The Daily Challenge - Game #5 - False Confessions

in #games8 years ago

Here's How The Game Works:

All you need to do is upvote and comment, and then vote for some comments.  What could be easier?

In your comment make sure to confess to something that you didn't actually do.  (Each day this game will have a different theme, today it's False Confessions Day.)

When this game reaches its first payout (24 hours after posting this) I will give all of the Steem it earned to whoever wrote the comment with the most votes.

Good Luck!


I only vote for my personal friends who I've convinced to join steemit and post under hundreds of fake aliases. Naturally, anomaly is one of my close personal friends, although his real name escapes me at the moment. Oh, I also vote for the guys who then call me out for not voting for their posts, so I look like I'm being fair about it.

Lmao! Nice.
Way to give me a good laugh tonight! :D

I told a girl I love dogs so she would finally go on a date with me. Truth is I'm deathly allergic to hers. When we ended up back at her place she went to the bathroom and the dog proceeded to run up to me. In fear of my life I crane kicked the dog. It hid in the corner of the kitchen the remainder of the night.

I took $28 from the tip bag last night when both my co-workers were busy working. One partner was sweeping the lobby and the shift manager was organizing the ready-to-eat case. Easiest money I will make all week.

Well I am not playing I am just commenting...

I'm with her! We're stronger together! America is great because America is good.

In honor of the Hamilton cast, I pulled down my pants and sat on a picture of Dan Rather. It wasn't much fun for me, but DAN LOVED IT!

One of the reasons I go to the gym is to get a break from my kids.

I have never been attracted by dead bodies.

I totally didn't buy a Fleshlight for myself for Christmas.

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