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RE: Grandpa Gotta Smoothie

in #food6 years ago

I wouldn't normally think that chocolate would taste good with fruit and veggies, but if it's subtle enough, I guess it could.

I'm not sure this is the type of smoothie I would drink. I tend to like mine to be sweeter... and not taste like kale and spinach. Ha ha. Glad to see you're eating healthy though!


Oh, it's alright. I mean it's not really sweet, but it's not bitter or flat, either. The kale actually sweetens things up a little. I don't normally use spinach, but I couldn't find just kale when I went to the supermarket, so I got the blend.

re: chocolate

Yeah. It's basically in there just because it's the protein part of the equation. I will normally throw in a raw egg or even almonds or walnuts. We've got these freeze dried cans of stuff, and this protein powder was one of them. My wife decided she wanted to try it, but has yet to do so. She's been making smoothies with the frozen bags of fruit she brings home.

Raw eggs? I've never really understood the whole raw egg thing. I thought you were supposed to cook them first. Ha ha. They're really good on burgers!

I really do enjoy the fruity smoothies. Those are tasty!

I can almost guarantee you that a cooked egg in a smoothie would not taste good at all. They are however, remarkably tasty on a hamburger. Throw on some bacon and you've got the making of instant heart attack. :)

Well, that's okay. I'm sure most people like fruity smoothies. I'm trying to keep the sugar intake down a little, too, although I'm not sure how much I'm actually accomplishing with that.

I can almost guarantee you that a cooked egg in a smoothie would not taste good at all.

Ha ha ha. That would be something, wouldn't it?!

I really enjoyed those heart attack burgers back in the day. I can't do that anymore though.

If you're trying to keep the sugar intake down, you're probably doing better to eat vegetables than fruits. Hopefully it pays off! :)

I keep being told it's better if the sugar intake is lower, and that fruit can be just as high in it as anything manmade. Even if it is a more natural sugar, it still goes through your system fast. So, it's not like I'm trying to, it's more like, I think it's probably for the best. As it is, I don't eat a lot of fruit, anyway, and probably should actually do that, and cut out the rest.

Red Robin has a pretty good burger with egg. Can't remember if there's bacon on that one or not, but I've survived it a couple of times. :) I don't know. I joked about it, but depending on how often you do it, and what else you eat, it's probably not that bad. Most people who are inclined to do it do it too much, so it does start to clog the arteries. In moderation, you could probably get away with a lot of not-so-good eating habits. The trick is getting to the moderation.

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