Obama's legal excuse to execute Americans without trial!
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Freedom is man's greatest enemy. Can I expect really be free? Well at least your post is free:). Nice one though and good luck with it.
your post is very good and I like it, I'm very glad when you stop in my post, if you do not want anything too because I'm quite happy if we become a better friend thanks
Glad trump is president now!
How is Trump any different. Obama did not have the balls to publically muse about being president for life. Trump is adding swamp creatures by the day. He is just another bankerster tool to enslave the people. Your totalitarian dictator has also talked about the death penalty for drug dealers. So, somebody needs a little pot for name the ailment and someone helps them out and his highness wants to kill them.
#Good post about this🤔
president of little obama in indonesia
and school in indonesia
Hail to America from Turkey
Haven't heard of Obama for quite some time now. Thanks for sharing the video cool video :)
Anyone who doesn't see this as a threat to the very foundation of the rule of law in America is badly deceiving themselves.
It is especially worrying that the administration don't seem to be trying very hard to keep this secret. It would be some sort of mitigation if they showed that they knew they were doing wrong, but felt they had to do it anyway. As it is they seem to be fully endorsing monarchical executive power as policy.
This guy's use of ".....faith in the government..." just goes to prove that the CULT of Statism is alive and kicking. Hopefully he will look into what you said Adam and perhaps that cult will lose another worshipper. Great interview. Resteemed. Peace.
your post all so good.i like it@adamkokesh