ADSactly Fun - Dream Dreamer

in #fun7 years ago


It had been a long and tiring day in work and horrifyingly the day was not yet done. I couldn't help but stare at the clock on a nearby wall. The hands never seeming to move.

I sighed loudly for about the seventeenth time that hour and wished for home time.

One of my colleagues, Henry, who sat across from me looked up from his computer when he heard me sighing again.

It has been a bit of a long day hasn't it?

He said, looking as if he was loving every minute of this long torture.

I was tempted to ignore him but the thought of anything making the day pass a little quicker made me decide to engage him in conversation.

Yeah, quite long. Baby kept me up a bit last night so I am not feeling the freshest.

I made a cat smelling sweaty socks face.


Henry's face lit up at the mention of last night. He took a deep breath.

I didn't sleep too well myself...

He made an O shape with his mouth and moved his head about as if dodging invisible flying piranha. I couldn't help but glare at his slightly odd antics which I was quite sure was meant to convey a deep sense of mystery.


I had a dream.

He said portentously.

I groaned out loud. Oh no, not the dream talk. Why did people have the most twee dreams and yet insist on telling others of them in every minute detail?

Would you like to hear what it was about?

I picked up a random piece of paper and started stapling it violently.

Um, no thanks. I am not really into dreams.

Henry reeled back as if I had thrown his own mother at him.

You're not into dreams? How can you not be into dreams? Everybody dreams? In fact... Dreams can be very... powerful...

I stapled the piece of paper even harder until my stapler clicked empty. Then pulled a funny face and pushed my lips out.


Dreams can be very powerful?

I said disbelievingly.

He looked hurt. It didn't seem to stop him, however.

They can. They really can. You may scoff but try keeping a dream journal and you will see the power that dreams can hold then.

A dream journal. Why? Why would anyone do that?

He puffed up like a big penguin and pushed back in his chair to get more comfortable. I sensed I had fallen into a great trap. He began with what sounded to be a very rehearsed spiel.


Normally dreams don't mean anything. It is just the mind sorting out the memories of the day and trying to make sense of them. Some dreams, however, are different. Some dreams can give you a glimpse of what lies ahead. Of the future.

I looked around for hidden cameras to see if I was being set up but there were none.

I am afraid I don't really believe that. But, well, you know, well done. Sort of.

I turned back to my computer, thinking to head this conversation off at the pass. It was getting too weird. But no. Henry was in his full flow now. He leaned toward me and said in a I see dead people kind of whisper.

I have dreamed of things before they have happened.

He fixed his eyes on mine to gauge my reaction. I raised a quizzical right eyebrow all the way up to my hairline, which, thanks to my advancing age is a little higher than I would like.

If you have seen the future in your dreams, why don't you buy the winning lottery ticket in next weeks draw?

Henry rolled his eyes.

It doesn't work like that.

He said wisely.

If you can see the future in your dreams why didn't you see that accident you had where you fell off your bike last week.


Henry's face twitched with annoyance which he quickly smoothed out into serene calmness.

It doesn't work like that.

He said, wisely once more.

If you can see the future in your dreams, why are you single?

Henry gritted his teeth slightly

It doesn't wo...

I will tell you why.

I interrupted.

It is because of all this dream nonsense that's why

No it isn't!

Squealed an indignant, no longer wise Henry.

Would you like to hear my dream?

I asked quickly.

He still looked miffed.

Go on then, what was your dream?


Now it was my turn to hold court. I swivelled around in my chair till I was facing him head-on.

I had a dream that I was at work and someone bored me to death talking about their dreams.

Oh haha, very funny.

Said Henry sulkily.

But wait.

I cried excitedly.

If I dreamt that, does that mean that I dreamt the future!!

I gave him a big cheesy grin as he got up and stomped away from his desk in a huff.


So tell me. Are you a dream believer? If so, what have you dreamed that has come true? Or do you think the whole thing is a load of twaddle and it is the mind sorting out the day's events, like me?

Give us your best dream stories in the comments. I will be there to listen!

All pictures created by me. Yep, even the little fishy GIF!

Authored by: @meesterboom

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interesting ..
Sometimes I wonder about the source of these dreams despite the scientific interpretations ..
After all I wonder about today's episode Haha
Thanks for sharing‏.

I believe that we are able to perceive much more information with our brain than we are aware of. I believe that our subconscious organizes that information, interprets it and creates possible predictions, which warns us through dreams or through what is known as intuition. Excuse my English, it's not my native language

Well you were very eloquent!! Your English is splendid and that is a matter of fact what I believe too

Your theory is spot on, im actually in the middle of reading a book called "Deviate" written by a neuro scientist by the name of Beau Lotto and his ideas on pscyhology are very up to date as he has been able to combine psychology with his findings in neuro science studies so he has great actual facts in order to prove theorys such as this one, one of his colleagues found in a study that it takes up to 7 seconds for a thought from our unconscious mind to reach our conscious mind, meaning that in almost every case our brain has already made our decision before we even become consciously aware of the thought

Your brain may be beautiful, but “what makes it beautiful is that it is delusional....fantastic stuff

Hmmm, I think he missed a bit?

I will give you my vote every time I see them on my screen, but also give me your vote, I will love them forever.

In a dream our brain actively processes the information received for a day. Therefore, the "brighter" was your day, the more chances to see an interesting dream. For example, one day I spent the whole day fishing and spent the whole day watching the float. After that, I dreamed the float all night :)
But there was another dream, which (as it seemed to me later came true). This was due to one life event. In the morning, when I woke up, I was delighted with the realism of my dream. I tried to remember what I dreamed, but after a while - I forgot it. I did not pay any attention to this and left for my own business. But at work with me there were events, the consequences of which I saw in my dream. Specifically, it was the meetings of certain people and the fact that I was sent on a business trip. During the day, I felt the feelings of deja vu, and every time I remembered a fragment of my dream.
Maybe it was a coincidence. Precisely, I can not confirm. But it was very realistic.
I'm such a person, I always dream. Daily. I know some people who do not see dreams (or do not remember).
It also made me remember the interesting facts about deja vu. Thank you:)
A good post, it is commendable that you made all the pictures (and animation) yourself.

Why thank you, I try to be as original as possible and making the pictures/gif etc is part of that!

I too have experienced major deja vu as I think we all have at certain points in our life. Perhaps the answer really is to keep a dream journal so that notes can be compared.

Great post! I love dreaming and remembering what I dreamt. There is always a reason for dreaming and it's fantastic when all together makes sense when I'm awake. I can't wait to read your next post ;) see you!

Btw my last dream was about my students playing the trumpet during the English lesson...

I cant wait for you to read it!

That is a very strange dream. there is a school of thought that likens the trumpet or indeed any brass instrument to the closed loop of time in which we inhabit. When someone plays a brass instrument in a dream the signal is being sent to the dreamer that time for us is a closed loop but we can be heard beyond this if we try hard enough.

I made that up, but it was glorious :O)

That's interesting... although I'm still thinking about that dream.

And i always forget what i dreamt :D

I had a wierd dream I met Kim Jung Un in a meeting and he was in this little office chair and... Bobby Mcferrin was playing in the loud speakers...
And I woke up and thought , Man I should apply this to my life...

Hahaha, well, maybe you should listen to them dreams. What a crazy world you would end up living in!

I might get into some foul trouble subconscious, but still I will try Lucid dreaming and have some insane conversation next time. Anyway its a dream so no problem I guess!

Pretty often I have dreams that seem to end up being exact situations I encounter much later in real life. Crazy

Deja vu right? Kinda crazy.

I tried! My problem is, I very rarely remember my dreams. If I'm dreaming at all. But I really did start jotting down things I can recall.

You are gifted with an open awareness. Use it. But remember, the future is not fixed or set. You can choose!

If I could just train myself to remember dreams at all. These types of dreams I never recall when I wake up. It's weeks later, like deja vu.

@captenredbeard There's a way to train the mind. I'll give you two quick tips here. 1) Do a dreams log where every morning you will write your dreams from the night before. 2) Before you fall asleep tell yourself three times, "tonight I'll remember my dreams and in the morning, when I wake up, I'll write them down in my log". Keep doing this and you'll begin remembering them.
You gave me an incentive. Soon I'll publish a detailed post about this subject.

I also had a dream and i dmeamed it several times that i went somewhere with some of my close friend but i dont know who he is,i lost somewhere with him but the place is so beautiful that i dont wanna come back from that place.In dreams the place was like haven.

Well you know what they say in Scotland...

What's for you will not go by you...

take me to scotland... :o

You were traveling to another dimension. Very real indeed!

all minds are brilliant...many are not nourished as they should be...many cannot dream because they have their face stuck in their phone/tablet/TV.....but day dreaming can result in fantastic ideas..!!

I agree there actually, my very best ideas come from daydreaming. Some would say too much!

My dreams scares me but still excite me to the point of shaking at times.

Everybody dreams! Those who don't remember their dreams are too mental, like you said. Cell phones should be put aside at least one hour before sleeping to allow the conscious mind to be free to remember.

You are absolutly right about many of them being stuck.

I remember that I used to be chased by something in many of my dreams. I could not escape it nor could it reach me. I was tried of it, so I decided to face it, and I survived. I have not been chased in my dreams ever since.

My latest dreams have been me being in my hometown.

Well now, you have lucked out. I happen to know a bit about dreams.

The thing that was chasing you was regret, regret over past decisions. Particularly a misplaced regret about moving away from your hometown. You turned and faced down that regret though and now you no longer feel it.

However this has hastened another dream. Although you no longer regret it, you know that you have unfinished business there. The time will come when you must return to your hometown to finish that which is left un-done.

I enjoyed reading the post really u got a nice way of writting and as for me i really believe in dreams actually i like to hear about dreams. @adsactly keep the nice posts👍🏼

I am glad you believe in them at is it we all believed the same thing the world would be a very dull place

That is correct and we should respect others thaughts especially if u got such way in writting attractive posts

I do believe respect is what separates us from the animals. That and the shaving

Hahahaha and once again u got a point 👍🏼

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