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RE: Fruits and Veggies Monday - Tips and GIFs for Harvesting Edible Weeds From a Garden Rehab - 11 Edible Weeds and 1 That Can Kill You!

Great post, HH:)

I am very fortunate in the building where I live. There is a gardener and she plants us lots of edible herbs. My son has been snacking on the anise greens, just grabbing and branch and chomping down. He says it tastes just like candy. I agree it is rather tasty. I will be on a lookout for the poisonous hemlock. I will show him so he ever mistakes it for food. So important that we know the plants that can hurt us.


My dad always said, "If you can't have your own garden, cultivate a friendship with a gardener. " You've got a good deal with your own gardener! : ) And it's nice that your son is appreciating some fresh-grown herbs, especially some of the unusual ones, like anise. Folks that have access to community gardens really should be more aware of Poison Hemlock. There's really a 2-sided lesson. One side is that not everything growing in a garden is OK to eat, like rhubarb leaves or potato tops, or poison hemlock. The other side is that some weeds are as good to eat as anything people are trying to grow.

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