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RE: Santa Fe High School Shooting: Real or False Flag narrative Gun-Control push? (discussion)

in #freedom6 years ago

This is exactly why we started writing articles. My partner started on this years before me (he would not give up on showing me the truth no matter how hard I fought), by the time I came on board he already started a website to get the word out. We made the choice to come to steemit to find like minded people to talk to about matters like this and we started putting our articles up here as well as our website. My personal thoughts are if we reach just one we did great. By the way Thank you for commenting and having these conversations with me/us... This renews my hope that we can actually reach people.


You two are definitely reAching people and with quality work. Sometimes it only takes one mind. The activist that make the biggest difference often start with one person. And your info is quality making it that much more likely to open someone's mind. This is my goal as well. And of course. My thanks to you as well. I love these conversations and they are important to have. Everything has progressed due to the exchange of ideas. That's what is so dangerous about this movement to crush dissenting opinions. It will slow down or stop progress. Put us into an intellectual dark age

Thank you... I take this as a big compliment. When we put up an article a lot goes into it. We do not want to give false information so we fact check a lot and we try to make sure that any random person can understand what we are talking about... the average person is not a truther and they do not know all the lies that have been told. The conversations with you and others is the best part of all of this. Hands down! It is wonderful to be able to talk about the things we have found . To be honest I started writing as an outlet. The information that we come across can be dark at times and I had to find a way to deal with it... so if I was having problems, maybe others did too. My partner is my rock. He is so smart and know so much about all of this but still lets me find it on my own.

That's awesome. And it's funny but I write as an outlet myself. My poor partner couldn't get me to shut up about everything I learneveryday and I could tell it was draining on her. Like you said it's negative. Writing is a great way to do it. Especially since you can do it in a discrete way that doesn't risk your personal reputation in your personal life with the stigma that's been created around it and all. Good ole CIA "conspiracy theorist" hah

It is a great outlet. Before I wrote about it, I actually went to my office (Accounting) and started to tell the ladies that I worked with about the things I learned. I watched people that knew me for years start to look at me like I was crazy, I was not ready for that. For months I tried to showing them until my manager asked me if I needed to take a leave of absence because she thought I was having a mental break. Being the hard headed person that I am I did stop talking about it at work but moved on to my family... It was awful. That is when I realized that some people cannot wrap their heads around the truth or in some cases have been too programed. We have a friend that claimed to be a truther and one night we had started talking about truther stuff and pulled up a website to show him something. As we sat and talk (no one was touching the computer) we seen it change itself (no auto refresh)...a date change right before our eyes. He denies it ever happen. I had to learn the hard way... I am very hard headed and do not give up on the people I care about. Your partner sounds like me, when he first started down this path and would tell me things, I did listen but I just could not allow myself at that point to really take it in... he wore me down lol. If you ever need an ear we both are here and will listen 😁

That's awesome thanks guys. But yea I completely get where you're coming from. I did the same thing at my work and with my family. I took a different job because of it and now do not talk about things like that at work and as for my family, after years of showing them data and facts they're finally coming around. They used to look at me crazy and tell me to not dwell on such things too much with a concerned look. Then months later tell me about something they'd seen on the news which was exactly what I'd told them about months ago. Now they listen. I just wrote an articleabout the MSM and how fake they can be, going to send it their way and we'll see how they take it hah. If you have time feel free to read it and let me know what you think. I've grown to respect you two's opinion so it'd mean a lot. If you don't have time though I understand. Life is busy hah. Very very busy

I did read your article and I love it. You did a wonderful job and I can not say this enough, you did an amazing job on the research. We all need more people like you bring the truth out. I did upvote your article and we are now following you as well. It is heart warming to see truthers like you publishing the truth. I honestly look forward to reading more of your work.

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