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RE: What Would You Do If You Were A WHALE For A Day?

in #funny7 years ago

I would focus on minnow content. Only voting on posts where the user has less than 10,000 Steem. I would also help out more Powrrful users if their content is highly original and worthy.

  • The upvotes would only be provided to posts with ORIGINAL content.
  • I know that the community already mildly rewards those who post helping articles about Steemit, so unless those poss were outstandingly impressive, they wouldn't get much voting from me.
  • I would be prowling the "new" tab for other interesting content, and once found, check the authors' other posts (similar to what I do now to determine if I want to follow someone). If you can WOW me with one post, you get an instant follow, but in most cases I have to see that your one post wasn't a fluke. If that one post was your first post, I'll likely give you a chance and follow you.
  • For every upvote I would post a comment (similar to what I do now) explaining what stuck out most to me in my decision for upvoting their content. I feel that this method helps the poster know what part of their content resonated best with their audience and can only help improve their future posts!

Oh yeah, I would definitely let everyone know who the whale was that was generous enough to provide me / them with the opportunity!

Perfectly put. I do exactly the same, and more people well act this way as competition for follows heats up.
Respect my eyeballs or I'll point them at somebody else. Followed.

Thanks! I checked out your page. I am intrigued by your suggestion about the reputation slider for comments. I agree with it maybe 90%, but have hesitation in cases where someone with a starting / low reputation actually has the maturity to post intelligent comments but is excluded because he hasn't "earned his stripes".

Overall though, I do like the thought process and the explanation in your post! (Followed) also, not trying to "thread jack" here :)

All good. I could even envisage posts...
Hey, so I'm at 38, and read this great piece (hyperlink) about widget manufacturing in subtropical, medieval communes.
Based on my unique background, I wanted to comment that widget ventilation and allocation needed to be administered separately because of the Jenkins heuristic (hyperlink to an excerpt from my best-selling book on the topic), but I find my rep score too low to comment.
If you think the author would benefit from my observation, please help kick me up to 40.

Also I imagine the interface would display posts differently before you click on them, maybe a green border if your rep is high enough to comment and yellow if it's not high enough yet.
He'd probably scroll straight past it, as it would be yellow in his feed.

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