I'm back coz I thought I was giving so much beer but then the beer token owner just tagged me in a post saying I should be giving more. So here is more !BEER lol
Sorry, you don't have enough BEER in your account. You need 10 BEER in your virtual fridge to give some of your BEER to others. To view or trade BEER go to steem-engine.com
Is that ginger you're eating? LOL

BTW, where is the...
it's larva lol
i don't exactly know what it is. except it pops and tastes kinda weird but nice 😁
Oh... that's brave of you to try them. LOL
you haven't seen nothing 🤨
this is like 2 out 10 on the nasty scale
Hahaha! If it keeps you healthy and alert to be able to do your gamedev then you should just keep eating them. :D
lol i dunno about health but it does give me the energy to go on 🍺
I'm back coz I thought I was giving so much beer but then the beer token owner just tagged me in a post saying I should be giving more. So here is more !BEER lol
lol thanks. gotta have more beer 🍺
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go to steem-engine.com.Hey @roundbeargames, here is your
token. Enjoy it!어렸을 때에는 길거리에거 파는 번데기를 자주 볼 수 있었지만, 요즘엔 보기 드문 녀석이 되고 말았죠.
나무위키에서 번데기에 대해 재미있게 설명이 되어 있네요.
네 요즘 뻔데기 보기 힘들죠. 맛있는데..
먹기만 했지 아는건 없었네요 ㅋㅋㅋ
덕분에 저도 새로 배웠어요. ㅎㅎㅎ
Even though I'm not totally reluctant towards eating insects, I have to say this one looks ... weird.
yes it does! it tastes kinda funny too. in a good way 😵
great with alcohol 🍺
Anything is good with alcohol, that's why they serve you a shot when you order rotten icelandic shark: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hákarl
Posted using Partiko Android
lol yes. a lot of korean food is served rotten too.

some rotten fish here.
i wouldn't have it everyday but it's actually not too bad 😵
외쿡분들 뻔데기 보면 D3 해머 맞고 기절합니당~ㅋ
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ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 이정도는 아무것도 아닌데 말이죵
순대 곱창 대창 막창 똥집 내장탕 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Posted using Partiko Android
크~ 매우 조아요 🐻 🍺
!BEER 토큰은 없지만... ㅋㅋ 맥주 그림이라도 보여주징~ㅋㅋ
Posted using Partiko Android
앗~! 이미 먼저 보내주신 분이 있었네용~ㅋ
뻘댓글 미안합니당~ㅋ ㅠ
Posted using Partiko Android
ㅎㅎㅎ 이런 재미난 토큰들이 많아야할텐데요 😎 🍺
완전 재미나요~ 흥해랏~ㅋㅋ
Posted using Partiko Android
Sorry, you don't have enough BEER in your account. You need 10 BEER in your virtual fridge to give some of your BEER to others. To view or trade BEER go to steem-engine.com
You're good. That animator is giving me headaches just looking at it :)
This is good insight into how games our made. I've never seen this before.
thanks man. it's also giving me some views on youtube. hopefully i'll get more :)
gotta keep going!
Best of luck.
very amazing looking like that is cool too 😄- and what is the name of the food?
Posted using Partiko Android
some kinda of larva i dunno the name. but it's good 😋
What larva?😫
Posted using Partiko Android
i have no idea lol
I think I wouldn't try it without knowing the larva type xD
i'm gonna have zerglings growing inside
That food looks very yummy 😍😍😍 Have a nice day!
Posted using Partiko Android
haha yes. it's yummy to me but it's definitely not for everyone 😵
Is that spicy???
Posted using Partiko Android
the sauce is slightly. it's mostly protein.
Wow I like it. Protein Is Life 😍
Posted using Partiko Android
lol life literally springs out of those things
i like your work !! what is this food?
thanks! it's larva 🐻
tastes chewy and nice
More strength to continue
yes gotta keep going
What is the name of that food? It looks like something, I don't know... Have a nice day ahead or night.. No beer today.. good.
it's 뻔데기. i dunno its english name. it's just some larva 😋
I think it's I dunno too jejeje.
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