Drug War. Fear. Libertarians. #TimesUp

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

If there is no victim, there is no crime; for possession itself is never a crime. If you falsely arrest someone who has committed no crime, then YOU are the criminal. In the drug war, those who have chosen the side of Darwin instead of the side of the people, are the criminal aggressors standing on the wrong side of history, and they will be judged for the evil they have wrought upon this earth.


Today is Thursday January 18th, 2018 and you are listening to ADAM VS THE MAN coming to you live from cell D-27 at the Wise County Jail in Decatur, Texas behind drug war enemy lines. For 3 days I have been denied my basic human rights as a prisoner of the United States and international law. I have not been provided any paperwork about my case or my charges despite repeated requests; and I have not been allowed to meet with my attorney. My bail has been set at $80,000 which is to say that an innocent man has been kidnapped by the government and is being held for ransom.

The Wise County bond system is a shakedown racket that needs to go. They say that I can be released if I pay $6,000 of which I would never see again. They're doing this and harassing innocent Americans every day and the war on drug users because they want us to be afraid. Well, in the Marines, they forgot to teach us to be afraid. They taught us not to negotiate with terrorists, and certainly not acquiesce to their demands without a fight.

Well today I would rather fight than buy my freedom. Thanks to our supporters on Steemit, we have raised more than enough money to pay off the terrorists, but I have instructed my staff to donate that money to the Libertarian Party instead. If you're not already, please become a member of the LP by going to www.LP.org.

I'm also excited to announce two nominations for the party, but first, the reasons. I am running for the Libertarian Party nomination of president in 2020 in order to dissolve the entire federal government in a peaceful and orderly manner. My opposition is the pro-pedophile Bill weld, who is launching his campaign unofficially this weekend with a documentary produced by a convicted pedophile. As if that wasn't bad enough, Bill weld is also a Hillary Clinton supporter. You would think that being a big government Massachusetts Republican would disqualify him from representing Libertarians.

Which brings us to our next two pedophilia protectors in the party, chair Nick Sarwark, and Vice Chair Arvin Vohra. Sarwark has already defended Cara Schultz who was hired recently as a candidate recruiter despite the fact that she has publicly defamed LP candidates including myself without apology or retraction. In 2018, it's time to clear house at the top of the LP. If we are to be the party of principle, we must rid ourselves of liars like Cara Schultz. We must universally condemn and reject candidates like pro pedophile Bill weld. We must make it clear that someone like Vice Chair Arvin Vohra does not represent us when he publicly supports pedophilia. We must not let a pedophile sympathizer, protector of liars, or even someone who is not willing to stand up to the establishment like Nick Sarwark lead our party to ruin. We must not allow ourselves to be vulnerable to infiltration from political enemies or COINTEL PRO type government agents.

So I am happy today to announce my nomination of two of my longtime friends, as well as longtime friends of the party and freedom itself, Erin Adams of Oklahoma for LNC chair, and Carla Howell of Massachusetts for Vice Chair. I hope they will join me in ensuring that the LP can be all that it can be. We must hang together or surely, we will all hang separately. They have subjected me to this recent and Justice because they want us to be afraid, to cower, and to feel small and weak. However, the "Freedom!" movement gets bigger and stronger every single day; despite the fact that I was set up for false arrest on the day that I announce my candidacy. There has been a shameful mainstream media blackout of this incident, but I am sure they will be happy to cover pro-pedophile Bill Weld and his pedophile coming out documentary, because they want Americans to think that's what represents Libertarians.

We will still have to work extra hard to get our message out and demand that the mainstream media portray us fairly with equal time just like the old parties, and interpreted honestly as champions of a message of universal human rights, ethics, peace, and love. Maybe they never will because they know that if the American people knew they had a choice that they could vote for freedom, that if they finally had a choice to vote for no one to be president and finally free America, they will.

Time is up. The game is almost over. The Libertarian Party far better represents the American people better than the Democrats or Republicans. There are more Americans who believe in Freedom from the drug war. There are more Americans who believe in freedom from the terror war. There are more Americans who believe in freedom from the government.

And that is why an American Freedom will win!

Thank you for listening, and please go to www.thefreedomline.com to join the fight!

Help get Adam out of jail: https://kokesh.revv.co/wise


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me a message with their address.


Great post! I'll check out your book!

Are the folks who gave the money to you for bail cool with you giving it away?

It doesn't really matter if they're cool with it or not...do you plan on asking EVERY member who has ever upvoted your posts if they are cool with what you're doing with your earnings...I didn't think so. Those who are unhappy with the results of the crypto they donated can forego making a donation in the future...

the reason i asked was i think one guy gave him 6k in steem bucks, but you're right, if the guy was unhappy he probably wouldn't give again.

That is quite a bit...but usually when someone donates that much, they don't really care what is done with the scratch...they're a huge fan and they think of it as an obligation...but who knows, maybe the guy will be upset enough not to donate in the future.

#legend #kokesh2020 #freedom Glad to hear you are fighting it brother, this is a violation of your rights @adamkokesh. If you need anything else please let me know. I will do what I can to help out.

@korymanx and friends are currently standing outside Adam's jail with an AK-47.
So wish I was there with y'all.
FB link.

The day that the governed realize they outgun the governing...politicians and government agents will shit their pants!

i leave a message on steemit.chat

This is starting to make me very nervous. I'm glad Adam isn't reporting having been assaulted or abused so far. However, I fear his kidnappers might soon indulge their more violent and exploitative tendencies.

I'm glad to know Adam is remaining strong and fighting for his freedom rather than paying the ransom, but I really hope he is free VERY soon.

I don't think this is the case at all. I called and spoke to an officer and a Sargent. It is my impression that they are not going to let that happen though they are enforcing jail standards as stipulated by Texas law. The real problem lies in the arrest. Why was Adam pulled over twice in one hour? Why were multiple officers sent for a minor infraction? Why was a K9 there as well. How did they know where he was? They must have known he was alone so they could plant evidence. All these factors point to a setup. Highway Patrol passed him onto the county jail who would have no idea and are following procedure. I am not saying that the procedure is lawful and ethical but they are just following through and not part of the conspiracy against Adam.

Your fears are not based in reality. Adam is somebody who is well-known in several circles...the minute they assault/abuse him, their case against him loses. Were he just another Joe Blow from Fiddlefart Texas, then you might have reason to worry.

I hope you're right about that.

"the side of Darwin instead of the side of the people"
I had no idea they were at odds!

I don't know about Adam's beliefs, but I am aware of massive conspiracy around Darwin, and the dogmatic protection of it in the face of evidence that is less than supportive.

how is against the people? there are those that are aware of their divine connection, our ability to create with our minds, and don't want you to have it. Darwinism is a part of that plan to separate you from divine energy, by getting you to believe you are an accident of nature.

ultimately, it is all about exploiting you. the war on drug creates value out of conflict. those with stolen power use that conflict to profit both in the selling and fight against it.

I think that must be it.

That seemed weird to me too. It's supposed to say "the side of government" I believe.
If you listen to the podcast that's what it says. Looks like a talk-to-text typo. :)
But I guess typos happen when you're kidnapped, caged, and have your things stolen.

I totally agree. Those with substance abuse problems, don't need to be locked in prison! Prison doesn't address the real abuse problems, that many people KNOW they have yet CANNOT free themselves with addiction.

How about, trying to actually HELP people with addictions, with counseling instead of locking them up and throwing away the key? :(

Re-steemed and upvoted! Keep fighting the fight, yall!

Did you read all of this?

Yeah, that would be the sensible things to do but Government isn't interested in that.

They say that I can be released if I pay $6,000 of which I would never see again.
Are you talking about "bail"? If you pay it they will let you out and when you go to court and resolve your charges you can get it back.

that sounds kind of like what he meant. No doubt small town hell Texas can be crooked, but uh...yeah, that's how bail works.


He wouldn't get that back, I'm sure the 6 is the fee on borrowing the 80, and you would get the 80 back but have to pay the bail bondsmen the 6 when you do.

so his bail is $80,000 what is he charged with?

how many plants?

In this case the word planted refers to the action of the police, who 'planted' the drugs in his vehicle, like a farmer 'plants' seeds.

You don't get a deposit back from a bondsman. That is their fee for putting up the $80k that is the actual bail amount.

you don't get bail set at 80,000 for a personal use amount of drugs.

The bail was $80k, so I could post $80k if I had it and get it back, or I could pay a bondsman $6k and never get any back.

Ridiculous conspiracy theorizing and whining.

Boooo! Lol

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