[GAME REVIEW] Kamen Rider – Climax Fighters #9

in #gaming7 years ago
By: @anwarunsam

Hi steemian wherever you are, may be healthy always and remain in the protection of God Almighty. In this afternoon I will re-review a fighting game that also has accompanied our childhood first, especially for the 90's. Namely Kamen Rider that has been adapted into a game. What interesting is this game?

A franchise that will likely easily determine how old you are by just talking about it. Gamers who were born under the 90s and great in the 90s when Indonesia was just the arrival of a private television broadcast after only enjoying TVRI and its monthly dues would refer to it as "Black Steel Knight". While those who are born younger will probably call him "Kamen Rider" - the real name of the original Japanese series. But almost all, across generations, seems to be no stranger to this one hero. Especially if you include gamers who simply follow the products of the sunrise country. A story of heroism, friendship, and a fight that will make you at least tempted to shout a word, "Henshin!".

With all the formulas he offers, it seems to be impossible not to see a game of Kamen Rider adaptation to the current generation platform. No more developer and publisher is more appropriate to do it than Bandai Namco. Although this super busy publisher sometimes produces a product that is not special, but for the fans, their loyalty to offer content similar to the source material is indeed worthy of thumbs up. So for Kamen Rider fans apra, there is nothing more tempting than to taste the latest series - Climax Fighters. Games that as the name implies, it contains a battle between the iconic Kamen Rider as the focus.

No Campaign

An approach we hope, does not end up being a Bandco Namco adaptation in all of their next fighting games. The fact that the same case in Gundam Versus also happened in Kamen Rider: Climax Fighters is of course quite disappointing. True, this game also comes without a campaign mode. There are two possible reasons why this happens: first, it could be because as with Gundam Versus, it does focus on offering a multiplayer experience as the main attraction. Second? The absence of campaign mode means the loss of busyness and the need to mix and plan solid stories, epic cut-scenes, or just a qualified voice acting on it. With him, Bandai Namco can release this game faster to market. For now, it's hard to decide which one is the basis for making this Climax Fighters decision.

But that does not mean, this game does not have single player mode. If in Gundam Versus, you are faced with a survival mode that asks you to protect from enemies coming per wave, then in Climax Fighters, Bandai Namco apply a simpler formula. It comes with a mode called "Missions" that will ask you to jump from one battle to another, following the theme of each mission itself. Most end up subduing your opponents in a variety of combat formats, these missions are also divided into various levels of difficulty. In this one mode, you also can not choose which Kamen Rider you want to use. Everything is predetermined from the beginning.

So, in addition to hunting trophies that may be important for some Playstation 4 gamers, this Missions mode also provides a little storyline that unfortunately, presented in non-interactive and static form. You will see two Kamen Riders or more that speak in text form to give a little clarity as to what happened, which is then immediately followed into the action itself. The victory for any existing mission will also reward you with a variety of cosmetic items according to the Kamen Rider you use to subdue it, which you can embed and use for your Avatar when you play online. Nothing special there.

So, for those of you who are looking for this game to get a cinematic Street Fighter style mode, Tekken 7, or Injustice 2 for example, you will end up disappointed. Just like what happens in Gundam Versus, it ends up not much different from skirmish mode without an interesting story for your attention. This is just the best space to exchange blows with AIs, as well as learn about what you can / can not do specific Kamen Riders that you should use there.

Visible Visual

The unfortunate thing is also rooted in the quality of visualization that unfortunately, in our eyes, is not at all special for a game that is currently released only for the Playstation 4 only. The decision to use Unity as the engine base makes Climax Fighters invisible as newly released games for the current generation platform. He also will not end up being a game that Kamen Rider fans ogled in the name of a qualified presentation in any format, either from visual or audio. For a game that is released on the latest platform, Kamen Rider Climax Fighters looks like a one-generation late.

The only thing worthy of pride may lie in the design of each Kamen Rider that comes with the detail that qualified. The choice of color, texture of clothing, to the various effects of attacks that arise tailored to what ever you meet in the television series. Bandai Namco also took several voice actors in accordance with the film version also ensures a more authentic experience. One who is a fantasy? Is implementation on the gameplay system itself. That Climax Fighters managed to translate and ensure that every Kamen Rider he offers, is indeed faithful to the existing material resources. Types of attacks, special powers, themes, sounds, movements, to a variety of animated moments offer the jewelers remain faithful to what you know. As an example? Kamen Rider Kabuto for example, still has the ability to accelerate oneself later, well adapted in combat.

Unfortunately, beyond the detail aspect of the character itself, almost all other presentation aspects end up not as good as imagined. The limited battle arena may be present with one of the "iconic" locations that you often see in Kamen Rider movies, but end up with a texture or color choice that is not at all attractive. The effects of attacks such as kicks or punches, or just the effects of light that appear in the corner of the arena ended up not special. One of the things that we regret enough is the decision not to bring the iconic OST music that should be an extra fan-service for games like this. In fact, if this is noticed and this music accompanies each action of your fight in accordance with the character Kamen Rider you choose, it will end more exciting and fun.

Is the decision to use Unity intended to port to weaker platforms in the future? Today, it seems to be the most rational speculation.

Why Bandai Namco chooses to use Unity in Kamen Rider: Climax Fighters with a not-so-fantastic visualization in this Climax Fighters? For now, it's hard to guess what the reason is. But if you look at existing trends, rationally, this seems to be a rational step to ensure Climax Fighters can be adapted for platforms with weaker performance than the Playstation 4 in the future. Are we going to see Climax Fighters tipping into the Nintendo Switch later? Let's wait.

One is certain, the choice of presentation taken to bring the game fighting themed Kamen Rider is indeed a bit disappointing. That's beyond the fantastic presentation of Kamen Rider's character model, the detail of the environment and the absence of iconic music to accompany your chosen Kamen Rider which is very unfortunate.

Limited to the Old, Attractive to the Faithful Fans

So it's impossible not to judge and not talk about a fighting game without talking about the roster that he usung. Like his name, Climax Fighters does bring a battle between each Kamen Rider into the same arena, exchanging punches and kicks to make sure every opponent you face is subject to it. So before we talk about what kind of fighting system that he stretcher, let's talk about the roster offered by this one series. If it should be simplified, the choice does not seem to be too appealing to "old" gamers like us who do not really follow the Kamen Rider series itself, and on the other hand, it appeals to the loyal fans who still follow the development of each series with its strange theme via the internet . Why is that?

Since the only old Kamen Rider available here is only Kamen Rider "Black". For the newer generation that was aired on Indonesian private television, you will only find Kuuga, Ryuki, and possibly too - Kabuto. But beyond the four Kamen Riders who may be familiar with many gamers in Indonesia, you will be faced with a newer line of Kamen Riders that you may be able to recognize if you are paying extra attention to this series outside of the official Indonesian broadcast itself. So new, that he also includes the last two generations - the Build that took the theme of the bottle and Ex-aid that took the theme of the toy. For loyal fans, this is of course a "rational" roster. Why? Because these roster choices also refer to the fact that each of them still often appears in Kamen Rider Movie as a crossover character and the like. So, popularity does take its own share in the choices that exist. Unfortunately, there is no antagonist character here.

But for older gamers, the choice of roster is of course quite disappointing. That not only because we meet the characters of the protagonists of the legacy series are minimal, such as RX, Super One, or Amazon lawas for example, we also do not get adequate supporting characters. Additional characters and positioned as the second character of each series are only available for the latest series. While supporting characters are quite rampant in the Ryuki series for example, do not get any attention here. For gamers who do not really follow the Kamen Rider series and are limited to what they can on the Indonesian glass screen, its appeal will not be as strong for those who faithfully follow every series. This is clearly directed to a clear market.

With a roster decision like this, then clear where Kamen Rider: Climax Fighters this leads. The appeal will be more enjoyable by gamers who follow every Kamen Rider series that appears on the market, as well as following every Movie series that is usually released at the end of the year. For gamers who stop at some point and no longer follow it, its appeal is not going to end equally strong. Whether it's recognized or not, how much you enjoy this game will be determined on how you know the Kamen Rider you are using. We ourselves regret enough that the main enemy of Kamen Rider RX - Shadow Moon (Black Shadow) is not available here.

Fight One Button

So, what about the side of his own gameplay? Kamen Rider: Climax Fighters seems to be following the fighting game format of most of Bandai Namco products, which were once started by the popularity of the Naruto Ultimate Storm series. Game fighting where he is not focused to make you have to memorize or combine a series of buttons that make it difficult. Gameplay is more geared to make you execute a series of attacks and the ability to survive with the right timing. When should you go back, back out, remove your defense shield, counter attack, or when you need to activate your special ability. All that Kamen Rider has to offer: Climax Fighters on this one.

Simply put, there are three buttons that you can actually execute to understand the Climax Fightes battle system. One button to attack, which if repeatedly pressed will produce a cool comombine. One button to create a shield survive with limited time and endurance to annihilate most of the attacks directed at you and open up space to counter-attack. And one more button, to execute a special attack. For this last execution, you can use it as a combo cap or in the middle. Of course, every Kamen Rider has his own special attack. Kamen Rider who carries changes to different weapons, usually will be executed with a combination of directional buttons and special attacks on this one.

The format of the fight is done over a three-dimensional arena that allows you to do a lot of action, from running fast to just jumping forward. What is interesting is that it also presents a kind of invisible barrier that has an important role in the fight. If you successfully repulse the enemy until they hit the fence, they will be tied up and experience a temporary stun condition. With it, you can combine more attacks for greater damage. But to make sure the fight is not one-sided and gamers always have a chance to fight back, he also applies a system called "Down". This system will make the target attack or attacked, lying temporarily on the ground surface, without you can attack further. During this process, he can not be contested, opening the gap for a comeback mechanic for the attacked. This system also makes one player for example, can not be attacked constantly mercilessly, when bermian in 2 vs 2 format for example.

Each Kamen Rider is also equipped with special skills such as a skill system, it takes cooldown time. As we discussed earlier, these "simple" abilities are tailored to the ability of each Kamen Rider in their respective versions of the film, and then adapted into a unique system in women. He is referred to as the "Rider Skill". Ryuki can call the dragon, Kabuto can speed up, Kuuga can live again, and some other Kamen Rider whose special ability is deformed will get the appropriate armor. Each Kamen Rider will also be equipped with a single bar of the middleman which will usually provide not only extra capabilities in a given time, but if pressed again, will launch a clamp attack in a cinematic format. Climax Fighters calls this system "Evolution". Depending on the course of the battle, although usually met in the 2nd vs. 2 format, you will not always be able to use this Evolution.

So strategy becomes an essential element when fighting in Climax Fighters. When should you attack? When should you survive? Do you have to use Evolution to attack, or just "break" combo attacks from your enemies? Which is the most appropriate time to execute Rider Skill? He does make timing into something that you have to consistently present. For gamers who even more master it again, they also use the ability to run every Kamen Rider and jump, to avoid attacks that are limited. Some of them, at least we found online, even use the existing environmental design to hide and throw deadly, melee or range attacks as extra surprises. This is a game that looks simple on the outside, but still holds its own depth if you want to master it. But unfortunately, he himself is not perfect.

Need to Change!

So as we talked about earlier, beyond the disappointing presentation and the roster choice that was not intended for us, Climax Fighters actually still carries a big problem that makes it worth talking about. Believe it or not, the absence of a campaign mode that is now only replaced by the less attractive Missions mode should be enough to awaken Bandai Namco that the only attraction of this fighting game lies in its multiplayer experience that you can enjoy in either 1vs1 or 2vs2 format. But what do you get? Half-hearted design.

Obviously not presenting your own server and relying on P2P connections, our online experience has to be recognized, being the most disappointing part of Climax Fighters. That mode that should end up being the essence and the main reason you glance over it is no more than a competitive multiplayer mode that does not get the special attention of Bandai Namco. First, games with this appeal rely heavily on the community. If the community is quiet, then games like this will die easily. But unfortunately, instead of presenting a special server to handle SEA gamers who in fact did get the English version with Japanese dub, he ended up being a P2P online game whose experience, will depend heavily on the host's internet readiness itself. The result? Nightmare.

During the live-streaming and review process we did, finding a game on Normal Match just took a very long time. Going into the waiting room becomes your visually unappealing Avatar, even though it's injected with Kamen Rider's cute vivid emoticons on it, does not end up being anything interesting at all. It just adds extra time to just take a walk in the digital lounge with a very minimal level of interactivity. There is no support for voice chat and the like, to repel the boredom itself. And when you find the waiting room already full and start playing? You will often encounter hosts that do not have a stable Internet connection. The result? A broken game that destroys the competitive atmosphere to the small debris that makes it impossible to enjoy.

We ourselves are quite disappointed that Bandai Namco does not give extra attention to the first Climax Fighters serie touted to come with this online mode. P2P becomes a nightmare formula that more often ends up disappointing, than satisfying. We also tried to create their own room and invite other gamers in, but never produce results. It seems to prove that Bandai Namco itself looks still not ready to bring Climax Fighters up to a higher level, an exciting fighting game that does not rely solely on the fan base of Kamen Rider. Believe it or not, we've never even got a single match in Tour mode.


Just like what happened with Gundam Versus, it does not seem excessive to mention that Kamen Rider: Climax Fighters is designed for gamers who are actively following a franchise that never loses its popularity. That the battle between these masked knights is now visualized in an interactive format with loyalty to the main material Bandai Namco has acquired itself. That not only the visual display, each Kamen Rider managed to look unique through the animation of attacks, special powers, Rider Skill, until the evolutionary attack called Evolution are different from each other. Although on the surface it looks simple, but the battle system itself is quite solid. There is a need to set the strategy and determine the right timing for action, offensive or defensive, to pursue victory. The roster selection that is carried will seem to satisfy any Kamen Rider fan, especially for those who do dream to become the main protagonist.

Nevertheless, it's hard not to admit, that this series has too many obvious problems not to talk about. From the presentation was quite disappointing from the visual and musical side, to the choice of roster that did not pay attention to the older Kamen Rider era in it. Whereas in Gundam Versus, Bandai Namco succeeded in presenting a piilhan roster that is so massive to be rejected just like that. But of all the complaints that can arise, two main facts: the absence of a campaign mode presence and messy online fashion infrastructure seems to be the biggest and most disappointing complaint at the moment.

So, is Kamen Rider: Climax Fighters worth a glance? For gamers who fall in love with every series of television movies and wide screens without exception and so fondle them, then there is no reason to deny the appeal of Climax Fighters itself. Opportunity to play a role as the latest Kamen Rider like Build or Ex-aid seems to be a tough temptation to deny. But for gamers who want just a fascinating fighting game without any knowledge in the totally related Kamen Rider, Climax Fighters does not seem to be a game created with your thinking, as the main market.

  • Details of each Kamen Ride
  • The unique strength of each Kamen Rider is applied quite well in battle
  • Roster filled with the latest series
  • Some sounds are filled by the original actors
  • The battle system has its own depth
  • Battle mode 2 vs 2 is pretty exciting

  • Visualization is not special
  • No memorable companion music
  • Less nostalgic effects
  • Infrastructure online is bad
  • There is no adequate campaign mode
  • No Shadow Moon


Series: Kamen Rider Series

Developer: Bandai

Publisher: Bandai

Release date: 2013

Genre: Arcade & Collection Game

Game modes: 1 Player

Platform: Arcade

Written by @anwarunsam

Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia, 27 January 2018 


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