The way rice cultivation

in #fruit7 years ago (edited)
  1. Initiate the hijacking of land sawa

    clean the entire plant bully on the rice fields, then afterwards you can drain the water in the rice fields would you tanami rice. The purpose of this was so that watering process the soil becomes more loose and of course the process of piracy would be easier done despite only using traditional tools alone. After you have finished draining the water then slowly the land will turn into more conducive. From this point, you can simply do a penggenangan rice paddies with water. After the waters inundate the rice fields, then you can silence the rice field approx 2 weeks sukmaya a variety of toxins found in rice fields turned into neutral and of course the rice field soil turned into mud. image image

  2. The process of the selection of rice seeds that have superior quality

    The selection process of rice plant seedlings is very influential on the quality of the rice plant that would sustain us. In order for the rice plant has a superior quality, then the seeds of rice plant which we choose should also be superior quality. Then, how do we know that superior quality rice seeds hp

  3. The process of sowing the seeds of rice plant on land

      the process of transplanting the seedlings in rice crops can follow the stages below:

    The first step, please soak the seeds of rice plant for about a day and a night. Next, please lift the rice plant seed marinade and leave it more or less for 2 days. Once you let the rice plant seedlings for 2 days, then the average rice plant seed will germinate. Prepare materials used for sowing seeds of rice plant with an area of approximately 500 m2 for every 1 acre of rice fields will be planted. Look for land used for sowing rice crops in conditions that are always muddy and too watery. Granting of urea fertilizer have to be done one time seeding with a rate of 10 grams for every 1 m2. Please spread the seeds of rice plant that has already germinated on land the seedbed. image image

  4. the stages of cultivation of rice plant

    Stages of planting the seeds of rice plant with the most excellent how to make paddy fields remain in the condition of waterlogged. For planting the seeds of rice plant can be done with a depth of approximately 1 cm to 1.5 cm. don't plant the seeds of rice plant too deeply because it could make growth less than perfect. The position of the right is also the root of the rice plant planted to form a capital l so that the growth process can be more perfect.

  5. the stages of weeding rice field area

    This can be done using a weeding manual methods i.e. directly revoke volume wear hand and dunked her in the mud so that the can be used as artificial fertilizers.

  6. The process of cultivation of rice plant

    Pruning can be done when the first rice crops are already treading age 15 days after planting. The type of fertilizer used on the first measurement is a type of fertilizer urea and tsp fertiliser types that are already mixed together with a comparison of 100:50 kg for each acre or you can adjust with the condition of the soil and the plants.

  7. the stages of protection on rice crops from diseases and pests pest

    control of pests and diseases it is desirable by using natural methods. The method of light can be done by way of maintenance of predators which those methods surely aims to hamper the development of pests and diseases on rice plant.

  8. The process of harvesting rice plant

    imageThe process of harvesting the rice crop could be done by two methods, namely the automatic machine and method with conventional methods i.e. using a scythe to cut the stalks of rice plant.

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