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RE: Adam VS The Tax Man (call with Yavapai County Treasurer)

in #freedom7 years ago

No, taxation is necessary to secure public services. Taxation, in its proper form, is not legalized theft. Without taxation it would be impossible to receive many of the services that people cherish and need. For instance, schools, emergency services and sanitation services are all paid for with tax dollars. As such taxation is not a form of legalized theft.


Spot on. The same internet trolls who say there should be no taxation on their precious crypto space are the same ones who ride around on state maintained roads, rely on police, fire department, and ambulances to keep them safe, seek government backed student loans, and are probably on welfare suckling at the government teet.

I'm not saying there isn't room for tax reform, but if these little snowflakes think roads, utilities, and services just magically appear, they're dumber than I feared.

I think the snowflake is the one who believes that taxation isn't's the same as me walking into your house, unannounced and uninvited...stealing ALL of your possessions in the name of paying for services you aren't entitled to...the police damn sure aren't here to protect your interests...they're here to protect the interests of those imposing the taxes...the strong arm of the ruling elite...but then you'd know that if you weren't indoctrinated to believe in the system...more than likely on the back of one of those government backed student loans you're babbling about...take a walk through history...humans didn't arrive where we are today because we needed a government entity to steal our money and spend it for us...we got where we are by being self-reliant and independent...hell, income taxes are less than 110 years did we survive before then...?

Statistically you are more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist. Just sayin

Theft is not defined by what is done with the stolen resources. You would be able to receive all those services at cheaper cost and better quality in a free market.
Look at the USPS, it is illegal for any company(Fedex, UPS, DHL, Etc.) to compete with them, they have a monopoly and that's why their service sucks.

And yet you silly schmucks voted for Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist who promised more goodies provided by the government and paid for by someone else.

"Without taxation it would be impossible to receive many of the services that people cherish and need"

What, impossible? Are you saying people wouldn't voluntarily pay for services they want and need? Is the only way to provide services such as schools, emergency or sanitation via compulsion? There are private schools, private emergency services and private santitation service providers that must face the market and earn customers. Therefore they offer better services than a service provider that does not have to earn customers.

The most basic definition of theft is to take something that is not yours without consent. Taxation is compulsary if it was by consent it would be called charity. So indeed taxation is theft...

I'm guessing you've never actually held a job before. It's possible you still live in your parent's basement. There is an actual real world out there and it costs money to maintain.

Ever gone to a hospital before. All of our tax dollars support it. You may not use it everyday and you may feel that since you don't use it you shouldn't be forced to pay for it, but you'll be damn glad it's there when you do truly need it.

You know nothing.

You are very wrong. Every service that is provided with taxes would function much more efficiently for profit in the market.

I'm guessing you never think things through before spouting off and calling other people parental basement dwellers...otherwise you'd realize that humanity made it through millions of years without money in...

an actual real world

Ever open a history book before? Native Americans, and indigenous tribal people from around the world, visited tepees of their "Shaman," "Medicine Man," when they got sick...none of your tax dollars paid for a damn thing, and humanity excelled...hell, most people didn't even have health insurance available to them...

You know less than nothing...perhaps you should open a book before opening your mouth in the future...

Degrading other people is not the best way to make a point., lemme get this're okay with the degrading remarks in the original comment, but not with me returning the favor...

I am okay with people degrading each other. Free speech have at it. I am just saying it does not do a good job at getting your point across. And sorry, I did not see the comment that enticed yours. I am sure it was a justified response. But still my point stands. Also I picked your comment but I am referring to others on this string as well.

All those things you mentioned are things that shouldn't have to face the market, in all its' deviousness and cutthroat tactics. I sure as hell don't want Company A to force me to pay fucking $3000 for a toilet just because it formed a monopoly and has no need to bring down prices.

That last paragraph is pure gibberish lol

then you should make toilets

Extremely overpriced toilets would def be a great indicator for market competition.

Sirlordboss--How are you into crypto? If you understood crypto at all you would see that one of it's primary functions is to avoid government monetary policy and taxes. You are making yourself look very foolish.

He doesn't...he's an uneducated ass bag full of shitty comments and ignorance

Monopolies can't exist without government.

All services should have to earn their customers this is one of the main attributes that creates quality of service and lower prices.

So you are worried about monopolies? The largest monopoly is the institution that is using tax theft as a means to exist. The question is whether taxation is theft, and it certainly is given the basic definiton of taking goods or services that are not yours without consent. Your opinion on which services should be provided via tax theft is irrelevant.

I'm digging all your responses!

I urge everyone to flag this troll and show him the door...he's an uneducated asshat with nothing better to do than run around flagging people like he's somebody important...instead of the douchebag he is

Wonders how did America survive all those years from 1776-1913 without collecting income taxes? How did schools, sanitation and emergency services function before taxes? hmmmmmm seems like you just want a government to dictate your life. If so Venezuela looks lovely right now...

Schools and sanitation services can be provided through the private sector.

Dude you have no clue. Even the internet would have been better without the government. The government has the monopoly on theft.

My friend, it's you who have no clue. Do you think roads, utilities, and services just magically appear? Where do you think they come from?

I appreciate the dialog my friend. Let me tell you about things that just appear out of nowhere. The automobiles came out without the taxation but from the free market. You really think the free market would not have invented the simple flat road? The free market came up with electricity and the phone. You don't think we could have made the utility poles? And let's see services, they say that private security does a much better job than those thugs that pull you off the road and extort you for money and remminding you whose in charge. You don't give the free market enough credit. That's because you and I, my friend have been indoctrinated by a gov't funded school system, that the private establishments have always done a better job at. History proves what a truly free people have the capablility of achieving and it's always better than what the gov't does.

No but government services Magically cost triple what they do in the private sector.

Here in the United State the way the Constitution was original written only corporations paid taxes. then slowly corruption took over and taxes was levied against the people then during a Christmas holiday the Federal Reserve Act was enacted, officially enslaving the nation. Give people enough "freedoms" so they have some choices and think they are free. In reality they are slaves. Even those who are awake enough to keep a little more of their freedoms knows that the way things are currently have enslaved the nation.

That's not true. The first tax was levied on whisky, by the founders, at the urging of Alexander Hamilton, to help pay the war debt. Nationalizing the war debt was the VERY beginning of the end for the American ideal. Also, Alexander Hamilton was responsible for provisions in the Constitution that allowed for the levying of taxes... So much for the revolution.

You are correct I responded to this sleep deprived...

I agree with what you're saying though. The Fed is not only nefarious, it is unconstitutional.

That doomed our generations you firmly believe that taxation is a "necessary evil" then...and that it is not a form of legalized theft...please, oh wise one, explain to me how humanity existed prior to 1913 when the 16th Amendment (you know, the one that legalized income tax) was ratified...taxation is nothing more than theft...without it, the ruling elite wouldn't maintain a stranglehold on power, greed, and corruption...these "services" you mention, are not promised to anyone...schools teach you to think that income tax is not legalized theft...emergency services lose as many as they save, if not more (if we include medical visits to emergency rooms and emergency surgeries, there's no doubt they lose more than they save)...sanitation services are another form of legalized theft, you are forced to pay somebody to remove your waste...when for centuries we simply burned it, buried it in compost piles, or repurposed it...what was that you were saying...?

What an edgelord lol, stfu dude. Lost you about halfway and have no intention of looking for any sign of intelligence anymore lol

Good...because you're the biggest douchebag on the blockchain...IDGAF about you or your ignorant opnion...any day you want to meet in person and shut me the fuck up,,,I'm game...bring it on little bitchboy!

Sounds like the statist propaganda they teach in the government sponsored public school systems. Of course they're going to only churn out more public debtor slaves, standing in bond & surety for their artificial entity

Sad to see. The public schools teach obedience not independence..

I disagree. I am fully Anarcho Capitalist at heart atleast.

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