TRUTH OR DARE #200 - Are YOU a Ladies Man?? - UPVOTE Giveaway 0.010 SBDs HAVE FUN an get PAID :)!!

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

TRUTH OR DARE #200 - Are YOU a Ladies Man?? - UPVOTE Giveaway 0.010 SBDs HAVE FUN an get PAID :)!!


Open to anyone Who is ((( FOLLOWING ME (UPVOTE + REPLY to the Question))) .

The (FIRST 20 VOTES+REPLY WILL RECEIVE 0.010 SBD UPVOTE), have fun and make a little coin every time you (Upvote + Reply).

Hi Everyone welcome to TRUTH OR DARE. a lot of us will probably shy away from this question but those who reply will probably have more self confidence in their every day relations with others around can notice those who have better people skills than others but in the end you still have to be yourself all that you are right? I can remember the good old days we went out looking for fun and meet new people we frequented a lot of dance bars and speakeasy clubs it was a to meet people socially more personal. Among us were the chosen few who seem to always meet up with fresh"Strange" some of you might refer to as new friends they were socially accepted as ladies men since they were so good at making lady friends fast They always know what to say and their time was great almost like a queue response. So any of you a ladies man? Just askin:) Please Enjoy play and leave a reply!

# UPVOTE + REPLY # to this Question to get PAID:

TRUTH OR DARE QUESTION # 200 - Are YOU a Ladies Man ??


DARE: Tell us your attention getting techniques. :)


P.s. Scratch my back and i'll love you back !:)
You're the best!little_dog.gif

Thank you @darsico





I'am 100% woman.

Are you trying to get me into trouble? LOL! :) I am comfortable saying in the good old days I was a Ladies Man. LOL! :) MANY MANY moons ago. And well before I met my beautiful and amazing Wife. I never heard of Mr. Darcy. Taking my shirt off was one of my techniques. I sure got a good laugh from the Ladies. I got their attention all right! LOL:) I absolutely love the post and the Steve Maraboli quote. Out of this world! Thanks for another GREAT TRUTH OR DARE! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

yeah sorry about the maybe provocative subject title but actually all the Italians and Frenchmen i know are traditionally known as ladies men. From the romantic gestures and beautiful odes to love it's all a part of your culture growing up :))

No worries! The Wife knows that it is in my blood LOL! :) I like to think of myself as the Italian Stallion LOL! :) I absolutely love your posts and replies! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

Ladies man - surely you jest sir. Forget being a ladies man I don't even have any game left. Not sure that I had any to begin with.

Usually my awkwardness is what gets me the attention :-)

Opsie I'm a woman hahahahahaha or else I could have participated in this contest . Hmm I should be a ladies woman hahahahaha too bad I'm not Les xD

that's fine everyone is welcome to comment a thought :)

never had any trouble with that really ... while the other played kick the can i was usually hanging with the girls ... a bit of a dimmer on my school results once i started noticing though lol

but frankly ... since my last relationship and the whole situation with my half-life where i'm stuck living in my parents house for years i havent even bothered (i think some people here think im gay or something, wont even go for the barslut ... (no offense ladies but they do exist ...) , not that i would have otherwise , i tend to be quite involved in relationships ... but since here really no ... i feel like what would i do with someone if i cant even take hold of my own life at the moment ... it will just have to wait until i'm out of belgium ... i'll go hunting (whoa!) wherever i end up ;-) ... its also

i dont really know if living with someone after all this time would be a good idea ... certainly not the marrying kind (luckily omg ...)

and if that doesn't happen then i guess i'll die alone ... its not like i havent had plenty but i do miss the closeness and companionship, and that one thing my cat can't give me


which is an essential part of life according to Schoppenhauer ...

no idea ... ive actually never went hunting since i was 17 ... it every time just "happened" , no "dating" no forced encounters, no looking in pickup places and CERTAINLY no online dating sites omg , it wouldnt feel real, its like browsing for t-shirts lol, what woman should i wear today

so maybe there's one side about me at least a little conservative ... and hopeless romantic although it doesnt always have to be candle light ...

quick kitchen sink works fine inbetweenies lol (sorry, but we're all adults here, right?)

i suppose it looks like im awkward here but its completely the opposite, when i get out i talk to about anyone i meet without hesitation lol, wether its here or brussels or paris or venice or wherever i will get, i have no social issues actually

(i just dont like this place but i'll spare you that part, you know it already hahah)

i suppose it looks like im awkward here but its completely the opposite, when i get out i talk to about anyone i meet without hesitation lol, wether its here or brussels or paris or venice or wherever i will get, i have no social issues actually

(i just dont like this place but i'll spare you that part, you know it already hahah)

i can relate to that, once burned twice shy but you have to stay in the game of life maybe start by making just friends after that chalk it up to experience .

i was wondering ... from a numbers perspective, if i upvote one of your comments that only has an own-vote on it , and i upvote it with my meager 0.03 (o how that got halved in two weeks), then there's 25 % curation to be paid which you dont have to pay if there's only your own vote on it, so id be cutting down your reward, right ? i mean if theres already two votes then there's already 25% that goes off to be distributed and it doesnt make a differernce for you but otherwise i would need to like , have a vote that's at least 25% of your own-vote value on the post in order to not steal for lack of better word a part of your reward ...

am i correct (maybe slightly wrong on nubmers but i think its like that, right?)

well then ... i hope flixx goes to $1000 by next week and steem to $5k ... that would make my summer :D

but if they really plan to MAKE people pay to watch instead of giving the option to donate by vote like here, im not sure ... its great advertisers need it to buy adspace on the site, certainly money in that but im not sure if i read it correctly

i guess i'll find out :D

Thank goodness I'm a woman and can't answer this. I can answer my point of view of a ladies man, but i want to see responses first. Thanks @darsico for posting the 2nd meme gif quote by Steve Maraboli. :)

Ladies first is the best rule of thumb i will have to think harder for subjects that are less self incriminating for the guys i thought it might be entertaining, oh well :)

No, it is entertaining. I'm looking over the responses and some are hilarious! This ToD question reminds me of the movie "Night at the Roxbury". :) "What Is Love? Baby Don't Hurt Me, don't hurt me, no more"

I'm not a ladies man 😁.
But for the "Ladies man" surely confidence is the the important thing inside them. Besides that having good looks , wealthy and sense of humor is extra bonus for them...😅

Never was a famous ladies man, cuz I m too honest to get pussycats. :D

But when I do, it gotta be my day, you know, everything gotta be cool and you gotta feel great. Never try to talk to a woman if you don't feel it is your day, that's my word.

I hear ya, sometimes it's better to go slow and develop a wait and see strategy and when it feels good , yes:)

I use joking technique in order to get attention. If a girl reacts my joke it means that I'm drawing attention.

I'm a little shy, but when i get confidence, i'm the man of the ladys haha