Beguni recipe

in #food6 years ago

dfh gjg8gik.jpg

Serves: 10
2 brinjals
Salt to style
1 teaspoon sugar
2 cups besan flour
1/2 teaspoon red seasoner
A pinch of turmeric powder
A pinch of hing (aesofetida)
A pich of ginger powder (optional)
2 cups oil
3-4 teaspoons cumin seeds (optional)
1 teaspoon chaat masala

Cut herbaceous plant either into longitudinal skinny slices or skinny rounds. Salt to style. might or might not add a pinch of sugar. Set aside.

Make a batter of two cups besan. begin to feature water very little at a time to create a sleek and thick batter. Use the maximum amount as you wish. Add salt, red seasoning, pinch of turmeric powder, pinch of hing. might add some ginger powder if you've got some.

Heat oil during a deep chicken. Coat the herbaceous plant slices in batter. Let the oil be very hot. Slowly unleash the coated herbaceous plant in oil. Fry until both sides is golden brown. Place it on a towel to let the surplus oil be soaked. Sprinkle some chaat masala on high for the road food reasonably style. conjointly might sprinkle some dry roast jeera masala.

To make jeera masala take many teaspoons of cumin seeds and roast them on stove high. once done grind it in mixer. Sprinle it on the beguni before serving.

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