ADSactly Fun - 15 Years

in #fun7 years ago


Recently I and some friends had the opportunity to go to a band night at a local venue. It was a cool place and had been open for many many years. We went to the gig and afterwards, I had a fair old chuckle comparing the last time we were there, in the distant past, to the night we had just had.

Let me take you back to when Dinosaurs roamed the land... Oops, no. Not quite that far.

It was fifteen years ago. I and a group of friends were going to the local bar to see a band. It was a metal band, we were dressed for the occasion. Long hair and leather biker jackets. There were four of us, a mini posse. One of us, Mr C, suggested we drink a few drinks in the house before we headed out.

To a man we scoffed. Drink in the house? Are you nuts? Let's go out where the action is! Yeah! In those days only old people drank in the house.


There was much devil horn sign making with the hands and shouts of Awooo, Awooo!!

Perhaps we fancied ourselves as part wolf.

We arrived at the gig. Being a gaggle of young men we hurriedly threw pints of beer down our necks whilst shouting viking cries at each other. The pints were served in plastic pint glasses. The floor, even at the beginning of the night was festooned with empties, crunching underfoot. The air above was thick with dry ice, shouting and cigarette smoke. This was the start of the new millennium before any cigarette bans and naturally, it seemed like everyone smoked.

The music was loud and occasionally at particularly energetic parts of the gig people threw their beer in those plastic cups over the crowd. Several times myself and my friends were soaked in it. Even when it extinguished our cigarettes it did not dampen our mood.

The night was spent dancing, drinking, shouting and smoking. Only one of our merry band did not smoke. That was Mr C. He was roundly ridiculed at every opportunity.

Have a cigarette!

Was shouted with monotonous regularity..

He huffed and puffed about the smell clinging to his clothes despite the fact that every five minutes we were being drenched by yet another pint of 'cleansing' beer that had been enthusiastically launched into the air.

Eventually, the night came to an end. We all made ready to leave. Mr C had been kissing a girl, we were going to leave without him but as we headed out he came running after us shouting rather rudely,

Wait up guys, I'm coming. She tastes like an ashtray!


The same group of friends had gathered together. None of us had long hair. We were going out that night. By now we were all in our early forties. The same venue was having a live band night and we thought we would re-live some of our youth and head down for some drinks and some fun.

We started a whatsapp group.


I suggested maybe catching a bite to eat before going.

Great idea!

Said my mate Stu. He then went on to suggest that we come around to his place and he could supply the food and some pre-going out drinks to save some money. He also said he could drive us on account of having to get up to work early in the morning.


We all responded. We met up at his house a couple of hours before the night of "madness." We had a couple of beers and some snack food before heading to the venue. It was very civilised.


As we arrived at the venue, Mr C said he would catch us up in a minute and went off to stand forlornly in the cold with the other smokers outside. None of us smoked anymore so we all went in shaking our heads at his habit.

It was busy already. We all headed to the bar to get some drinks. Apart from Stu that is, being the designated driver.

I was handed my drink and made a face at the plastic cup it came in.

Damn man, beer tastes rubbish in these things.

We all nodded solemnly and agreed that beer should never be served in a plastic container.

At that point Mr C came in from his cigarette smoking antics outside.

Ugh, you stink man!

Arrgh smoky Mr C, can't believe you smoke, no one smokes now?!

Mr C, shrugged it off. He had bizarrely started smoking when most of us had stopped. The smell of it wafted off him in big obvious waves. Fortunately for him the music started and we turned out attention from him and to the stage.

It was a popular band and people were jumping about and shouting. In less than five minutes the first pint of beer had been thrown and some of it arced over our little group.

We made disapproving humphing noises and moved nearer the back of the area away from the beer throwing wildness of the front. We still got regularly splashed though.

Mr C regularly disappeared to go outside and smoke.

Despite the regular beer soakings and stinky Mr C, the night was fun. Eventually however, it drew to a close. We started gathering our stuff and made our way to the door. As we did we looked behind us. Mr C appeared to be making moves on a girl. She recoiled when he leaned in for a kiss and rather drunkenly shouted something about him

Stinking of cigarettes!

We had a good old laugh and headed off into the night.

Everything changes, I thought and yet nothing changes.


So tell me. Have you gone somewhere recently that you have not been to since you were a slip of a lad or lassie? Do you remember when it was perfectly acceptable to smoke like a chimney indoors and no-one batted an eyelid? And of course, how acceptable do you find the beer throwing at gigs? I used to think it was great, now I think it's awful!

Give us your best tales of then and now in the comments. I will be there to listen!

All pictures created by me.

Authored by: @meesterboom

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That's really amusing - I am not old enough to remember the time when smoking indoors was legal - but in some sectors in my country - in weddings, this prohibition is a mere joke and the place is full of smoke like some old gambling den from The Godfather :) it does really stink, I hate going to such places.
I do remember my friends at high-school excited and secretive, going to underground parking lots and returning with too much perfume and an aroma of smoke and stench - they tried convincing me to smoke too but never managed :) I'm happy to say that unlike the poor mister C, I do not smoke today - well, I don't want the wife to be disgusted by the smell! and also - it's an expensive habit!

I remember playing MMORPG games online for hours! it was fun, but today I feel too old for that - even though it's still fun and sometimes I enter twitch to watch some players and reproduce some of the fun I had without having to actually play myself.

Thanks for that story - it really made me laugh :)

Hahahahaha damn man! I really loved this story, not just because is funny, but is some pedagogical too; let me explain myself.

When I was 16 years old, I tasted my first cigarette. We were in the house of a friend whose parents were very kind to us and let us have the parties we wanted. My friends convinced me to smoke with the argument that it was a menthol cigarette and my parents would not notice. I didn't get too bad with them, I agreed without much opposition.

That night I smoked a total of 5 cigarettes, for me that was a huge achievement. I drank, danced and I even bet... I thought for a moment that the world was at my feet and if that was the life of an adult: I wanted to grow fast!

It turned out to be the opposite. As time went by, I matured and slowly moved away from those parties. I never understood why, because I confess that sometimes I felt a little envious at not attending those meetings, but when I thought twice I regretted attending.

Two years ago, the son of my friend (that boy where we had the parties) suffered an ethyl coma. According to my friend, they did the same thing we did when we were young, with the difference that now cigarettes are not the only thing their smoke.

I think I feel a little identified with you when you say that it no longer seems like fun, because when we grow up it really changes our perspective. On the other hand, unfortunately, not having passed that stage (I'm talking about my friend) led in one way or another to the state of emergency in which his son fell.

That's why I'm talking about there being pedagogy in your history, there, I don't know if with intention, you make us see the importance of growth. Yes, only the old ones drink at home, but the home seems a nicer place after a certain age.

I'm still smoking, but in a very casual way. But already those parties in which we drank without stopping until dawn, are past for me. Although I will understand when a son of mine wants to do something similar, but: with a couple of tips under his arm.

You stole a couple of smiles @meesterboom and I thank you, you also made me remember good times from my youth hahaha... And of course, thanx @adsactly for sharing, I really enjoy it!

That is a fine comment! If I ever raise a smile I am a happy man. That is unfortunate for your friends son. I hope he recovered?

And yes, well spotted, the pedagogy was entirely deliberate :O)

Hahahaha that means I made a good reading (?) hahahaha...

Yes, the boy is very well... It was a long time ago and he didn't spend more than 2 days in the hospital, but we all got very scared. Thanx for ask :D

recuerdos recuerdos, soy joven aun y pienso en como sera mi futuro dentro de algunos cuantos años y pensar en ello me hace querer disfrutar al máximo los momentos de mi presente ya que una de las cosas que no se puede recuperar es el tiempo que buenos recuerdos tiene este relato, buena escritura.

Too bad for Mr. C. Failed to grow up when others did.

I had similar experience with a friend. Years back while in school we went for a friend's party and it was fun then doing those things. I remember a had a mixture of six different alcoholic drinks and danced my head off. Days later, i was sick because of the mixture and it too me quite a while to recover.
Today whenever i drink out, i just do it responsibly.

That is probably the best way to put it. As we have all aged, not entirely gracefully but still aged he had not moved in and is still clinging to looking cool. Even though smoking isn't really these days

This reminds me of when I go home but a little bit the opposite I guess. I grew up and went to high school on the east coast. I had a great core of friends who did everything together. We partied regularly and were at the clubs every weekend. We loved the drinks, we loved the noise and every night was an adventure waiting to happen. I moved away in 2000 to live with my now ex wife. I went home as often as I could to visit family and of course hang out with the boys. We would relive the glory days while I was home. Well, actually, the reality is they had never stopped living them. I was just joining back in and I loved it.. At least at first I did. Over the years we all got married, had kids and unfortunately the time between my visits home became longer. It was a few years ago when I went home with my new partner and all of our kids when I realized something. We were at a big BBQ and everyone was there together and the boys were telling stories about their latest escapades. Wild stories that at this point I couldn't imagine being part of. As the night went on and we had some beers and some laughs the conversation turned to where we were going to go tonight. They had totally planned to go out to the club. That's when I realized that my oldest friends had never grown up. At least it felt that way. Yes. They had families and careers but they lived their weekends still like they were young and single. I had no intention of leaving my family to go party at the club and I got razzed about it. Driving back to the cottage we had rented at the end of the night I couldn't stop talking to my partner about how much they haven't changed. These guys are my best friends but somehow I was feeling very disconnected. Sometimes time and distance can do that.

It can give you that disconnected feeling and no mistake. I have had that. Fortunately most of my friends have managed to grow up. Except the one lol

It’s funny because as I got older I never really felt old, or even grown up. Marriage, kids career and at times you still feel like the young guy inside. Then you are put in situations where that feeling is put to the test and you get to learn just how old you are. Haha

HAhaha, yes indeed. Exactly that. I was talking to a girl in my work who for some reason I asssumed was a little younger than me. Then she said she was dreading her 21st birthday next week. Instantly I was crushed because I realised I was not just a little bit older than her and also I was over double her age!

I love this Mr. C man. He is real dude. I mean this line caught me all laughing and reminded me one of My friends" Mr. C when kissed a girl and said wait I am coming, she tastes like an Ashtray. I mean this is seriously Damn Manly thing. Though where I live it's a place of conflict between India and pakistan, my motherland named Kashmir. Many of you might know it. It's called paradise on Earth. So being a conflict zones, it hardly has got any modes of entertainment, and live shows at Kashmir are like dreaming One day I will be A God .Sighhh. I can relate this story to my one amazing friend who used to smoke as if his tongue was always on fire and smoke usually used to come out. The best thing about him was he would say let's eat guys. And when we would decide for the food . He would say Lemme smoke up a cigarette and after having food he will say wait Lemme smoke up a cigarette. For every damn thing he would do this. One day I asked him why are you like this. He said Cigarette is my love and I am crazy about it. I feel lifeless without smoking. To this I couldn't even say man smoking is injurious to health. I just had a laugh but that was quite emotional one. He is currently working at Oman... I miss u man. Adsactly u made me miss him.. thank you :)

I am glad to have reminded you of him. That is exactly what Mr C is like. He can't stop. It's quite hilarious because he didn't smoke when we all used to. You gotta laugh!

very nice...

It's a good picture!

I love this Mr. C man. He is real dude. I mean this line caught me all laughing and reminded me one of My friends" Mr. C when kissed a girl and said wait I am coming, she tastes like an Ashtray. I mean this is seriously Damn Manly thing. Though where I live it's a place of conflict between India and pakistan, my motherland named Kashmir. Many of you might know it. It's called paradise on Earth. So being a conflict zones, it hardly has got any modes of entertainment, and live shows at Kashmir are like dreaming One day I will be A God .Sighhh. I can relate this story to my one amazing friend who used to smoke as if his tongue was always on fire and smoke usually used to come out. The best thing about him was he would say let's eat guys. And when we would decide for the food . He would say Lemme smoke up a cigarette and after having food he will say wait Lemme smoke up a cigarette. For every damn thing he would do this. One day I asked him why are you like this. He said Cigarette is my love and I am crazy about it. I feel lifeless without smoking. To this I couldn't even say man smoking is injurious to health. I just had a laugh but that was quite emotional one. He is currently working at Oman... I miss u man. Adsactly u made me miss him.. thank you :) :)

You copied this from someone elses comment. If this was my blog I would flag you

well sir, i will meet steemit friends to convey this @albipratama and i agree about the things you convey. and i will try to explain it to my friend.

The fun thing I notice when meeting up with old buddies is that everyone has changed quiet a bit. But when you are together again, all the old habits and rolls still apply.

The same jokes are being cracked the same social dynamic. That´s really magical to see :)

Oh I completely agree there, they're is something magical when everyone just clicks again!

nice post

Nice story..
Quite intruiging

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