I have found the cause of yesterday's unexpected spike. You're welcome.

in #funny7 years ago

Greetings loyal followers.

My executive assistant Vera, whose value seems to grow exponentially every day, has informed me that in addition to being astounded by road maps and forks, now many of your inhabitants have caused quite a ruckus over "spikes".

I know you are a primitive people but a "spike" is simply another word for a "spear". Even Ewoks designed over-complicated, Rube Goldberg-esque contraptions to combat my dimwit bucket heads. They did not merely rely on their spikes. Although, their spears did make excellent spits on which to roast them.


Vera just informed me that this "spike" you are all obsessed with has to do with you non-galactic credit based monetary system. In fact, it involves one of the few shining jewels of your otherwise laughable attempts at technology: Steem.

Steem and its Steem Backed Dollars are two of the few things that has kept me from punishing your planet for its repeated insolence. I am curious to see how its adoption plays out. My ownership of it has already allowed me to Force choke nearly twice as many people per day (Vera's choke jar accepts Steem and SBD).

Apparently yesterday for a brief time, the price of these SBDs (Not STDs... very important distinction) jumped dramatically causing a "spike".

sbd spike for post.PNG
I still don't understand why you fools have the colors reversed and green lightsabers are good and red lightsabers are bad... but you are idiots. I should stop trying to figure you out.

Since approximately 23:00 yesterday, many of your people have been running around like a Ewok with its head cut off trying to ascertain the cause of this sudden jump in price.

Although it has been highly amusing, I have grown weary of watching this pathetic display.

I will solve this baffling mystery for all of you.

It is not easy being the most amazing being in the universe. Everywhere I go, people are always bothering me and taking my picture (I can only Force choke so many... until Steem reaches $1000. Then I will be able to afford to pay Vera's choke jar.) Because sometimes I prefer privacy to the awe and admiration of the masses, I sometimes wear a disguise when I venture out into public. Usually it is enough to simply wear a hat and pull it over my eyes.

Yesterday at approximately 22:30 your time, I put this on and went outside...

vader steem hat.PNG
"Who is that handsome devil? I don't know? It's so hard to tell with that hat in the way."

Unfortunately, a team of your greatest detectives saw through my disguise.

This brain trust can get to the bottom of any mystery. Although I don't know if that one guy ever figured out what his fingers smell like.

Once those sleuths found out, it was only a matter of time before that image of me in the hat went viral.

Everyone who already didn't know was asking, "What is Steem? Why is Lord Vader wearing a hat with a Steem logo? Why is Lord Vader so freaking cool? Do you think Lord Vader will marry me?"

I'm sure if you search, you will find that as soon as that photo went public, nearly everyone on your planet was searching for Steem. I asked Dennis to provide me with these numbers... but he too is fascinated by what his fingers smell like and is unable to perform this task at the moment.

Needless to say, this image caused your people to attempt to buy SBD at a record pace. Who can blame them?

I had this same affect about 60 years ago. This guy's business was about to go into bankruptcy until he was photographed with me.

The sign outside his restaurant read "8 served"... until I put it on the map.

This is the second time in the past three months that my inadvertent endorsement of a product has lead your people into a buying frenzy.

A few months ago, I allowed my likeness to be placed on one of these...

I designed this as part of a joke/wager. I bet Vera that I could get you idiots to become addicted to spinning a simple toy with your fingers. Vera didn't think it was possible. She was wrong. I got 12 free Force chokes out of the bargain.

You're welcome!

Oh if you are wondering why it went back down... I took off the hat.

Join me!
That screenshot is from poloniex... duh
Brilliant disguise
Master detectives
What a clown
Amazing! It just spins!


Too good to be true! Great laughter to start the day, again. Perfect timing, as always. Namaste :)

Yes it is very funny that your people became addicted to spinning objects.

Dunno Darth. I'm still having a really REALLY hard time forgetting about your 'NOOOOoooooooo!' at the end of the Revenge of the Sith.

Yes that was an odd moment for all concerned.

Yeah, let's keep that well and truly hidden in the dark side.

I think that means it is a good time to buy some Steem if the value is looking like that :)

You should only buy based on what I am looking like. Although, I always look awesome.

You could say there was a disturbance in the force?

Great articles! Thanks!

Yes that spike did cause a disturbance.

They better.

Please consider and this too as possible reason of the spike:))


I am sure something spiked.

Maybe she's on a water bed?


De-Wedgie technique?

Maybe that's how they show appreciation in her culture, rather than clapping hands?

Just to make clear that your post is really very good. I just wanted to give a different funny feeling.

I am sure several people got a "funny" feeling form that image.

I know you know that I know that my transmission is awesome.

Of course it is !

I see you got my evil side. Actually all sides are my evil side.

url for an image

Only darkness could create such things ;)

That's one hell of a kooool pic! Nice.

My favorite vader pic ! Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for all the great post. ! I just caught up on them.
The force is strong in you !

I cannot stop fantasizing how wonderful it would be if a humble minnow like me could get a picture with you - by my side or even holding a lightsaber to my throat... doesn't matter! Just imagine how popular I'd become...
It is with trembling fingers that I dare ask you to grant me this favor. I fully understand that I'm completely and utterly not worthy of such honor, but please know that I am prepared to offer you my first born...well, maybe not my first born (I'm kinda attached to her)... maybe not even my second born, but somebody else's kids, hell, yeah, you can have them all and dispose of them as you please!
(Hope I don't get a choke for being so impudent!)

I'm sure your tomb will be ever so popular if he grants your request !
We'll make a donation based campaign to pay for a big Steem-themed gravestone for you :)

If only...I'd settle for the tomb even. Thank you for your kind words. Very thoughtful of you!

oh, sorry... You seem to have misunderstood...

The gravestone will only bear the marking "Force Choke victim ", an amazingly humongous number, and then ", courtesy of the Invincible Lord Vader"

Nowhere did we say we were going to dedicate it to you,
it's dedicated to Vader, of course !


Damn...how can I be so stupid!? Of course it should be dedicated to Lord Vader, feared be his name!

Perhaps I will be in your area at some point. I like to attend events that end in "con".

At last, something to look forward to.

I am glad that STDs did not spike dramatically.
Glad that the only thing preventing you from the annihilation of the earth is steem.
You planning to treat yourself or Vera, Lordvader?

Yes that would have been a bigger problem for sure.

you say spike, right ?


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