Well I guess it's a nice time to be reflecting on having achieved all yer goals, just before Xmas and New Year, you may as well enjoy the time off.
It's a bit of a common problem in the early retirement community - There's a guy called Mr Money Moustache who retired before 40, and I've heard that he just rides around on his push bike in Boulder, Colorado looking a bit lost a lot of the time.
How about seeking enlightenment? 10-12 years in a Zen Temple, and then another 10-12 stretch back in society to let the lessons 'bed in' is all it takes apparently.
Added bonus is when you get there, you're pretty content, so I've heard.
Failing that I recommend focusing on learning new skills and refining what you've got. Refining is where I'm at the moment.... it's quite a nice feeling, working on what I've been working on for the past two decades but now just doing it all better, and innovating along the way.
Oh, and slowing down, that's my main goal for 2019. SLOW! That and the abs back.
Have a loverly vacation.
I wanted to make my achievements and failures post but last week I was moving around too much and didn´t find the time :(
I gotta look for that guy, sounds like you can learn a thing or two from his experience and his self.
Oh, India and South east Asia are in my short term agenda, but I still need to know the when, where and why (and come with the $ lol).
Oh man, gotta get those abs back! Body+ mind! :D
Thanks for dropping by mate!