Nipah Fruit Spiker good. growing In The River
nipah name may sound very strange in your ears, but that's one of the easiest fruit in my area.
namanya nipah mungkin Terdengar sangat aneh di telinga kalian, tapi itulah salah satu buah yang mudah di daerah saya
fruit Palm this generated from the tree Palm located along the River in my area so to be able to pick this fruit I just have to go to the River near my House.
buah Nipah ini dihasilkan dari pohon Nipah yang berada di sepanjang sungai di daerah saya jadi untuk dapat memetik buah ini saya hanya harus pergi ke sungai di dekat rumah saya.
not only in rivers in some parts of this tree is also called a swamp that is very wide and even very nice this fruit is almost the same with the fruit fibers that have been in if the kolang kaling.
bukan hanya di sungai di sebagian tempat pohon ini berada juga disebut a rawa-rawa yang sangat luas bahkan sangat bagus buah ini hampir sama dengan buah ijuk yang telah di olah menjadi kolang kaling.
for the taste Do not ask again this fruit is almost the same as young coconut just a small shape, if we look from the outside this fruit may be very horrified like Thorn durian