jar, covered with waxed paper, and I used a straw to push through the paper, then I drank. It was a little bit tangy and a little bit sweet it had a strange texture that I immediately liked. Back then there was only one flavor “plain”, but at that moment it made a big mark in my memory. “This is yummy”
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Last year, I was surfing online for healthy living ideas, “homemade yogurt” caught my attention.. I have never thought that it was easy to make yogurt from scratch. I tried to make my own yogurt and after several failures, I have figured out the most efficient and cost effective way to make your own yogurt. Not only is it easy but it tastes great. Now that I have been making my own yogurt for a while, I don’t think I will ever go back to the store for my favorite treat. Not only does it saves me money I get 100% great results with my special technique that has never been shared before.

“Once you go homemade yogurt, you never go back!”

Making yogurt at home is very easy, easier than cooking Chinese food.

Here is how…

Equipment I use:

  1. Blender
  2. Glass Picture X 2
  3. Pressure cooker with yogurt setting
  4. Digital Thermometer
  5. Jars or containers
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1). 2 cups Whole powered milk
Why do I use powder whole milk?
a. I buy powder whole milk in bulk (8 lbs) online, that saves me money and time. I don’t have to worry about the milk going bad or running to the store. (online shopping is great!) Powdered whole milk is the secret to making it easy.
b. If using liquid milk, that requires you to heat up the milk and cool it down, to a temperature between 112 to 115 F. I personally don’t have luck when cooking milk it either gets burned, or spills and I do not have much patients to wait for whole milk to cool down after cooking it.

2). ½ cup yogurt containing active cultures probiotics (make sure there are at least 5 live cultures in it,L. acidophilus LA-5®, S. thermophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. casei, L. rhamnosus, B. bifidum cultures。。。etc)
3). 1 pitcher (4 – 5 cups) previously boiled water then cooled to room temp (boiling water kills bacteria)
4). 1 pitcher (4 -5 cups) hot boiling water

Making yogurt step by step:

1). Put 3 cup hot boiling water in mixer, turn mixer to LOW speed, add 2 cup whole powdered milk into mixer. The milk and hot water mix well this way.
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2). Slowly Add 3 cups cold water into the mixer, checking temperature along the way and add hot or cold water accordingly up to the 8 cup mark on the mixer, make the temperature to between 112 to 115 F. Temperature is very important, the live cultures will Die if the temperature is over 118, so I try to keep it between 112 to 115 F.
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3). Add ½ Cup starter yogurt at room temperature, mix into milk at low speed for 25 seconds.
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4). Put 1 cup water in the canister
Slowly pour yogurt mixer into mason jars, it will create bubbles if you pour too fast.
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5). Transfer all jars into yogurt maker (pressure cooker), press “yogurt” button, let it incubate for 9 hours (you can do shorter or longer time, the longer time the thicker yogurt will get), I keep the top vent open, the pressure cooker will display “Yo9t” when it’s done.
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I usually make it in the evening and let it cook over night, your delicious homemade yogurt will be ready in the morning. I then put them in the refrigerator, to enjoy later when chilled.
I use 12 (twelve) 4oz and 1 (one) 12oz mason jars, they fit in the pressure cooker perfectly,and one 4oz jar is one serving, now we have yogurt for two people for a week,4(four) 8oz jars will work as well.
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Find and press the yogurt button on your pressure cooker.
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Press the + button to adjust time for total incubation time in hours.
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Leave the vent open to prevent build up of any pressure.

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Don’t forget to save 2 oz of yogurt for your next batch.
Thanks for reading. Ask me any questions about homemade yogurt and the different things you can do with it.

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Making a healthy yogurt desert.




1). 2 量杯 全脂奶粉 (你可以用半脱脂或脱脂奶粉,我个人喜欢浓稠的酸奶,所以我用全脂奶粉)
2). ½ 量杯室温的有机酸奶 (谨记,一定要有至少5种以上的益生菌)
3). 4-5量杯凉开水
4). 4-5量杯开水


1) 到3量杯开水入搅拌机,开低速档,加入2 量杯 全脂奶粉,搅匀。开低速档防止热水溅出。
2)保持低速档,到入3量杯的凉开水,搅匀。量一下温度,根据这是的温度判断加入凉开水或者热水,到搅拌机的8量杯的线, 最后的温度一定要在44摄氏度和46摄氏度之间, 如果温度超过47摄氏度,益生菌会失效。
3)加入½ 量杯室温的有机酸奶,搅匀
我 通常是晚上做,早上就好了,把做好的酸奶放入冰箱,然后慢慢享用。


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Thanks for this post @miacats! homemade yogurt rocks!

You are welcome. Yes, we don't buy from store anymore.


你是怎么做酸奶的?分享一下? :D

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