As California Celebrates *Legalization*, Eradicating Noncompliant Growers Is A Top Priority

in #freedom5 years ago (edited)

3FE796E0-1742-4331-B867-FAC87AAD182A.pngThere was a major enforcement action taking place in California today. Cannabis farmers all over Instagram are reporting multiple helicopters, roadblocks, and national guard. I find it appalling that this is what public funds are being used for. The millions of dollars in new revenue from legal cannabis isn’t going to schools or roads, like they claimed it would when they sold “legalization,” it’s going to this.

As usual, they’re using the excuse of protecting the environment and providing safety to the citizens for this military style action against peaceful communities in California. I think it’s reasonable to say that if they really wanted to protect the environment and make people safe there’s a lot of other things they could be focusing on. This cannabis legalization doesn’t look like freedom at all, it looks like martial law.

“A National Guard HH-60 Pavehawk supports a multi-agency effort led by the [sherriff] to eradicate thousands of illegal marijuana plants which cause environmental and safety concerns in their county.”
This is a perfect representation of the attitude of police post “legalization”. Exactly the same as before, but now with more funding. They didn’t want to stop treating the cannabis community like criminals, and they didn’t have to. The divide and conquer strategy is being used perfectly. Enforcement is being paid for by the compliant cannabis businesses who are happy to see the competition shut down. It’s business as usual in the corporate world. This is what regulation, licensing and taxes are for, and soon almost all small cannabis businesses will be bankrupted by the weight of them.

These petty officials, drunk on power, think shattering the peaceful lives of farmers is a fun time.

The raids come more than a month after Riverside County officials held a similar eradication effort in Anza on April 20, or 4/20 — a date typically viewed as a holiday for marijuana users.

“We treated 4/20 a little different.” “Yes, there is a new Sheriff in town,” the newly elected sheriff wrote on Facebook.
I’m sure they are using all the buzz words like gangs, cartels, polluting, violence danger etc. etc.


Oh wow... That's just sad.. And yeah prohibition and revenue agents all over again...

And got bootleggers running that sweet smoke to all places that don't have access. Making money hand over fist.

Now it's a war against anyone growing without paying the tax.... Legalization has ended up being the government fundraising for war...

Posted using Partiko Android

Holy shit. Or I guess I should say unholy shit. I could also go with wholly shit. They want a monopoly on Monsantoweed, so they can poison us with a GMO version.

Well, since the 90s, a high percentage of street weed is actually GMO, so that's been an issue for a couple of decades, legal or not.

Posted using Partiko Android

True story. All that is left is to secure a monopoly of growth and distribution. The irony of "legal weed" is they always manage to prevent people from being able to grow enough to actually treat serious chronic illness or cure anything. Ever seen "Leaf: The Movie"? It is n astonishing story, but to get those results you need pounds and pounds of fresh leaf but most states limit people to a few plants at a time.
Did you see the claim of the first death by THC overdose the other day? They were NOT smoking weed, they were using a Vape Pen. I have said all along "That ain't God's medicine" and now they are slandering God's medicine because the man-made knock off killed someone...

It's like someone using Salvia divinorum for "enlightenment," but instead of the traditional method of chewing the unenhanced leaves, they're using a 10X or 30X (or more) concentrated extract . . . and then wonder why it's a mostly negative experience. Unreal.

I want nothing to do with vape pens, until and unless I'm making my own legal extract, so that I'll know 100% what is in it.

A lot of medicinal value comes from pure extracts, for which you don't need pounds and pounds of herb, but unfortunately making them is no longer common knowledge, as it was in our grandparents' time.

And a few plants isn't an issue if you know your stuff. A single cannabis plant can get 10' tall and 8' wide, commonly, so you could have the legal number of plants and still have pounds and pounds of herb, again providing you know what you're doing.

Not until it's fully legal, though, at least for me. I'm not willing to risk the legal ramifications.

I got turned into the cops once for growing pot on my balcony, when I lived in St. Petersburg, Florida . . . which was actually a 6' tall false aralia plant. I wasn't even into pot at the time. At least the cop that came out thought it was as funny as I did. ;-)

There are legal sources for non-GMO organic seed, especially in the Netherlands, so sourcing safe seed is still possible. And they've been breeding for both recreational and medical uses for decades.

Posted using Partiko Android

LOL! When I was about 15, I came be-bopping in from school one day and my uber-straight mom had a brand new 3 foot pot plant on the windowsill. I had a huge "WTF!" moment, then went and looked at the sticker and it said "False Alarm" and I thought she was jackin' with my head... It seems that when your head is spinning, "aralia" looks just like "alarm!" LOL! While I agree about the extracts, there is an aspect of the LEAF that has incredible medicinal value, and those people need pounds and pounds of leaf to make into raw juice. It has to be fresh cut. It does NOT need to be buds, not sure if male plants are OK or not but it is NOT a way to get high, but it is illegal as hell even in "legal" states to grow the quantities needed.

Agreed, the juiced leaves are amazing, and yes, the leaves from males are as valuable as those from female plants.

And yeah, that quantity is hard to grow by yourself.

That said, whole plant extracts are amazing as well, and when that's all you've got, that's the way it goes.

Hopefully our government will get their collective heads out of their *sses some day soon. I'm not holding my breath.

Posted using Partiko Android

Boycott all the Legal weed.... they are in bed with the cops and politicians.

There’s a few good guys tryin’ to make it work in the “legal” game. It’s runnin’ them through the ringer, but they are trying hard to keep their integrity. I say, as with anything, you should make decisions on a case by case basis. With that said, 99% of the retail products available should probably be avoided on ethical grounds, if not out of concern for health.

Some one should make a list of the good guys so everyone knows what to buy. We need to eliminate the Greedy suits who are just in this for the cash and care nothing about quality bud.

100% upvote! I 100% agree!


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