A Geeky Dad's Movie Guide to Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.

in #funny7 years ago

This weekend I took my 12 year old son Timmy to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.

Because she thought it would be too scary, my 10 year old daughter MJ had no interest in the movie. She made an excellent choice (although even if she had wanted to go, I would have said "no"). The movie would have been way too frightening for her.

Even the poster was a little too creepy for my daughter.

With all sequels, I like to put my review in perspective by giving my opinion of the previous installments.

The original Pirates of the Caribbean was released before I had children. My wife and I chose to see it in the theater. It wasn't my favorite movie, but we were entertained.

While we were trapped in the house with an infant, we rented the second installment. Although it was better than changing diapers and soothing a crying baby, we didn't love it.

By the time the third was released, my wife and I felt we needed to see it. We were wrong. No one needed to see that.

As a result, I never watched the fourth movie.

Somewhere along the way, the Lego Pirates of the Caribbean video game was released. My son loved it. This lead to his watching the movies.

These Lego games do a great job of incorporating humor.

Because he is a kid and doesn't mind plot holes, over acting, and action sequences that test even the best imagination's ability to suspend disbelief, Timmy loves all the movies in the series.

Therefore, this father-son trip to the cinema had absolutely nothing to do with the actual movie for me. I had zero expectations for the movie to even be watchable. I just wanted to hang out with my son and hopefully watch him have a good time.

Mission accomplished!

To a job well done. Cheers!

Luckily for me, the movie was actually better than I had expected. It was definitely better than the third installment. I think I may have liked it as much as the first or second movie... because it was pretty much the exact same movie.

Johnny Depp overacts and portrays an absurd semi-drunk, semi-heat stroked, semi-insane, lecherous pirate. There is a young would-be pirate who must find and eventually help Captain Jack Sparrow. There is also a pretty (yet tough), young British woman with dark curly hair who is the love interest of the young man. The woman has something that will help the pirates find a supernatural treasure. The heroes are up against evil supernatural pirates as well as the British government. Captain Jack ends up in many situations that lead to slapstick physical humor and...


This is literally the exact plot of the first movie. I know because it was just on TV last night and I had it on in the background.

Clearly this movie is aimed at kids. Not only do children not mind repetition, they crave it. (That is why they can read the same book, listen to the same song, or watch the same Happy Little Elves cartoon 1 million times). Therefore, my son loved it.

It seemed that the more absurd the action, the more he smiled. This of course lead me to smile as well.

Within the first 10 minutes, the writer and director make it abundantly clear that the audience will not be needing their brain for the next 2 hours. I obliged and let mine take a little vacation. After all, my brain deserves a break! I'm constantly asking it to do pesky things like think before I speak, solve problems, and come up with ways to get out of doing yard work.

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Once it was established that at best the movie would be mindless fun, I actually enjoyed myself.

Although it is getting a bit old, Johnny Depp is still amusing as the Keith Richards/Pepe le Pew hybrid he channels to create Captain Jack.

The special effects are truly amazing. In addition to the ghost ship, the parting off an ocean, and battles involving partially formed pirates, there are some incredible effects involving undead sharks.

Even though it is utterly ridiculous and completely unrealistic, there is plenty of action. I don't think there is one 15 minute stretch in the entire movie where there is not some type of action or slapstick comedy.

I wish I could add the Bennie Hill music... and make all the young people on here understand that reference.

Like many people, I used to love The Three Stooges... then I grew up. Some people still haven't totally grown up and continue to enjoy this type of physical humor. I honestly think that is wonderful. There is nothing wrong with keeping a little bit of your inner child entertained. In fact, I whole-heartedly endorse it! If you enjoy slapstick physical comedy, there is plenty of it in this movie. I now know my son loves physical comedy because there was a point when I thought he might actually pee himself laughing (by the way, he didn't).

Seeing and hearing my son have such a good time was the real value of this movie. This movie was not written for me. It was written for him. The best I could hope for was that I wouldn't fall asleep or feel I had thrown away 2 hours. Neither of those happened. He enjoyed it enough for both of us.

Anything that ends with your son saying, "That was awesome! I think that was my favorite one!" can never be a waste of time.

My son looked happier (and more sane) than this.

If you can completely turn off your brain and simply enjoy the humor, action, and visual effects in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales I think you will have a good time.

There are a few "Easter eggs" throughout the movie. Without spoiling anything, take a really close look at Jack's relative who he meets while in prison. Also, the last five minutes are great if you enjoyed the earlier movies. Finally, there is a pretty cool scene after the (incredibly long) credits.

Geeky Dad's Movie Guide (Please note, this is based on me 100% turning off my brain. There is no way I could have watched this movie without that essential step.)

Number of times I fell asleep: 0
Number of eye rolls: 0 (My brain was on vacation)
Number of face palms: 0 (My brain was still on vacation)
Number of times my kids asked to go to the bathroom or get food out of sheer boredom: 0
Number of times I checked steemit: 0
Number of times I said "That's ridiculous": The entire movie is ridiculous
Did my kids like it: 12 year old son: Yes!!!! (He said it is his new favorite of the series) 10 year old daughter: Incomplete (It was too violent and scary for her to see.)
Would I see it without my kids:No chance. My son's joy was the only reason I enjoyed the experience.
Full price/Matinee/Rental/Free/Not worth the time: Seeing my son have so much fun made it worth paying full price.

Images 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Thank you for another great review, even if it wasn't a great movie. The family value of the movie is needed just as much as great critique. The reader knows what to expect and can see your bullet points at the end to help them make their own decisions. Nicely crafted. Thanks HSF.

And thank you for using #steemnews. We've resteemed and shared this article on our social channels.

Thank you for the support! I really enjoy writing these from a dad's perspective.

🍒 This is the first time I read one of your articles and I loved your movie review style, it's funny and adorable, also your disclaimer was very important:
"Please note, this is based on me 100% turning off my brain. There is no way I could have watched this movie without that essential step." xD hehehe
I have only watched the first movie of this saga and it was very entertaining, my favorite scene was when Jack Sparrow arrive with all the attitude on his sinking boat, for me one of the best gags ever...

Now THAT is how you make an entrance :D

Very true. That was a fun scene! Thanks for the kind words.

Hello my friend
Thank you for writing this beautiful story
I almost watched a part 2 of this film
It is good to look for the third part and the fourth part
thank you my friend

You can skip right to this one without missing much.

I really want to see this but have to wait until it comes out on dvd, Love Johnny Depp as Captain Sparrow, the part was made for him :)

Yeah he really seems to have fun playing this character.

He does a lot for charity dressed up like Sparrow :)

I did not know that. That is really cool.

He turns up at hospitals to meet children, he is amazing lovely man

Happy to see that it wasn't awful. The franchise seems to be running out of steam a little bit. Or is that steem? :)

LOL. We will never run out of STEEM!!!

It looks like they have two more planned. Not sure how they will mage that... but my son is looking forward to it.

Great article! Excellent example of the kind of original content steemit crucially needs. Following you and upvoted!

Thanks! I enjoy writing this kind of stuff.

I saw this movie with my daughter.
We enjoyed the movie.
After seeing, we forgot.
That was nice

I hope you enjoyed it! No matter what It is nice to spend time with our children.

I am trying google translate. I hope it works well.

나는 당신이 그것을 즐겼기를 바란다. 무슨 일이 있어도 우리 아이들과 시간을 보내는 것이 좋다.

We were wrong. No one needed to see that.



I love the way you get the life lesson in here again that you just use these times to spend time hanging out with your kids, it is such a good lesson you keep imparting here.

LOL. Thanks! Pretty much everything else is just details.

" Details MATEY! Arrrrrrghh!!"

I think you meant


You are awesome dude.

RRRRRRRight your are... about the details.

LOL, Nice.

I am trying to find merej99 some housing help for her trip behind the scenes on her post right now.....

Thanks for the information. I haven't seen the Pirates of the Caribbean.

It can be mindless fun.

The best part of this post is when you mentioned the lego game I didn't know about ^^ I am not sure I will watch the new pirate movie... We will see :)

The Lego games are incredibly clever! You should check it out. Great games for kids.

My son is currently playing the nexo knights game. He really likes it :)

My son is a big fan of those too.

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