RE: The war between the consoles and PCs. Is it about to end?
The first reason is pretty much the only argument that makes sense. But only to a degree - since you can easily just build a mid-range PC for a very similar price as a console has, though the XBOX ONE X is currently a very good value for the buck - nobody can argue with that..
The rest is just crap that get passed along from the old times.
Ease of use - buy game, click download, click play. That's all.
Bigger Screen - because a PC cannot be connected to a TV right?
Ease of multiplayer: servers down - that happens for all games, including the ones on consoles ; no-one playing a game - happens to consoles a lot ; getting disconnected and latency issues - those are issues with your internet, not your computer.
But this inspired me, I'll start making a series on why these "reasons" don't make sense these days.