Zombie Adventure - Game 10 - Day 3 (Nov. 9, 2017)

in #gaming7 years ago

Player 3 has uncovered a stash of axes in the center building while the rest of the team look around.

Objective: There is a pile of gold somewhere in the city; 4 kg to be exact! Find it and take it out of the city. Nobody knows exactly where this gold is, so you will need to hunt for it!

Players turn from day before:

(5) happyme [torch, axe] Uses the torch to search the bus and finds an axe! Moves N. & E.
(3) miniature-tiger [axe] Attacks the door again and it comes crashing down. Moves into the building and discovers a stash of axes. Moves back outside.
(2) mr-karl [pistol] Moves N. and searches the car and finds a Walker. Attacks it but misses.
(4) rayne122 [rifle, gasoline] Searches the bus and finds some gasoline! Moves N. and E.
(1) vanquish [x-bow, axe] Moves N. twice and picks up an axe.

Players can see a spreadsheet with their inventory here:


Zombie Turn after the players made the above moves:

All zombies pre-existing on the board move: The found Walker attacks player 3. Roll 3 = fail.
Zombies spawn at spawn sites:
left rolls a 1 = nothing.
top rolls a 6 = Hulk.
right rolls a 3 = Walker.


This game is already in progress. You are welcome to sign up for the next one when it is announced (after this game ends).

The Rules of this game can be found here:


In addition, for this game ONLY (unless we decide we like it this way):

  • Hulks CAN be hurt by damage less than 2 points and will die by cummulative damage (this is a trial and may be reversed in future games).


The only legal way to get these exclusive buttons is to play the game and win.



Original zombie image used in the button obtained from https://pixabay.com/en/zombie-death-dead-day-of-the-dead-1801470/ (CC0)

In case you missed it, you can buy chain-link jewellery here using Steem!


That sound interesting definitely I will try something new and sure I will have same fun.....definitely isn’t it..........?.

search and kill anything bad/take good and if moves left, go out to help kill zombies

Player 1

Action 1: Search. Roll 3 = fail. Roll 1 = find no zombie.
Action 2: Move S.
Action 3: Move E.

I move East and hammer at the door with the axe.

Player 3

Action 1: move E.
Action 2: Attack the door. Roll 1 = fail.
Action 3: attack again. Roll 6 = success! The door is now open.
Inside we find: 5, 2, 6 = A Runner by the door and farther in are nothing and a Hulk.
You will need to get closer to see what is inside the room with the '?'.

Player 5

I really want to open this door and then move to the car and search, but with 2 zombies North of me, I may need to assist with eliminating them. So I'll postpone my actions until I see what players 2 and 4 do. If they are successful in clearing those 2 zombies I will go with my original plan to open the door. If they are not successful, I will move N. and help with the zombies there.

REMEMBER that player 2 CAN use his pistol against the Walker in his square because there are no other players in that square at this time! If another player moves into the square then close-combat weapons ONLY must be used.

Since Player 3 already opened the door, I may as well move into player 2's space and attack his Walker. I don't have a ranged weapon, so if i dispose of the Walker he found, he can concentrate on the Walker in the spawn zone.
Action 1: Move N.
Action 2: Attack Walker with my axe. Roll 3 = fail.
Action 3: Try again. Roll 3 = fail.

Well that was useless!

I will wait for player 2's action.

But a question though .
Can I shoot crossly, not just Straight Forward ?

I mean, can I shoot at my north-east square ?

Nope! No shooting around corners either. From a doorway, you can shoot into the next room. Only out on straight streets can you shoot more than 1 space away. And in 90 degree angles only.

Player 2 is in Ireland, so will likely respond in the next 8 hours.

Why not simply state your choices like I did? Say what your goal is and if certain conditions are met, then that goal changes to another goal. That way if player 2 doesn't answer until just before I update, your choices are already known and I can implement them rather than try and guess because you are now sleeping or otherwise not available.

Nah. I am available alright.
Move N,
Attack the Zombie Walker barehanded with all my actions..

If Player 2 attacked the walker and killed it. I would have moved N and shoot the Walker to my E with my actions.

Player 4

Action 1: Move N.
Action 2: Use bare hands to attack Walker. Roll 2 = fail.
Action 3: Try again. Roll 2 = fail.

I will be out doing puppy training this morning, so have to update and run out for the training. Since player 2 has not yet responded I will take the turn for him.

Player 2

Action 1: Shoot at Walker in his space with is pistol. Roll 3 = fail.
Action 2: Try again. Roll 6 = success! Walker is now dead.
Action 3: Shoot at Walker in the spawn zone. Roll 1 = fail.

I just realized that player 5 is also in the space with player 2, so player 2 is limited to bare-hand combat.
That means that the Walker is NOT dead and has only a half point damage on it.

Move N. and shoot at the Hulk until dead. If any moves left, skip them

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