in #freedom7 years ago


Why are people always saying its human nature to kill and wage war and control others.
The controllers are not like the rest of us. Most people don’t realise it , but there is a distinct physiological difference between the normal human and the .1% that actually really believe they have the right to rule over everyone else.
The controllers through their general sick nature will stop at nothing to gain the control they crave.
The Event Chronicle.jpg
Image scourced the Event Chronicle


Unfortunately the general population or the "people " are basically unaware that the controllers exist. The people actually believe the controllers are a part of the community they know to exist. This is not entirely the peoples fault as the controllers in their nature control the media , the education systems, the banking ,the governments and many other entities in an effort to keep control of the people. The controllers are very good at what they do.


The controllers generally recruit over greedy people with lower intellect to assist in carrying out the day to day brainwashing of the people. Many of these recruits are high profile actors and entertainers who attain their notoriety by constant promotion through the controllers controlled entities.
These recruits are generally identified and corrupted early in life , often what the people see as a "lucky break "is actually someone who has been identified and groomed. These recruits often come in many disguises like computer geeks.


A small percentage of the people have awoken to the realisation of what is going on.
For a person to "wake" he or she must go through a process that can be quite traumatic. The first response is always disbelief and sometimes hostility toward the person attempting to wake the subject.
Sometimes the truth is to much to bare and the person quickly goes back to sleep and spends the rest of their lives ridiculing the awake. This process is sometimes referred to as taking the red pill or blue pill depending on which outcome is achieved.
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Image Scourced Living Soul


Usually its fairly obvious to the awakened people who the controllers and their recruits are.
Sometimes it is extremely difficult to identify a controller or recruit and huge debates arise between the awakened as to who they are. As the controllers are very cunning in their lies and deception , its very confusing and hard to identify some and by the time many realise a controller or recruit is a wolf in sheep’s clothing its often to late and the damage has been done.
Young minds are often so influenced by the recruits in the entertainment industry , that they never recover and lie asleep forever.
Young minds who have parents that are awake have a much better chance of wakening later in life if cannot be woken early due to the public education system influence.
Image sourced Peak Prosperity


The general assumption is that the people lack the organisation and the will to fight back against the controllers.
There doesn't seem to be any one group large enough to take on the might of the controllers.
The groups that are awake cannot unite as they all have different philosophies about how to defeat the controllers. Some groups are peaceful , some believe in fighting fire with fire and other believe the controllers can be defeated on a spiritual level. Another problem is that the general nature of a controller is to infiltrate and control from within, so once this happens the group can be paralysed.
Another problem is any person or group that starts to gain any traction in the fight can be easily neutralised by prison or execution reducing the desire for others to join the fight.


Many awake people believe the controllers are suffering from a sickness that drives them to seek control and power over others.
If this is the case it may be possible to treat the disease with a drug designed to inhibit these desires.
As the sickness seems to run in the families of the controllers it may be necessary to treat the entire family of the offenders.
Many of the controllers breed within their own family's or other families that may also have the disease strengthening the case to medicate all of them.


The controllers appear to be able to get away with many crimes against the people without consequence.
It amazes many awake people just how we can let this go on. Of course the majority that are not awake firmly believe that the controllers are genuinely trying to make our lives better , they embrace the wars and the restriction of freedoms in the belief the world will be a better place.
bohemian grove.PNG
Imaged Sourced Catching Evil


As the awake people are a very small minority , the consensus among the awake is that if the majority of the people can be woken we will begin to see real change.
The problem is that many people do not attempt to wake anybody for fear of ridicule.
The best approach to waking up the masses is to implement a step by step training program that can be taught to the people that are already awake.
Another plan of action to overthrow the controllers is to change the whole political system.
most political systems work in a similar way. A few recruits at the top ,either by vote or force , hold all the power and enforce the will of the controllers.
A new political system needs to be constructed. This new system will the at the front line of the war as they wont go down without a fight.
One such system adopts the theory of the durry system where a number of people are selected at random from the population e.g. 1000 people from every corner of the country to reflect the will and opinions of the general population. These people should be a colourful mix of various backgrounds. Certain people will be ineligible for selection like higher educated people and former recruits and controllers.
As JFK said , highly educated people should be on tap and not on top.
Highly educated people generally don't understand the issues the general population see as important , they have never worked alongside the average worker and have no concept of the value of manual labour.




All you need is love.


Great article!Followed you!
I personally believe that politics is not the answer to the problems that politics create.In my opinion, decentralized voluntary systems are the way to go and the open source revolution is allowing more and more people to not only be self-sufficient but also freeing them from the mundane jobs that has kept them enslaved for so long.Take for example,Bitcoin and how that has revolutionized the nature of money itself and allowing it to be decentralized.Freedom is not voting for which slave master we want to run our lives but freedom is the ability to have no slave masters.Only then will we truly have freedom.Everyday is a fight for freedom with the choices we make everyday,what we choose to eat,who we choose to associate with and how we choose to behave.These people are only "controllers" if we believe them to be and continue allowing them to have influence on others.

Great comment.
Thank you for taking the time.
also following

Enjoyable and upvoted .... you've nicely covered some of the reasons their system is so self sustaining. Its also refreshing to see someone who isn't fooled by the current populist movement within their political system. We don't need any rulers just some basic rules. The mental disorder that these controllers have is associated with power , I always use the metaphor used in Lord of the Rings that neither Gandalf nor Galadriel will except the ring of power. Power corrupts, any decent moral human doesn't want power over others but to live peacefully and I'm glad you see through the lies and propaganda that tells us that this evil and destruction is 'Human Nature' .... Use your own intuition in life , how many of your neighbours or local community behave in anything other than a friendly sociable way? Very few I'd suggest. Human nature is to align with natural law, to co-operate to love and to thrive. All war , destruction, poverty and greed is perpetrated by a very tiny powerful minority and its high time these creatures faced justice.

Hear hear well said.
Thank you for your thoughtful insight.

Great article . Upvoted and commented

Nice post indeed !! Very concise and accurate depiction of the situation in hand !These usurpers of our lives and will must be identified, exposed and arrested, the question remains as you rightly say !is How ? I hope i will see it before i pass on to the other wold ) Keep Posting and dont give up @marky !

Im happy you took the time to view it and appreciate your comments

Fantastic article mate wish more people woke up cheers

Glad you liked it.
thank you

great article

Thanks so much for reading it

Its done bro


nice post. we are like minded. keep red pilling bro!

Thanks buddy

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Totally agree with this... huge changes are coming into the future where the people will take control 🙌🏼

Thank you I really appreciate you taking the time to comment.

No problem, commenting great content is my duty lol

Great post and narrative!

Thank you.
Im really now shore what the reaction will be.

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