Hear the word from the @con-dom.
I'll list few of my favorite latex products:
- Balloons
Balloons are similar to condoms but they are definitely not condoms. Actually, they are quiet useless! If @con-dom is a user on Steemit, @balloon would be a BOT. But I like to see them, people make balloons with much more imagination than condoms.
- Gloves
Who doesn't like the sound of stretching gloves of latex just a second before your prostate examination?
- Diaphragms
Another contraceptive, hello sister! She is a little bit jealous because condoms are far more popular than diaphragms.
- Pacifiers
It is beautiful to see how young humans start to learn as babies.
- Latex mattresses
Since mattresses with memory foam showed up on the market, latex mattresses are less popular than before. Shame. Many of you were made on one of these.
- Spandex
Now this is what I like! Look at this beauty! Just google "spandex". Nothing else to say!
- Condoms
Mass murderers in the world of latex products. I am glad that I've never been used. If there was "I", maybe there wouldn't be "you"! Remember that!
Wow, really sexy look.