in #food7 years ago (edited)

I'm sure you've probably realised this by now, but I have a HUGE appetite. Whenever I eat out at cafes I always try and choose something that is paleo and based around vegetables or a source of protein, rather than grains (like rice or bread).
This criteria often leads me to order salads or deconstructed burger bowls, which... can leave me feeling pretty hungry. My healthy hack to feeling full (not only after eating your salad, but for hours after) is all about healthy fats! If I don't include a healthy source of fat into each meal, I am hungry straight away and feel like I could eat forevvverrrrrr. Seriously guys, if you feel like your appetite is uncontrollable, definitely give this tip a go! Here's a list of my favourite sources of healthy fats...

  • flax seed oil
  • walnuts
  • coconut oil
  • avocado
  • egg yolk
  • pumpkin seeds
  • oily fish
    So when eating at cafes, I'm always that girl adding double meat and an extra source of fat to my meal! Remember guys, don't be afraid of food, especially not healthy fats. Listen to your body, eat when you're hungry, stick to whole foods. Don't over complicate it 😊