
Actually, that omelette looked really, really good! (And there was green stuff on it)

I added the green stuff on fotoshop incase anybody called cps :)

To much healthy food makes a person too serious! gotta deviate sometimes!

Only sometimes? I've seen you in that cafe at least 3 times this week :)

haha yes, lovin it! ok ;-)!

Wow great job friend, your kids are looking so good in the house, Good food pizzaes and omelet looking very yummy. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post. What happened to Louise, I am not getting you long, wish you and your family a happy and healthy time my friend.

Thank you @maya7 You are so kind. :)


Very beautiful post Mark. Personally, I try and eat healthy but I end up giving up to the pizza (Aka the food of the gods XD ) temptation from time to time. Also, the omelette looks delicious. I'm happy that you're happy. Peace and love :)

Off in the sunset there is a beautiful freedom you have.
That omelette looks mighty tasty and worth a hard fork.
Best wishes on Louise's recovery. Keep rolling on into countless more sunsets.

I love your beautiful family lifestyle.
You can see the love and I really get inspired by your posts of how family is the most important thing in our lives and not the fancy houses or cars which are just things that really mean nothing at the end and we spend our whole lives being a slave to it.

Like I said, I always believed in taking care of your body by eating healthy, and homeschooling and being there for my kids, but posts like this really inspire me and make me happy that there are more people like us (my family) who are living their FREE , happy lives with their family. (We are the crazy ones in our whole family, because we want the freedom, healthy, happy life).

I hope that Luise will get better soon and hope that it's nothing serious and btw, your omelette looks delicious.

Thank you @joalvarez!

I might have to share the recipe, it seems very popular that omelette. :)

I would love that and I think you should share it.

Pizza IS love.

Healthy is great! And sometimes it's also healthy to eat a little bit of junk every once in a while ;) Good job Dad!

Thanks @denisechips! Nice to see you over here!

Nice looking post! Looks like you have some extra kids in there for pizza, guessing at least one of them was mine. At least it's not deep fried food. I am with Louise on the healthy food front though.

Hehe! don't worry your children didn't get a chance to eat any pizza with my lot around.....

and me :)

We are definitely conscious of the food we consume as well but once in a while we like to treat ourselves. Tonight it was tacos! But are tacos really all thag bad? Meat, veggies, cheese? Sounds like a well rounded meal to me! Your omelette looks delicious. I have been making a mexi-scramble breakfast bowl lately which you may want to give a try: scrambled eggs, mayo, salsa, black beans, diced avocado. Yum! -Aimee

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