She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #funny7 years ago

It's happened to all of us. That moment when we have a song stuck in our head that we just want to get rid of. Like that infernal Happy song that gets stuck on a repetitive loop in your brain basically every time you hear even a small portion of it. Or it does mine anyways. I hate that song, it's annoying as crap when it gets stuck on repeat in your brain.

If you happened to catch the Bio I posted a couple of days ago, then you're already aware of my music preferences. For the most part I'm into rock and metal. Unfortunately, my brain is a bit of a smart ass sometimes. It often comments on situations using songs. Like when I was in college and would ride my bike to class and would catch my brain repeating the lyrics to Bicycle Race by Queen as I was getting ready in the mornings. "I want to ride my bicycle......bicycle.....bicycle" Kind of ridiculous, right?

So I was at work yesterday when I realized that my brain kept doing the repetitive loop thing with "She thinks my tractor's seeeexxxxyyyy, it really turns her ooooon". Like wtf?!? I don't even LIKE country music, much less listen to it. How do I even know enough of the lyrics to have this freaking song stuck in my head.

"She thinks my tractor's seeeexxxxyyyy, it really turns her ooooon"


So I countered with the first thing I could think of the lyrics to......some Pantera

"Is there no standard anymoooore, what it takes, who I am, where I've been, can't be something you're not, be yourself, by yourself, stay away from me....."

yeah, distracted my brain to something different. Back to work

5 minutes later. "She thinks my tractor's seeeexxxxyyyy, it really turns her ooooon"

Crap. Try again. This time with some Nine Inch Nails.

"Lay my hands on heaven and the sun and the moon and the stars....." Back to work.

A few minutes later. "She thinks my tractor's seeeexxxxyyyy, it really turns her ooooon!"

NOOOOO!!!! Omg brain stop already

"She thinks my tractor's seeeexxxxyyyy, it really turns her ooooon!!"

facepalm Try the distraction thing again. Different song.

"She thinks my tractor's seeeexxxxyyyy, it really turns her ooooon!!!"

"they say freak, when you're singled out....."

"She thinks my tractor's seeeexxxxyyyy!!!!!"

"5 minutes alone!!!"

"She thinks my tractor's seeeexxxxyyyy!!!"

This went on most of the day. Finally, managed to get it out of my head after work when I was able to actually listen to some other music on the way home.

I'm afraid I may have started the loop back up by thinking about it to write this post though. Let's hope not.

Here's a picture of some John Deere electric gators that are the closest pic I have to a tractor lol

electric gators.jpg

Thanks for reading! I found this experience amusing and figured some of you may as well.


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