No Taxation Without Represenatation ExplainedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #freedom8 years ago

When America was formed through the revolutionary war, one of the greatest grievances they had was taxation without representation . When we think about representation we think about representatives elected to either congress or parliament ( depending on where you live) that were elected by us to make decisions on either local or federal levels. Now our schools, media, and government would have us believe "there, you are represented so now we are justified in taking your taxes," which I will explain why this is a fallacy that has been used to fleece people out their hard earned money for millennia .This article will shed light on the fact that this grievance of many of the colonists is still alive and well today in most of western civilization, despite what our schools and media have brainwashed us into believing.

We are not adequately represented in our our legislatures as most high level politicians take kick backs from large corporations in exchange for favors later on. They may campaign for your votes but rarely ever do anything to disrupt the status quo and make things better for you, instead choosing to screw over their constituents in exchange for personal gain. This in and of itself makes the main stream belief that we are being represented adequately ,questionable at best and perhaps an outright lie ( I lean toward the latter).

Secondly, the government needs to provide some value to justify where they are taxing you . As much as I think that the system of using corporate taxes for military spending and property taxes for roads and sewers is out of date ( who made it theirs in the first place that I owe them for it, and why not only pay in proportion to what you use) , they make a lot more sense than income taxes. Income taxes go to pay central banks interest for the printing of money instead of the mint issuing money ( as mentioned before about politicians screwing their constituents over , the federal reserve and really any central bank in the world having a charter, is a prime example). Also , what does the government do to help the fruits of your labor that wouldn't be justified by taxes already being paid. The only jobs government creates are ones that are paid with tax dollars and as such are a burden on the economy, thus removing the argument that they create jobs as such an act is done by entrepreneurs .

In my native Canada , income tax was supposed to be a temporary measure to help pay for world war 1 (damn those cannons must have been expensive). It goes to show why you should never allow a tax hike because once bureaucrats get their hands on more money, the rarely,if ever, give it up. In the United States, income tax was brought in to pay for the great national heist know as the federal reserve. There is one other problem in the states though, and that is the fact that the income tax act WAS NEVER PASSED IN CONGRESS, in fact it was shot down. They decided to go with it anyway and just ignore the fact that it is neither legal nor lawful.

Thank you for Reading. If you liked this please up vote. Sorry that I didn't cover all facets of taxation but I assumed no one would want to read that much at once.

I have come across a lot of information over the years,however, the only source that I remember directly providing information for this was the documentary spare change.


Thank you for this information, where i can find more of this theme?

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