How Much Food Does $5 Buy in Mexico?

in #food6 years ago

There's something about Mexican street food that always has us coming back for seconds. And thirds. We're not saying restaurant food here is garbage or anything, but Mexican street vendors put their heart and soul into the food they sell and it's simply crave-worthy.

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Five dollars. Two grown adults. One Mexican city.

For this video, we decided to grab $5 USD (91 pesos at the current exchange rate) and set out on the town of Guanajuato, Mexico to see how much street food we could possibly buy with that amount. Can we stuff our faces or will our tummies be rumbling?

Watch the full video below.


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Until next time,
@sharingeverybite (Maddie)
@shenanigator (Jordan)
(and Laska the Siberian Husky)

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No churros in Guanajuato ? Say its not so :(

There are plenty of churros here! We just didn't get any during this challenge.

Whew! Enjoyed your video but you had me worried when I didn't see any churro carts. Probably not the healthiest choice but Mexican churros are so delicious. I hope those don't cost more than 91 pesos now. I think I paid a dollar for a whole bag of them last time I was in Tijuana a few years back...

I should probably cower in shame because I have yet to have a churro since coming to Mexico. Eek.

I was in a coffee shop that wanted about $1 for 3 of them. You can probably get them even cheaper from a street vendor.

Great video. Now I'm even further inspired to get my rear in gear and get to traveling! Keep up the fun work! -Respect

Hey @steviecrypto, thanks for the compliment! We really appreciate you watching. Which places are at the top of your to-travel-to list?

A year ago from now I absolutely fell in love with Jamaica. Not just the resort part of Jamaica, but the heart and soul of the most magnificent island that I could have ever ventured to. That visit has sparked my dream to be able to buy a plot of land to live on in the countryside of Jamaica (perhaps St. Catherine), and either work at a school or start my own. I can't even begin to tell you the feelings that were sparked in me during that visit.
There are a bunch of places I have been as well such as Honduras, St Martin, Spain, England, and more....but my heart is with Jamaica. Thanks for your reply and keep up the great work and fun! -Respect

I think I may agree that street vendors in Mexico are better than restaurants. I have never gotten severely sick from a street vendor there. I have, however, been so sick I lost 20 pounds after eating in a restaurant. Street vendor food is the best! I cant wait until I can go back to Mexico again!

We've been fortunate enough to not get terribly sick. Whenever traveling to a new place, your body is probably going to get exposed to some new bugs it has never encountered before. I (Jordan) have been out of commission for about a day on three different occasions since starting our travels 2.5 months ago.

Anyway, the longer we're here, the more we like street food.

Eek! Sorry to hear that! Curious, what made you sick from a restaurant? Was it a particular dish/food we should watch out for, or more of a fluke/unfortunate food poisoning?

This video made me want to travel so badly! I'd love to visit Mexico, but it's a bit far from the Northern Europe... Maybe one day. 😊 That mango with salt and chili sounds really interesting, perhaps I'll give it a try too, even though I'm also the kind of person who likes to eat fruits plain. 😅

We were people who liked to eat fruits plain too, but the Mexican way is so tasty! YUMMM!

This video made me want to travel so badly!

That's such a huge compliment, thank you!

Wow how much food for 5 dollars and quality. I wish we could find the same in Venezuela! The idea of the cigarette inside the plastic bag great!

You Venezuelans have it tough right now. I hope things improve for your country soon!

The best way to spend $5: FOOD - LOTS OF IT! 💕 Thanks to cheap and delicious eats in Guanajuato for making it possible. 😊

You can't go wrong buying tons of food, can you!?!

Thas some yummy goodness! In my country $5 would barely scratch the surface.
That's a great country to be in!

It was delicious! Really? It's surprising to hear that $5 USD wouldn't go very far in Kenya. Is food pretty expensive there?

Yes it is. $5 can't even get you a decent burger..

Wow, I'm surprised to learn that!

Lol. You probably should google more. Nonetheless,your welcome.

Give me Maxican food any day love spicy food I think it is cheap compared to UK price

Mmm is it ever delicious! It's quite cheap compared to US prices as well.

I feel this is still a hard one. 91 pesos for both, as against the 180 pesos each, per person, even though I know it helps in making the best choice, as to what to go for.

Maddie made me understand that, bugs can be cute. Hahaha.

Was that Kimoli? I mean the one you got that day, that you actually went back, to get more of? The same one you got discount on?

At least for this challenge, we didn't have to eat the entire day on 91 pesos. It was just to see how much food we could buy for $5.

They were tamales (tah-mal-ays) or tamal if you're talking about just one.

Thank you for saving me from that embarrassment, of not remembering the name. Hahaha.

How fun! I watched a video the other day where you both tried eating for the day on $10 and I thought that would be difficult but $5?! I was surprised that you were able to eat for the day on $5USD but it was fun watching the challenge. I love street food! I wish we had more street food in the US but don't. sad face
Have tons of fun!

I don't know if we would've been able to eat all day on $2.50 each, but we were able to go out and get a substantial amount of food for $5 between the two of us.

The closest thing we had to street food in Phoenix were food trucks. It's just too darn expensive and time consuming to jump through all the legal hoops in the US. Unlike Mexico, you can face massive fines if you go out on the street selling fruit without all the right permits.

Having so many street food options is such a treat!

We have food trucks here too and some local produce vendors but there is so much competition between them for parking spaces because there are only so many spaces available for them to park downtown where they would get the most business. There are so many rules for serving food that it just gets crazy.

Have fun!

That sounds pretty similar to Phoenix.

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