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RE: Dark humor

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

"...some of us are superior to others due to the color of our skin and mocking the other person's racial history is just a joke that people need to learn to deal with. It's sad and this will forever be the reason for all the unnecessary hate in this world."

I suspect there are other reasons for unnecessary hate in the world. Maybe some of us being superior to others due to the color of our skin, etc., etc., is only a reason for some of the unnecessary hate in the world.

BTW, can you point to examples of necessary hate? I haven't run across any, yet, and would be interested to find out how I am failing to do my necessary part to hate.

I hate being a failure =/

Oooh, wait! Was that one of them? Maybe I'm not such a failure after all!


Maybe I went a bit too far as to suggest that this is the only reason for all the racism and hate against each other but this is actually one of the biggest reasons. How does bias begin? How do differences against each other begin? It's simple: When we think of ourselves as different and superior to a different race

When we joke about matters like these, all it does is show how insensitive we can be. Yes I understand that we cannot apologize to people for the sins of our forefathers but the least we can do is be more tolerant and sensible and not bring up dark periods of our history just to joke about them? Or is that too much to ask for nowadays?

Racism..... Sexism..... These are some topics that people enjoy joking about. But what they don't realize is that these things are a very real part of life for many people today and many people have to put up with these on a daily basis.

You can say that I blew this whole thing out of proportion over a harmless little post but that's the thing. This isn't harmless. One person jokes about it, we call it harmless. Two people do it. It's still okay.... Eventually everyone becomes desensitized towards it and pretty soon people start acting upon those "jokes." these type of things need to be nipped in the bud and that's why they trigger me so much. People need to understand that it's NOT OKAY to joke about such things. Plain and simple.

As for your last bit of comment, you're just trying to be sarcastic just for the sake of argument without a head or a tail for the body of your argument so I really don't know what to tell you bud...


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