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RE: Santa Fe High School Shooting: Real or False Flag narrative Gun-Control push? (discussion)

in #freedom6 years ago

I most definitely agree. The issue is systemic. Almost all shooters had been on or were recently on ssri anti depressants as I'm sure you know and on top of that lacked father figures. I always find that so many issues are deeply connected. butbyes guns are clearly not the issue. It is so much deeper then that. As we all know guns are tools. They can be used or misused.


Exactly. Let's say "they" win and all guns are gone...the problem is still going to be there only now there is a new weapon that is used. Until the actual issue is address this will forever be a problem.

Exactly. A fine example would be London outpacing NYC in murder rate due to people wielding knives. Both having strict gun control laws but London obviously being the more strict, didn't matter. The perps just use knives instead. And when they ban knives it'll be acid attacks (already is). Then it'll be bombs. Then it'll be steak knives or spoons or rocks or sticks. The list goes on. Anything can be used. Like you said ( I know we're preaching to the choir but it has to be said) it's a deeper issue that needs to be resolved. It's not fire arms. And taking them away will just make a bad situation even worse. You cannot violate a right of another make someone "safe". The topic should be liberty not safety and the ends do not justify the means.

Yes you are preaching to the choir but it had to be said. For the powers that be it is not about liberty nor is it about OUR safety... it is all about them and what they are working towards. Until people see that it will just be more of the same.

Right but the insidious part is the fact that they constantly preach about national security. "Give up your rights so we can be safe!" When really we haven't heard the topic of liberty being discussed in congress in ages. The topic should be liberty, then actual safety will follow. But yes, something tells me the powers that be do not eat the food we eat, take the aluminum thermisol fermaldehyde ridden vaccines we take, drink the soda we drink, drink the water we drink and so on. In fact we know they don't. But yes, you guys put out great material so keep it up, I'll be following your content. Oh, question, you are a two person team? You said your partner so I'm just curious. Always interested in learning a little about sources of info. I don't need specific details, I write under a pen name as well just curious about that aspect.

This is true... You really never hear anyone in government talk about liberty anymore... And Yes we know that they take care of themselves and do not put the trash that they give us to live on in their own bodies ^^.

Yes we are a two person team. We are a 'traditional couple' and have been together for 19 years and truthing for about the last 7. I go by ElectroCutie and he does not really go by a name at all he just uses TBL.

Oh that's awesome. A truthin couple so to speak. That's super cool you two found some common ground in this and are putting it to constructive and positive use. My partner is more on the alternative health end of the spectrum me on the political social end with a bit of health but I still can't get her to write about it yet. We'll see. But very cool

It will happen. It took a long time for me to get to this point. What got me started is one day he told me about the Mandela Effect and he showed me the 'Wizard of Oz' (he knows me so well, that is my childhood movie). That kicked me in the gut and I started researching and the rest is history so to speak ^^.

Rabbit hole city hah. You could spend a lot of time on that one.

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