
a weed to you perhaps, but to a bee its the honeypot xxxx

LOL. Bees don't seem to have any problems in politics, or any need to defend their liberty. I think we need to consider the piranha as our symbol. If we acted like them, NO ONE WOULD TREAD ON US.pirahna - school b w.jpg

People tend to stay out of waters where they dwell.

Excellent point, friend! It's one of the first sources of food for them in the spring!

It's one of the most RESILIENT plants there is! And, it's not a "weed". It's a helpful food and medicine. You can eat all parts of the plant. You can make tea. The tea is extremely popular! Food is literally all around you. But, most people falsely call things "weeds".

Why don't we see the stuff in any markets? The cost of planting is ZERO. The cost of harvesting can't be too much, either. (assuming one doesn't need the roots)

Anyway, as for a symbol of a political movement? Resilience isn't my main concern, the capability of defending itself is primary... and putting the fear of God in someone who dares trespass. A plant or weed is quite vulnerable to easy victimization. It does sum up the behavior of libertarians since 1971, but that doesn't mean I'd like to see it remain as such.
The spirit in this 6 min. vid illustrates the ideal I seek quite well

Dude, it's sold at Walmart in the specialty teas. It's an ingredient in lots of teas. It's sold at every health food store. I was being half-serious. You're taking this a little too far. I was just playing on the sentiment of the picture. But, dandelions will grow almost anywhere. They'll grow up through cracks in the sidewalk. You can't stop them. That's my point. It's an excellent metaphor. You can't stop them. No matter what you do, they keep popping up and surviving.